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Question from a newbie

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    Question from a newbie

    OK, I have the start of a plan in place- vitamins, excercise, have bought my bottle of kudzu-

    But, was anyone else AFRAID of quitting alcohol?

    I am scared I can't enjoy life without it.

    Question from a newbie

    I would dare to say that EVERYONE was afraid of a life without AL!! Unfortunately, that fear kept most of us from doing anything about it, even tho it kept us locked in addiction. The truth is, it's not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. It's not always easy, by any stretch, there are some internal struggles, but overall it to totally do-able. I was so afraid of even TRYING! I feared getting DT's! I feared what life would be like without my 'best friend'. How would I get thru social situations, I am in sales, how would I possibly get thru a sales convention??? How on EARTH was I going to live the rest of my life without this crutch? The answer is, I've done GREAT! Getting and remaining sober is a skill, just like anything else and the more you do it the better you get. I feared that I'd no longer be the life of the party....but you know what? I don't have to be anymore....I attend parties, I have a nice time, don't make an ass of myself and I go home!

    Yes, we all feared what life would be like after AL, I can tell you, it's 1000 times BETTER! It is different...but it is definitely BETTER! You are in very good company here, Winter...Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Question from a newbie

      I am going to second everything that Byrdie said.
      I was incredibly afraid of quitting. That's why I avoided it for such a long time. I didn't even care that my health was on the decline or that I was a beyond miserable person because that fear kept me right on drinking.
      Until one day I knew that I had to quit and that I had to sit with those feelings. Especially that first night. The anxiety was brutal.....but it's all worth it. It honestly is.
      That fear kept the viscous cycle going for such a long time until I realized there was nothing to actually fear because we can persevere and adapt.
      I saw on a billboard once in front of a church something that read "FEAR. False. Evidence. Appearing. Real."
      I just keep thinking back to that when I am afraid of something, anything and I then come to the conclusion that I can work through anything when I put my mind to it.
      This won't be the first or last time you experience fear but honestly, sobriety is worth it.
      So it's okay to be afraid. Nothing is set in stone. And of course your addict brain is trying to trick you into picking up that drink again. It'll quiet down over time, with sobriety.


        Question from a newbie

        I was afraid too - it is ok to feel scared. It is always uncomfortable to move out of comfort zone. But trust me - you can enjoy life without AL and it will become comfortable too.
        AF since 10/20/2013
        Smoke free since 09/24/2007
        Meat free since 09/20/2008
        With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


          Question from a newbie

          Petrified is how i felt, how can i live without my best friend, my companion! How could i possibly cope with life sober and keep sober? As the days, weeks and months roll on every single day gets better. My health is better, my emotions are better, i have pride in myself, i love who i am becoming, my children are so proud. What more can i possibly want.

          Yes i was petrified to stop but it is the best thing i have ever ever done except for my children. You will never regret stopping drinking, you will have regrets if you keep drinking.
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Question from a newbie

            Yep, I was definitely afraid to stop drinking. What moved me forward was that I reached a point where I was even MORE afraid to NOT stop.

            Different people have different experiences adjusting to AF life - for some it's easier than others. However, I bet most people find they enjoy life much more AF. That doesn't mean it's all sunshine and lollipops, or that it's all easy. Not at all. But it's real, and I have found that my bad days without alcohol are still better than my good days with AL used to be.

            If you're looking for support, you've found it!
            Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


              Question from a newbie

              Very afraid, but it's the best thing for us who don't have the off switch. Life is a 1,000 times better in so many ways. Glad you're here!
              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                Question from a newbie

                Terrified. I knew I would die if I didn't quit, but death didn't frighten me. What made me quit was I didn't know how long I'd have to wait for death and I loathed myself and the existence I was living - I didn't want to spend anymore time with the me I had become, so decided quitting was worthy trying.

                At first I was afraid of the physical withdrawal symptoms. Then I was afraid of how I would function without it and whether I'd ever be happy again. After a few weeks, my fear was explaining to people that I wasn't drinking, for fear that I'd begin again. But with each stage of fear that you conquer, your self-confidence will grow more, and you'll begin enjoying the richness of life again. That's a guarantee.
                Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


                  Question from a newbie

                  I got to say on this last quit (and I hope to goodness it is the last), I was more afraid I would not quit. I believe I was on the road to some serious self destruction.
                  Liberated 5/11/2013


                    Question from a newbie

                    I was terrified at the very idea. Life without AL??? But by the time I crawled into MWO, I had lost most everything and was less afraid of dying and more afraid of living. My life was a disaster. I had hit bottom, so quitting was my only option. But as Byrdie said, it's a skill and it takes some practice and determination. I don't know where you are on this journey, but if you still have a good life to salvage, stop drinking now. And if like me, you have damaged it to the breaking point, stop drinking now. Either way, you win. xx.
                    Everything is going to be amazing

