Anyone else explored this possible low dopamine factor in alcohol addiction, and how to overcome it?
Under Stimulated from Low Dopamine | SimplyWellbeing
"Stimulation Seeking
The lack of dopamine and variations in nor-adrenaline/nor-epinephrine, leads us to seek stimulation. Like someone in the desert desparately seeking water, our minds are on a mission to quench our stimulation thirst. Almost universally we love information, debate, ideas and variety. I never eat the same meal in a restaurant twice and used to spend hours looking for the perfect restaurant on holiday. We tend to become addicted to those activities and substances that make up for this deficit. Typical addictions and addictive behaviours include:
Drug Taking - like cannabis, alcohol, cocaine, nicotine. Some US detox clinics suggest that 70% of their patients are undiagnosed ADHD.
Electronic Play - like Internet browsing (inc. porn), TV, computer games. Nearly as rewarding in dopamine as drugs
Dangerous pursuits - Fast driving, extreme sports, affairs, gambling, crime. All boost adrenaline and hence dopamine
Eating and drinking - Evidence is growing to say that obesity is linked to ADHD. Many people with ADHD abuse alcohol and caffeine in coffee, red bull, coke etc."