Today is my fifth day with MWO (I know?5th!) and it seems to be working incredibly well. My goal is moderation. My drinking had been what I felt was normal until 15 months ago when my husband died suddenly. I crashed, burned and then went AF for 5 months, going to AA meetings. This just did not work for me. The meetings only depressed me further and probably in the mental state I was in, I was in no shape to take on another big life change. I tried drinking moderately and have been successful until about three months ago when school let out (I teach and fortunately that keeps me busy and on the right track for part of the year). When summer came I began to have terrible panic attacks and woke up craving a glass of wine to knumb myself. Since MWO, and I have been following it religiously, the cravings seemed to have almost disappeared. I have kept to one maybe two glasses of wine in the evenings without any effort.
Will this continue? I hope so so much! Also my doctor would only give me 60 topomax 25 mg.
The hypnotherepy seems to be the most effective tool of all and I have never tried this before.
Thank you all for being here.
Thank you Dr. Jewell.
Any advice greatly appreciated.