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Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

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    Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

    All the above and...

    This morning I woke up and part of my usual morning routine I reached for the Visine eye drops - looked in the mirror and saw that they weren't bloodshot!!


      Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

      When I drink I am plagued with anxiety about EVERYTHING. It wakes me up in the middle of the night and it frightens me. My health, my children, my job, my entire life is ruined by anxiety and worry.

      When I moderate I am free to dream and rest peacefully. I wake feeling happy and healthy. I embrace my children and welcome them into a beautiful new day.
      Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


        Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

        I dance better when I don't drink. I don't slur my words either.


          Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

          Moderation - I am enjoying life. Every single minute.
          Respecting myself and especially the ones that love me.

          I don't know if I could ever recognize the person that I became a few years ago. I was really depressed, and very dead to all that loved me. I ran across a bunch of pics of me at that time in my life and it really touched me to see how far I have come. I don't know if anyone else ever runs across pics of the days of drunkeness, but it is a real eye opener.

          bon vivant
          Be careful about reading health books. You might die of a misprint. --Mark Twain


            Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why


            I not only dance better, but I sing to myself now quite a bit.
            Be careful about reading health books. You might die of a misprint. --Mark Twain


              Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

              I had not thought of the not being available in an emergency, but now that I think about it the first thing I did when I woke up from my blackout was run around the cabin counting kids. When I realized one was missing I started yelling at my husband and he told me that my son was at his friends where I had been with him earlier. I didn't even know where he was, then to top it off my daughter had a big scratch on her eye lid because a fishing pole fell on her. Then my last worry was "what happened to me" anyone could have grabbed me and done whatevr. I hope nothing did happen, but how would I know.
              Here we go again.

              AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009


                Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why


                Who did I call and email? What did I say or write?
                How much hurt did I cause my hubby and did the kids witness it?
                What did I do after blacking out????
                Beating myself up the next day with guilt and questions what I did to whom.
                Afraid to ask anyone what I did.
                Feeling dizzy, sweaty, itchy, anxious, scared, needing a drink to feel better, weak, ashamed.
                Loss of money, friends and sanity.
                Dirty house, unpaid bills, feeling lazy and depressed.
                Being out of control.


                Feeling strong and healthy.
                Remembering great conversations the next day.
                Remembering sex with hubby the next day.
                Being able to take care of my house, kids, bills, cooking for my hubby.
                Being in control.
                Being a much nicer and more humble person.
                Appreciating my life, family, a sunny day, etc...


                  Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

                  Thank you all for the reminders.

                  Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                    Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

                    So let's bump them both because they are both great.
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

                      All of the above and:

                      When I drink I feel like I'm dead.

                      When I'm abs I know that I'm alive.
                      "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                        Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

                        I am most glad to be rid of the awful anxiety that plagued me when I was drinking way too much way too often. I no longer wake up in the middle of the night with a pounding heart and an awful feeling of dread.

                        I love being an better mom to my children. I also love the energy bursts that I have. I have been purging my home of clutter and junk, which I would never had the motivation to do during my massive drinking days. Basically, I just love life without the constant hangover!



                          Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

                          i ve read so many reasons for sobriety that all make perfect y then is it so damm hard to do the right thing, alcohol turns the most rational logical people into a shell of a person,

                          i cant wait to be af free i want so badly not to

                          have to have a beer in my hand whilst hoovering, cleaning etc, im always putting them down an loosing em!

                          not having to hide beer 4 the morning,

                          curse my bf an count how many he is drinking, or how quickly, i panic there wont b any left 4 me,

                          i want to be able to trust myself when im in social situations,i always make an arse of myself, an reveal way to much info, an row wiv bf,

                          i want to be able to do recycling but have always been way to embarrassed due to the sheer volume of tins an bottles, it takes for ever to put the rubbish out, an the neighbours here the chinking of cans,

                          i dont want my boss to despair of me,

                          i want my memory to come bk,

                          i want my family to love me, i want my mum to welcome me into her home, not hate me,, that might b pushing it tho,!!

                          i want to remember all the wonderful nights a passion wiv bf that i have no recollection of!

                          i want to know where my bruises come from,

                          i want to remember what the hell i did yesterday an what im meant to b doing today!

                          i dont want to feel like a 90 yr old,

                          i want my home always to be tidied an washing pt away,

                          i want my child to tell me when he needs help wiv his homework an be of sound mind to help,

                          i dont want my child to always see me wiv a beer in hand,

                          i dont want him to see me cry,

                          i dont want him evr to cover me wiv a blanket when i pass out an meant to b saying good night to him,

                          i dont want my child to grow up feeling that ber is the way to cope with sadness,

                          i dont want to put my whole familys safety in jeopardy cos i fell asleep with candles burning nxt to my be,

                          i dont want to be so damm evil to people when they get in the way of me havin a drink,

                          i dont want to curse visitors that come, an i have to drink coffee, (mum in law etc )

                          i dont want to flood the house cos i passed out an left the bath running,
                          etc etc etc ,,

                          im hoping that im on my way to being able to write a positive list of things about sobriety soon,
                          :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                            Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

                            SOBER, I see the world in a different light and that I have endless opportunities.........

                            DRUNK, the shutters are down as I have no energy or inclination to do anything other than drink..........

                            Starlight Impress


                              Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

                              What a great thread. So why do we do it???

                              I can't answer that one at the moment.


                                Drinking vs Not Drinking - A reminder why

                                drunk = a wasted morning waiting to feel better

                                sober = a beautiful cool morning walk listening to the birds and world come alive

                                Nothing more I can think of to add to everyone's very accurate descriptions.

                                :h Suz
                                The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.

