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They were right: it IS progressive

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    They were right: it IS progressive

    I appreciate your perspectives and suggestions everybody; thankyou.

    Yes, Kensho, this time I'm going into it with the belief that it has to be forever. When I quit AL for four months in 2011, I thought after awhile that I could manage moderation. (We had friends come stay for a week from San Francisco, and they brought a selection of really fine wines from a private winery in Sonoma. At first, I thought AL actually tasted weird and a bit unpleasant, but by the second or third day, I was enjoying a glass of wine with meals, etc. It made me think, why not? I can do this without giving in to excess, without obsessing about it... No problem, right? Six months later I knew: Wrong!)

    And Ken, you didn't actually say so, but I'm guessing from what you wrote that the people around you aren't aware of the degree to which AL has got a grip on your life. If so, we have that in common, too. I made a joke at a staff social function recently about being a boozer, and everybody guffawed and made remarks like "You? Ha! Mr. Jock-who-never-takes-a-sick-day?" Maybe it's just luck that I haven't had serious health or legal problems due to AL abuse, and luckier still that my alcoholism isn't the type that leaves me physically dependent on it everyday.

    But I'm not under any illusions anymore: a high functioning alcoholic is still an alcoholic, and consumption increases. That's why I started this thead by saying that I get it now: it's progressive. I don't have quite as many AF days as I did, say, five years, ago, but I still have lots of them. The difference, and what has led me to such a need to straighten up my life, is that it's been rare on a drinking day for me recently to drink less than half a bottle of liquor (8-10 drinks), often with a glass or two of wine as well.

    I was a sociable, loquacious drinker, never got into arguments or fights, and with rare exceptions, was able to pass under the radar of alcoholic-spotters. But I felt awful so much of the time afterwards, and I found that there was this little voice in my head all the time saying "you've got to stop. you've got to stop."

    And I have. Gosh I hope I can do this.
    Resisting all Magical day at a time


      They were right: it IS progressive


      Congratulations on your decision to try an AL free life. From your posts you seem like a thoughtful person who has done his homework. You also seem to have the self realization to recognize what ails you and what wont work in the long run.

      Most of us know alcoholism is a progressive disease, but some of us seem to think we can tame it. There isn't an alcoholic alive that cant "hold" his/her liquor. By the time I quit I was up to a 1/5 of vodka a night. In addition to needing more and more booze to get the effect I wanted, I began to drink longer and more frequently. Slowly and over time alcoholism covered me like a blanket slowing being pulled up from my toes to my head. I too was highly functioning never really hitting rock bottom but my marriage still suffered, my relationship with my kids suffered, my career still suffered. Don't know how it couldn't have.

      Moderation doesn't work either when, for most of us, we know when we take the first sip that we are already thinking about the next one. Its a hell of a cycle. Quit, begin to moderate, slowing increase our drinking to a point that nothing ever really changed and then try and quit again. This cycle repeats itself over and over and slowly but surely detox gets worse and worse (Kindling).

      I had trouble sleeping as well. The ole Brain is misfiring all over the place. I had some success taking Valarian Root. Stinks like hell but it does have a mild sedative effect and helped with the sleep. Maybe you can talk to your Doc and get a prescription.

      Anyway, good luck to you. I hope you can make your new found sobriety stick. It is hard but the best things in life tend to be hard.
      Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

      William Butler Yeats


        They were right: it IS progressive

        You're right, TJAF, I have thought long and hard about my situation, and I still don't understand why, exactly, I'm not able to moderate. I have read all the threads and posts on MWO from members who are managing it, and some of them seem to be thriving and finding a way to have AL be part of their lives with minimal problems. I really believed I should and could be one of them.... But I just can't make that work. I had to stop deluding myself into thinking I could be a modder.

        I dunno if my life would have been much different if I'd given up AL ten or fifteen years ago, as far as career, family and other activities go. Outwardly, life's been mostly good; it's my physical and mental health that has been affected the most. And I became very adept at minimizing and hiding that. Eventually, as you said, the detoxing and repeat-cycle pattern was more than I could tolerate, and I was ready for this change.

        Thanks for the encouragement. I agree, the best things in life aren't easy, and this one definitely isn't!
        I'm determined, though, and I don't intend to let magical thinking lead me astray.
        Resisting all Magical day at a time


          They were right: it IS progressive

          RedJib, one thing I have noticed from those who are moderating is the amount of work they put in to the endeavor. So much thinking and planning and avoiding and cautiously imbibing, and imagery, and rules, and self-restraint... It has been a true weight off my shoulders to just not drink. I was so tired of thinking all the time, and I have replaced that brain space with so many other great things - like truly listening to my children, and thinking of ways to make my husband laugh, and how to better organize work.

          Done. Moving on to life.


            They were right: it IS progressive

            Hehe, so true! Moderating requires a lot of mental activity on a regular basis. "I don't drink" and "what shall we do/talk about instead?" are much easier.
            Resisting all Magical day at a time


              They were right: it IS progressive

              Kensho, You nailed it! Moderating takes way more work than just NOT drinking.


                They were right: it IS progressive

                Except on nights like tonight when I REEAAAAALLLLLLY want one. I know it will pass, but DANG! Makes me so mad! I am used to wanting healthy things! This stuff is really in the evil category!

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  They were right: it IS progressive

                  It will pass! Hang on tight and read, post, read!!


                    They were right: it IS progressive

                    Oh and maybe have a treat. Ice cream, cookies, anything tasty? You can even drive and get it because you aren't drinking!


                      They were right: it IS progressive

                      Moderation is way too much work. I tried it and it never worked because it was based on willpower rather than a change of heart. The true change of heart is vital to success and that means no booze whatsoever... right?
                      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                        They were right: it IS progressive

                        What a truly great way to put it Sober Soul! That's why it all of a sudden seems easier when we decide to leave it behind completely. There's no scheming, considering, reconsidering, regretting, thinking some more.... It's just moving on and forward.

                        Done. Moving on to life.


                          They were right: it IS progressive

                          SoberSoul;1687083 wrote: Moderation is way too much work. I tried it and it never worked because it was based on willpower rather than a change of heart. The true change of heart is vital to success and that means no booze whatsoever... right?
                          Moderation does not work for the addict because as we say at NA meetings, "one is too many and a thousand is never enough." Casual drinkers just don't give alcohol any thought. Most addicts just aren't wired that way.
                          In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


                            They were right: it IS progressive

                            Yep that would be me... wired to watch the bottle.
                            "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                              They were right: it IS progressive

                              Me too. Tried moderation bunches of times before. ALWAYS got back to drinking too much too often. As much as I wish this were not the case, I know that this will always be true for me. Moderation leads only one place - back to the hell that brought me here.


                                They were right: it IS progressive

                                SoberSoul;1687083 wrote: Moderation is way too much work. I tried it and it never worked because it was based on willpower rather than a change of heart. The true change of heart is vital to success and that means no booze whatsoever... right?
                                What you say is true for me as well. Thank you, SS, for stating it so plainly.


