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want to start june with 3 days af

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    want to start june with 3 days af

    I have been posting for a couple of weeks, not got the book,cds or vits yet but i have been trying to cut down drank 3 days out of 7 but binged on two of them. I had a reaaly bad night last night with my husband because of my drinking, I said I wouldnt drink at home and then went and bought a bottle of wine, how stupid was that. anyway I am determined for the sake of my husband and children to finally commit myself to lots and lots of days af,going for 7 in a run to start with. I have to do this I just have to succeed. I hope I dont get really bad withdrawel symptoms. I went 3 days af last week in a row and didnt feel too bad just really anxious as if something was missing and nothing I ate or drank filled the hole. I usually do 7 miles most days on my bike Im going to up it to 14 see if that helps. So here goes I want to start June with 3 days under my belt anyone want to join me. :h :h :h :h h

    want to start june with 3 days af

    Dear Garden Girl, I'm with you. My 60th birthday is Friday. I want to be clear. I don't want to drink because I don' want my friends and sons to get bombed. When you have a craving, do something else to disrupt those thoughts. Hang in there.



      want to start june with 3 days af

      I really want to try also.. Last night was one of my worst too. I don't know why I can't seem to get a grip on the AF I know for sure I can't do Mods. I've tried that to many times.

      My husband is furious with me, but he keeps buying the booze and doles it out from his car to me. What's up with that? HELP.....


        want to start june with 3 days af

        thats great and just what I need to hear, small steps everyone, focus on the day and lets get into June.


          want to start june with 3 days af

          Kali, does it keep it locked in the trunk (boot) and then give you some? There's mixed messages. Perhaps it would be better if he wasn't your gatekeeper, just neutral?

          First, I dealt with this on my own, then I made a promise to my husband. None of this worked. He is never critical of me because he knows that I mentally beat myself up more than he would. Gave up on the promise to him. Now, I'm here. Reading, doing the CDs, taking the supplements. I keep up with the drink tracker. I make a commitment every morning and review the next day. I'm trying to identify my triggers. Sometimes, I want to celebrate and sometimes, just zone out. I'm tring to learn to do these things without the booze.



            want to start june with 3 days af

            He does keep it locked in the trunk... I don't know if he thinks he's helping me, or what?

            But I have to get this under control myself, I'm killing me.... Good luck to all of us.

            Oh, happy birthday on Friday!!!


              want to start june with 3 days af

              Hi GG - good for you :goodjob: ! - step by step each day and you'll be amazed at how it mounts up! Trying to learn that you can get through those triggers without alcohol is a great step forward so each little battle won gives you greater strength for the next time. So good luck with June - may you start it the way you plan, and then continue from strength to strength - you really sound determined and confident so use this to your advantage - you have a very strong opponent so you've got to be even more determined to beat it! Round 1 to you already, having got this far!

              Kali, that's an interesting arrangement you have with your husband! From one perspective it's actually very nice that he's prepared to help you moderate your drinking. From another perspective he's obviously facilitating it. However, he's obviously concerned enough about you to get involved so maybe if you have an honest chat and say this is something you're going to have to do for yourself and by yourself he would hopefully support you in that too?? When I say 'by' yourself I don't mean in isolation, but it has to be your responsibility rather than his. - just an observation obviously from not knowing the situation at all, so I hope I don't offend - none intended!

              Happy Birthday Dog Woman! I hope this year is a wonderfully happy one and your goals and dreams are met or at least in the pipeline!

              To everyone else who is working out the best way to take back control and start living the life you want and deserve I wish you all the best. I started only 3 months ago and feel I have my life back, mostly due to the amazing support, friendship and inspiration from this wonderful group of people. Good luck and take care - look forward to hearing how it goes!
              :rays: Arial

              Last first day - 15th April 2012
              Days 1-7 DONE
              Days 8-14 DONE
              Days 15-21 DONE
              30 days DONE
              60 days
              100 days


                want to start june with 3 days af

                GG: I want to start June w/some AF's under my belt too. I've been AF yesterday & today & I feel so great. That's what puzzles me so much. I feel awful when I drink & good when I'm AF then why do I drink?
                Dogwoman: By the way, I too love dogs. After a 7 year respite from dogs in my life, we just adopted a beautiful apricot mini poodle from the local shelter. He had been confined to a crate & was completely untrained, but is coming along w/socialization. Also, like you I'm an older woman (62) & to others, don't seem to type to drink alcoholically. But the addiction can strike anyone. For me, mod is not an option. Happy Birthday.
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  want to start june with 3 days af

                  Hi everyone. The musings here are so well known to me. My husband knows I like a drink, but he has no idea that I have a problem with it - and I do hide bottles now and again. it has to stop. This is my 3rd day. In the past I've done 7weeks - 10weeks - 7weeks - then I take a chance and before long back where I started, it's a well known story. I too want to get into June and keep at it . What about supporting each other? Tylyr


                    want to start june with 3 days af

                    Thank you for your honest answer Arial, I really appreciate it and am not offended what so ever. I think he is, in his own way trying to help. He also is a drinker, but not a problem for him, so I know he doesnot want an alcohol free zone at home.

                    I just have to be better about my goal setting, and sticking to it.

                    Thanks to all on this wonderful website, I think this helps so very much.


                      want to start june with 3 days af

                      Kali, just checked in on these posts. Arial said it much better than I. I asked my husband to get involved in helping me and it didn't work. The honest chat is good.

                      Retteacher, you are a brave person to take on a puppy. Charlie (my photo) had a heart attack at the groomers. I was devasted. We then adopted Molly an Austrailian something. She is 9 months old. She is more my husband's dog. He's rather tall and wanted something that was "more of a dog". Whatever that means. Anyway, Molly ran into me and hit my nose with her head -- had a black eye and a bloody nose. So....Molly went to boot camp where she went off for 2 weeks to be trained. It was well worth the money. She is now a controllable dog and guess what? My husband gets to keep her!

                      Anyway, I check in on the board every morning and before going home to see how everyone is doing and I'm glad to see many of you still hanging in there.
                      Later, gator......


                        want to start june with 3 days af

                        Thanks, DW,

                        Gosh I'm sorry to hear about your beloved dog. That had to be really difficult for you.

                        I'm sure my husband justs thinks if I try harder to moderate (can't do it) start later in the evening to have drinks (can't seem to do that).... Anyway, better tonight, been posting and PM a lot today. Went over to my mom's to make her some lunch.....

                        Have a great night, and thanks to all who have helped today.

                        Kali (aka-Jan)


                          want to start june with 3 days af

                          well i want to start june with a few days under my belt too. so i'm up to day 4 and honestly that is a breakthrough. hahaha. i have to say that it seems like it shouldn't be but ah well it is. so i'm hoping that if your hubby keeps it locked in the trunk that they are all full. would hate for him to get pulled over. oy veh. some explaining to do. huh? happy bday too by the way. and well i'm coming up on 47 and wow, wouldn't it be great to ring that in sober with like a cup of tea and a scone? un imaginable. so i'll just think about today and i just took my topa and supps. i ordered the abs cds today. has anyone bought those? i want to listen to them as i think i'm not going to be the moderation girl. let's just say i've tried that for years and well here i am. any thoughts on that. thanks


                            want to start june with 3 days af

                            Morning everyone , this is day 2af for me I am determinedto get to June with 3 days AF, good luck everyone, lets all get into the month of June and then really go for it,Im away till tomorrow evening so Ill check in then. Lets keep this thread going untill June and the start another maybe titled The 30 day June club?. Remember small steps.

                            take care. xx:goodjob:


                              want to start june with 3 days af

                              Good idea garden girl. This is day 4 for me-again. Would love to get through June (including holiday/birthday) - it can be done. Tylyr

