Just felt like writing a little quick (maybe!) post here before work starts. I was just curious if you believed that little saying 'living life on life's terms'...for me, I feel like we should live life on our own terms...I guess I just heard it in AA a lot...and not entirely sure what it means.
I know that we are no longer living life on alcohol's terms...but I don't want to give that power over (now that I am sober) to something else that I don't even understand! So would prefer to live life on my own terms...obviously, healthy terms.
I was wondering how all of you do with juggling life - day to day things...maybe that is what that quote means...that we need to learn how to live day to day 'normal' life, if you will.
I haven't posted here in a little bit...but it's because I have been busy - between work, school, doctors appointments, counselling appointments, tests, cooking and cleaning, the gym (just recently joined!) and what feels like a million different other things...but there isn't a day that doesn't go by where I am not aware of my sobriety and do little things to implement healthy behaviors that keep me on my road to recovery. I think a lot of the things I am doing even unconsciously keep me there as well.
I guess I just feel like we shouldn't put a lot of pressure on ourselves...what works for one may not work for another. I heard from a person when I was going to AA that in order to stay sober I *have* to help another alcoholic. Or....I *have* to get a sponsor. Then there are others that are saying that I *have* to journal or *have* to do this or that. I just feel like people shouldn't be pushing things on others...
I guess for me, if someone were to ask me that is....work your own path, your own route...no journey is ever 'wrong'. It's not. We are all individuals. 'distinct, indivisible entities'...there is no one size fits all in life! That (in my opinion) just doesn't work!
So I guess I just wanted to say to those out there that are struggling and feeling overwhelmed by all the advice out there, that if it's working for you - let it work for you and don't let others tell you any different.