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Newbies in Need -- Day 30!

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    Newbies in Need -- Day 30!

    Good morning all!

    I was abs last night, after an AF night. I feel good. I had my one (large) drink and instead of pouring a bit more while cooking made sure hubbie helped me prep dinner. Once we got started with all of that the urge was gone. I keep seeing that some of the struggle involves changing patterns so that I don't have to option to overdo it. Anyway, it is nice to head to the gym w/o a hangover this morning.

    How is everyone?

    Newbies in Need -- Day 30!

    Morning Ducky and well done for last night. Hi to everyone else checking this thread today. Feel good today, getting stuck into housework (urgh!). Little smile when I remember doing my housework a few weeks ago and having that glass of white handy - today its a good old cup of English tea!! Anyway, have a great day everyone despite the weather here in the UK. Love Janicexxx
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Newbies in Need -- Day 30!

      checkin' in

      Janice: Are you the only newbie in need who made it to the month's end??
      Well done!

      May 1-4 AF
      May 5-8 off
      May 9-18 AF
      May 19-20 Way off
      May 21-24 AF
      May 25-26 off
      May 27 to present AF

      Looks like this month I had about 8 days in which I had alcohol, mostly on weekends. That is an improvement but still had some bad nights.

      I need to try to keep this up for next month and add a new goal.

      I feel better and in more control. I want more of this feeling.

      Maybe the goal will be regular meditation practice with some regular hypno. I am irregular about both.


        Newbies in Need -- Day 30!

        nancy, I kept track like that on my calendar for 2-3 years before I found this support group. I wish I had found this group before to share my struggle with. I'm still struggling, believe me, it's just so wonderful not to be alone.

        I'm still having these darn headaches and its day 22 AF. My husband is so sick and tired of my having headaches and was really pushing the beer yesterday. I’ve always given caved inn in the past because it’s just so damned dilapidating. He just can’t understand why I can’t have a few beers to get rid of the headache. He also misses is drinking and smoking buddy. Damned, this isn’t easy you guys.


          Newbies in Need -- Day 30!

          I can't stop these tears from flowing when ever they feel like coming. I have to work so hard at not killing people sometimes, especially my husband. I feel these emotional outbursts inside me and I want to explode.

          I had this dream last night that I was in this room with these people and I was on the floor spinning on my back and I couldn’t stop, I was totally out of control. Perhaps I need help, but I’m going to give it another week. Take care everyone.


            Newbies in Need -- Day 30!


            Wow, headaches after 22 days! That is really bad.

            I wonder why you still have them.

            Can you talk to an addiction specialist about this? or maybe check with someone in the longterm abstinence section to see what you can do? search threads for headaches?

            As for your husband, I feel angry at him. sounds like he is trying to derail your attempts.

            Just be strong. remember what our mothers told us when we wanted to do something our friends did: "If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?"

            I really hope you can resist.


              Newbies in Need -- Day 30!

              Morning All!

              Another AF day for me bringing the total of this streak to 10. Even with the anniversary of my fathers passing I have managed to remain AF - though I am smoking like a chimney (ahh one vice at a time).

              Adaptable - My moods are all over the place and my dreams have been freaky too. Perhaps its all the emotions we kept drowning rising to the surface and working their way out of our system. If we let them out they won't be around to disturb us anymore.

              ducky and janice - good job to both!

              nancy - every small step eventually will get you to your goal!!

              To everyone - have a great day!

              Suddenly I see
              This is what I want to be
              suddenly I see
              Why the hell it means so much to me.

              -KT Tunstall


                Newbies in Need -- Day 30!

                AF day 22 for me.

                (((Adaptable))), my fellow Washingtonian. Do you want me to go over and kick your hubby's butt? I will be glad to do so, not just for you, but for all the pent up feelings I have toward my ex-husband, AND, wherever u are in Washington I have friends or relatives so I'll make it a semi-vacation.

                Seriously, I am proud of you for resisting your hubby's attempts to derail you. I'm sorry you have these headaches after so long. I would talk to your doc. I didn't have any bad headaches while taking my Campral.....could you be having a reaction to whatever you are taking?

                Do check into reason to have to feel miserable.:l


                  Newbies in Need -- Day 30!

                  Adaptable, I was having bad headaches too and had also given up drinking and smoking at the same time. I caved on day 10 and smoked and had 3 drinks. It did NOT help - the headache, which was tolerable before, was pounding yesterday. So I'm now on day AF 2 again. I looked up withdrawal symptoms for alchohol and cigarettes. Both mention headaches so it could be that you are doing both that is making it take longer. I'm also considering that it might be a sinus infection compounding it and using hot packs and nasal spray. Seems to be helping - not much headache today. I wish you the best and good for you for not caving. Sorry your husband is not being supportive - but you can use my bad example to let him know it is not a solution.


                    Newbies in Need -- Day 30!

                    Hi Everyone: We're coming to the end of the month of May. I've had 9 pretty bad drinking days this month & want to improve next month. I love seeing everyone's progress. The physical withdrawal symptoms (headaches) will probably diminish w/time. I haven't had any myself. I always feel better when I don't drink. Then, why do I drink? I wish I could come up w/a good answer to that question: habit, instant mood change, whatever. The good feeling from drinking is so fleeting as compared to the good solid feeling from abs.

                    Ducky: I always cooked & drank. That was a hard habit to break. Good luck everyone. Mary
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Newbies in Need -- Day 30!

                      The first time I decided to go AF which was in March. I experienced a headache every morning but they subsided without needing anything. I was taking melatonin every night (which didn't help me sleep) and I think that is what was giving me headaches.

                      I have drank since then as I am sure many of you are aware of and of course the hang overs don't count (sorry just being a little sarcastic) Now that I am back to AF, caffiene free and no longer taking melatonin I feel a lot better.

                      It could be man things causing them.


                        Newbies in Need -- Day 30!

                        On the last post I sent I didn't mean "man" things I meant many things just wanted to clear that up.


                          Newbies in Need -- Day 30!

                          Hi all,
                          At the beginning of this month I was sure I'd get 30 days A.F. but...I still drank alot less than I would have without it.I certainly find it worthwhile if we could have a june thread I'm sure plenty of newbies would like to join. I have a Dr.appt. friday for a check up. I am going to ask for campral. When I was at the Dr. 6 months ago he told me when I got 1 week A


                            Newbies in Need -- Day 30!

                            Hey bird, I wouldn't give the comment a second thought. Docs hear all kinds of things all day so I'm sure your doc won't be thinking about it.

                            I'd like to keep posting on this thread although I am aiming for mods, not af.


                              Newbies in Need -- Day 30!

                              Hi everybody
                     headaches are out of control too. I have just got off the phome after making an appt for the Doc to see of i can do anything. I have always suffered migraine headaches but since I have been AF ( 16 days now) they have been terrible. I have decided to stop all the supps, rightly or wrongly. I have to stop these debilitationg headaches because it's so hard to work. I have already lost two days in bed and I'm not really well enough to go in to today, but I must. I feel disheartened, but not tempted to drink. Feel to bloody ill to drink!!!!!!
                              I'll let you kmow what happens.
                              Jane :heart:

