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Newbies in Need Day 29!

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    Newbies in Need Day 29!

    Hi Ducky things are alright today.

    I hope the tests will help you to figure out what the problem is. It must be very frustrating for you to go through that. I wish you all the best.



      Newbies in Need Day 29!

      Hi everyone, checking in late tonight - thanks everyone for all your kind posts. Well done Lorelei getting through your dad's anniversary. I lost my father-in-law last year and during the last 30 days, whenever I've been tempted, I've looked at his photo and I can hear him saying "you're doing well, keep going". I know he would be so upset to see me the way I was a month ago. Adaptable & Hart - 21 days! It does get easier as time goes on! Ducky sorry to hear about your problem, hope your blood tests help get it sorted out. A big hello to Rily!! Night night everyone, see you tomorrow, Janicexxxxx
      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        Newbies in Need Day 29!

        Hi all,

        Congratulations to everyone who has been successful at stringing together AF days. The most I've managed is five in a row, but at least today is my 17th AF day this month. That ties my record for last month! And there are still two days left in the month! Prior to actively participating in MYO, I was drinking a bottle of wine at least five days a week. I set two goals this month--to have more AF days than last month (which I will beat by a day or two) and to not drink alone at home. (I ruined almost a three week stretch towards meeting the second goal the other night.) Although I still have a lot of alcohol issues, I'm so happy to be drinking less often, and generally just less. My goal next month is to Just Say NO to wine. One glass of wine and I lose my ability to be rational. So if I choose to drink next month it is going to be a beverage that I am not fond of--like a dark ale. This program and the community of wonderfully supportive people have been such a tremendous help. I've never been able to admit it to any of my close friends or family that I have a huge problem when it comes to alcohol. I so appreciate being able to come here and be honest and share with others who truly understand the struggles that we face everyday. Thank you, MYO community. Good luck everyone. We can do this!



          Newbies in Need Day 29!

          Hi everybody
          Welcome to the newbies! this forum will help you get off the grog. it did me!
          I have been AF for 16 days am slightly disheartened by the continuos headaches. I feel terrific otherwise, but the bad heads persist. I will give it 2 more weeks and then go to the Dr if they don't resolve. I stopped the milk thistle because somebody suggested they may be the cause, but they are still there...thump, thump, thump!
          I ahve a funeral this afternonn and I'm working the bar. LOL! this should be a challenge.
          WISH ME LUCK!
          Jane :heart:


            Newbies in Need Day 29!

            hello all i was excited to come home and not drink. i had decided that instead of coming home and drinking, i'd jump on the boards instead and have a community outlet. so here's to af #4 and counting. feels good and weird to have a few days of sober under the belt. uh no numbing tonight for this one. at least so far so good. tea time i think good lluck to all and rily, welcome. hart so cool on 21. wow, so cool


              Newbies in Need Day 29!

              I often do the same thing...jump on here rather than drink. MWO is my new addiction. Much healthier. Stay focused on getting through tonight AF. You will wake up so much happier! Gook luck.



                Newbies in Need Day 29!

                Hi all,

                just a quick hello. Day 11 AF for me feeling and I'm feelin' groovy (most of the time).

                Welcome Rily, these boards are great. Just feel free to post away, you will get a lot of support.

                Jane, so sorry to hear about the headaches... Mine cleared up after the first few days, but I don't usually suffer from headaches (other than hangovers), I hope you feel better soon Tending bar?... ouch!. well mix me up a virgin gin and tonic ;}

                Hart, I replied to your thread in general discussions. (No my mind was not in the gutter this time).

                Best wishes to all.


                  Newbies in Need Day 29!

                  Hi you all - I tried to begin this 30 days with you early May, but my attempt at moderation was not all that successful. I'm beginning another try at 30 - this time I'm much more prepared and confident. I've been inspired by your efforts and triumphs!

                  Congratulations on those of you who made it 30 Days in May!


                    Newbies in Need Day 29!

                    Hi all,

                    Congratulations everyone for your achievements despite all the problems at home.

                    I have managed for the last 12 months not to drink Mon to Fri and limit my consumption to 2 days a week. Still not good enough. Made a fool of myself a few times, so that’s it, I am going AF from now on. Wish me luck!


                      Newbies in Need Day 29!

                      ((((dessislava ))

                      While I think it's terrific that you have given up drinking during the week for a whole year:goodjob: if you feel that it is not enuf, and that you want and need to be abstinent all week long, well I am behind you 100%.:yougo:

                      I know my first weekend was the toughest. Let us know how you do, and stock up on water/pop whatever works for you.


                        Newbies in Need Day 29!

                        Thank you Hart! It is so good to know that somebody actually cares. As far as my husband is concern I don’t really have a problem, not until last weekend. It was pretty horrible and he certainly doesn’t deserve it. I actually remember everything, which makes it….even worst. I have realised that even after so many years together I can ruin a very precious relationship, for what…..fot the stupid buzz that wine gives me.


                          Newbies in Need Day 29!

                          i'm with you on the no drinking this weekend so here we go. it's friday. you know we simply aren't our natural selves when the alcohol takes over. so i say give up the shame and forgive forgive. today is a new day. can't take back what we've done. but we can take back the dignity we are today and begin anew. so i'm here counting on me filling up that emptiness with love and compassion for self. boots

