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Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

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    Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

    I think it is time to resurrect the pros and cons list of drinking vs not drinking. A simple reminder why we are on this journey. I will start the list, please feel free to add to it! xoxoxo Mary

    When I drink without moderation:

    I wake up hungover
    I pass out on the couch
    I do not have good conversations with my husband
    I am not available in an emergency situation
    I avoid phone calls
    my skin looks dry
    my eyes look worn out

    When I am AF or drink moderately:

    I remember the day before clearly
    I have no headache or stomach upset
    my blood pressure is lower
    my eyes sparkle
    I think quicker
    I do not avoid conversations with people
    I am available to drive to the hospital in the middle of the night
    my skin is soft and supple
    I exercise more often and have more energy

    Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why


    Great list!:goodjob: I agree with it wholeheartedly, you didn't say anything that doesn't apply to me.:thanks:


      Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

      When I drink too much I hate myself.
      When I am in control I feel strong and good.


        Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

        There was a time when alcohol controlled all aspects of my life..

        The thinking about it.

        The craving it.

        The buying it.

        The drinking it.

        The hangover.

        The lost day.

        The depression.

        Now that I no longer drink, I control all aspects of my life.. I'm free, and freedom is one of the greatest gifts I have ever given myself...

        Great thread Mary,

        Love, Louise xx
        A F F L..
        Alcohol Free For Life


          Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

          All of the above forme... Well, except I'm still trying to turn the key on my cell, and free myself.

          Irish, you should write a book - I'd buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Smooches, Kali (aka-Jan)


            Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

            I agree Mary great thread and I must say you have such great timing

            To moderate:
            I remember everything the next day
            I enjoy the next day, the smell of the air
            I plan my future I love being alive
            I enjoy my children
            I know that I am there if there is an emergency
            I enjoy the simple things in life like the view out my front window of the lake
            The smell of the air, the ride to work
            The pep in my step

            To not moderate for me means:
            I lose patience with my children who I love dearly and they are my pride
            I beat myself up over and over and over and over
            I spend hours thinking of why I do that to myself and what is my problem
            I am so depressed
            I want to run and hide and never come back..I am embarrassed even if no one knows of my behavior but me
            I snap at my husband and look for fights
            I get over emotional and I hate that because I am a strong person
            I don't call back friends
            I isolate
            I don't like myself

            I hate when I overdo it!

            Thank you Mary, such a great reminder. You are so wonderful....much love

            Now I need to go back and rest because the flu is rampaging our home
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

              When I drink:
              I lose a full day the next day.
              I throw up.
              I have a pounding headache.
              I eat like a pig.
              I fall down and bruise my body.
              I leave candles lit in the house.
              I fight with my husband.
              I'm fearful of when and where I'm going to screw myself up next.

              When I don't drink:
              I embrace each day and live it to it's fullest.
              I'm happy.
              I'm energetic.
              I nourish my body.
              I physically look good.
              My mind is sharp.
              My mind is guilt free.
              I feel no regrets.
              September 23, 2011


                Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

                Beaches and Rennie,

                You have said everything so very well, Thanks


                  Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

                  When I drink I feel ashamed and worried about what I have said or done...

                  When i don't drink I feel proud and kinda smug, like I've found the answer...!

                  Thanks everyone and glad to see you again Irishlady, and back on track too.
                  love Jane
                  Jane :heart:


                    Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

                    :l Mary:l
                    :l all:l
                    Thanks for the reminders
                    Enough is enough


                      Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

                      Great list, have been thinking about it myself. All of the above applies.
                      I hate:
                      The promises that I make (have been known to offer somebody a job at may company!!?)
                      The things that I say to my husband.
                      The secrets I reveal to my friends.
                      The phone calls

                      When I don’t drink
                      I am confident
                      I am happy and guilt free
                      I am full of energy
                      And most of all the future looks bright!


                        Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

                        All of the Above .....

                        Thanks Mary ...

                        BB xxx


                          Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

                          Everyone: Great thread. All of the above.
                          When I drink:
                          -worry about who will find out.
                          -worry about how to dispose of bottles.
                          -worry about how much money I'm wasting.
                          -worry about my health.
                          When I'm abs:
                          The opposite of all of the above.
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

                            What a great thread!

                            I would like to add that when I drink too much I worry about how I am ruining my health and wonder how I can do it when I watched my father ruin his.

                            Not to mention the phone calls, emails, dinner invitations, etc.

                            When I drink moderately or abstain I like waking up free of dread.


                              Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

                              Great post MKR. Also the greatest time waster - thinking about it, recovering from it, etc. etc.

                              Enlightened by MWO

