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Sugar headaches....

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    Sugar headaches....

    Oh good Ginger!

    That sounds great. No, did not call the doctor. I hate dealing with 'getting to know ' a new doctor. Woke up with slight headache... Its getting stronger. So annoying. It is a bummer to have this headache as otherwise I would be feeling great. I may make a telephone appointment? They do it in the afternoon.

    Let's see....
    (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


      Sugar headaches....

      Well dog gone it! I woke up with a little one this morning but I immediately knew what my problems was. It was super hot yesterday and I did a fair amount of sweating during my hike. I didn't drink nearly the water I needed to drink and for that matter I didn't even drink my normal amount. I woke up a little dehydrated this morning. It's gone now and I'm fine. Do you drink a lot of water?

      Do you have access to a naturopath? I love my doctor now that I have one that practices the kind of medicine I'm into. The whole body approach not just one symptom. Just a thought.

      Hey... Where are you located?


        Sugar headaches....

        Dehydration is not the issue for me. I drink 1.5 liters of water daily and then tea and whatever else.
        No wine anymore. The headache improved for a few hours and then returned. I am going to have to see someone. I can call. I hate going to the doctor. I don't like sitting there complaining. I know, it is stupid.

        What is a naturopath? I will google it. Oh, I get. Probably? I have no clue. Everything is in Dutch. It is a good suggestion though. Something to research in August.
        We are located in the Hague, near the sea.
        (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


          Sugar headaches....

          no headache today.
          I want to note this here so I remember exactly how often this is happening.
          (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


            Sugar headaches....

            revised: i actually woke up with one but am fine now - ate a peach before the gym and a proper lunch.
            (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


              Sugar headaches....

              This seems really odd to me. I'm glad you are considering seeing a doctor. A naturopath is a doc that specializes in healing the whole body not just giving you a pill for a specific condition. They are all about nutrition, exercise, mental health and physical ailments combined. I switched to mine about 5 years ago. My regular doc was a pill pusher and I hated to even go see her because it would always end badly. I questioned everything she said and she didn't like that at all. I do the same with the naturopath but he's willing to sit there and answer all my questions. He's a much better fit for me.

              How is the sugar and AL going?


                Sugar headaches....

                Well, there is no real problem with the AL, rather without the AL. For now anyhow. If I had a drink I know I would start the cycle all over again. A visit to my mother usually cures me of drinking for a while. Haha. That sounds terrible, but... She scares me sober.
                (( My brain starts thinking omg, omg... you need all your brain cells honey!!! There is not one to spare!))
                I am still wanting to eat sweets... 1-2 cookies... it's okay. I am not going to freak out about it. Or the extra 2 kilos.. yes it was two not one I have added.

                I think maybe it's migraines again?
                It is not normal. I always assumed it was the wine. My doctor used to give me migraine medicine to have around, just in case. When I have one for 3 days I would take it. I don't have anything for them now.
                It is like I need something to really get rid of it.
                (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                  Sugar headaches....

                  Heya... and congratulations on your 60 days! This is so great.
                  (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                    Sugar headaches....

                    I just realized we started our quit around the same time. We are quit sisters! Do you take magnesium supplements? My doc has me taking one a day. Migraines can be triggered by magnesium deficiencies, I think. It's a good suppliment for our bones too. You might read up on it and give it a try. It's a farely inexpensive suppliment. Let me know how it goes...... Feel free to private message me.

                    Wait... I just reread your signature line. You are more than 60 days - right? Oh and a couple of cookies a day doesn't seem too bad, especially if they are healthy cookies full of whole grains, nuts, dates, etc. ??


                      Sugar headaches....

                      The infamous headache returned yesterday morning. Note: I am running low on the magnesium and haven't been taking it as consistently.

                      So, I took one yesterday morning, one in the afternoon and then again in the evening.
                      I went to bed with the headache but woke up without it. I think we are definitely onto something with this magnesium. Just wanted to share.
                      (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                        Sugar headaches....

                        If you like baths, soaking in an Epsom salts bath is a relaxing way to get some magnesium.

                        It is great to hear you doing so well (other than this latest headache ).


                          Sugar headaches....

                          Eloise, I am still getting terrible headaches.....must try magnesium. Never had these in any other quits.
                          Can go a couple of weeks then they just appear. Right now have had one for 2 days.....medication not making any real difference....
                          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                            Sugar headaches....

                            Did you eat a lot of Birthday cake ?
                            Hope it goes away soon!


                              Sugar headaches....

                              Haha, NoSugar,,,,,,and no cake!
                              IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                                Sugar headaches....

                                That would have been such a nice, easy explanation. Hope tomorrow is better!

