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Newbies in Need-----Day 31

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    Newbies in Need-----Day 31

    AF day 23 for me. Never started this post before, what an honor! Finally losing some weight....I mean after lessening my daily intake by 1200 calories I had thought it would slip off overnite:H But I guess my body didn't believe me until after three weeks that I was serious.

    Hope you all are having a good day.


    Newbies in Need-----Day 31

    Day 31

    Boy I am going to miss this thread.

    This month I did better than I have since joining MWO five months ago, with 8 drinking days, including only 2 debilitating drinking days! So thanks to all of you.

    I decided to get into an activity on Thursday night, a night that always seems a little tough for me. I am going to continue with the ban on drinking at home alone and refrain on weekdays generally. I will start meditating every other day, starting with 10 minutes at a time. I want no debilitating drunk days in June.

    Hart, that is so cool that you are losing weight. that will be a good motivating factor to continue with the progress...


      Newbies in Need-----Day 31


      Why are u going to miss this thread? R u leaving MWO?:upset: Though it does sound like you are doing great!


        Newbies in Need-----Day 31

        Leave MWO? Never. I love it here. Met so many great virtual people.

        I figure, May is over and so is the thread. But i notice there are daily threads in the moderation board, so maybe I will check in and out of there.


          Newbies in Need-----Day 31

          I had thought we were going to start a June thread! No need to mourn the Newbies in need!

          So May is over and I have two 10 day AF stints and only 4 days non AF the whole month! My next goal is 15 days AF (I'm on day 11 now) so I expect to suceed at that! I have found that if I set my goals small enough they are easy to acheive.

          Heres to ending May on a good note!
          Suddenly I see
          This is what I want to be
          suddenly I see
          Why the hell it means so much to me.

          -KT Tunstall


            Newbies in Need-----Day 31

            Good morning Hart and Nancy,

            I am going to keep posting here in June. I have been posting for a bit but still feel like a newbie!

            Hope everyone is having a great day. I am aiming to continue mods and add in some AF days in June. Had one on Monday this week and it felt great!


              Newbies in Need-----Day 31

              Hey gals, guys,

              Why not make June day 1 of 'just starting out day....' part 2? For those of us just starting out, it would be great to keep hearing some wisdom from y'all, and also could allow some 'newbies' to try it out as well. Since we are on the eve of June, this would be a great time to let all of us get our feet wet and enjoy the stories you share, as well as sharing our own and be inspired by your successes. I have been reading your posts, and I do beleive they should continue. You sound like a positive bunch, so I think it would be great to keep the vibe goin' Lookin forward to June ....(can't remember the last time I said that about a month ??? ) ...good luck on continued success


                Newbies in Need-----Day 31

                (((Lorelei, ducky, 4everakid)))

                Okay I think we are in agreement, then tomorrow with be Newbies in Need....June 1. Why even say what day it is. I know this thread has been supportive and encouraging to me.....glad whomever thought of it....did.:goodjob:


                  Newbies in Need-----Day 31

                  Hey hart, nancy, lorelei, ducky, 4everadid and those that haven’t posted yet this morning. I want to thank you all for my success this month, for with out you and your support and you sharing your struggles I wouldn’t have 23 AF. I’m a newbie and I’m staying here for a while and because I’m growing quite fond of you all I hope you will too.


                    Newbies in Need-----Day 31

                    Yes, pleas keep the thread going as it has been very helpful to many, including this even newer newbie (my join date is deceptive - I did nothing after joining until 2 weeks ago). Adaptable - I love your avatar, had them turned off to speed computer and just turned on. Hart - glad to hear about the weight, so far I have gained 2 lbs but decided I can't worry about that now. Maybe in 3 weeks will do a uturn. Nancy, lorelie, Ducky - good to hear how great you are doing.


                      Newbies in Need-----Day 31

                      Hi Everyone: I've really enjoyed the "newbies in need" May edition. I'd love to keep it going in June. I had 9 heavy drinking days in May which I'm not proud of, but that's better than what I had been doing. I'm going into June w/4 AF's under my belt. I couldn't have done this wo/MWO. It's been a godsend. Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Newbies in Need-----Day 31

                        Hi nancy.. I often read your posts and share your struggle as my small goal is to have weekdays proves so hard when i get to day 4 for some reason......
                        Maybe june will be would be fab to do 5 nights a week AF and a couple of wines when i go out.....for me i have to live in today..(day 3 as had a few Bank holiday monday but not much so no guilt on that as yet!!)

                        I notice Nancy you too try and do AF i will keep reading your posts as we move forward on our journey.

                        Happy june to us all!!

                        Regards Cassy


                          Newbies in Need-----Day 31

                          Thanks for posting that Cassy! It sure is good to know i have some company in all this.

                          I think cutting weekdays is a great step in the right direction, particularly if the weekday drinking is alone drinking, as it was in my case. you break some bad habits. I don't want to allow myself to drink alone at home on weekends either.

                          then you start to wonder, hmmm, why do i put all this effort into feeling good on my employer's time, and then feel like crap on the weekends, which should be my time for fun.I think it must inevitably lead to cutting down on weekends too. have you read Scooby Doo's posts? she succeeded in avoiding drinking on weekdays but still had a problem on weekends. so now she is working on that.

                          I feel positive about this today and appreciate having all of you in my virtual life so much!:thanks:


                            Newbies in Need-----Day 31

                            Day 31 for me and a special last message for the "May Newbies" thread. Thank you everyone for all your support and encouragement over the last month. You are all so supportive - to me and each other, I know I could not have done this without you. Looking forward to the June newbies. Best wishes all, Janicexxx
                            AF since 9 May 2012
                            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                              Newbies in Need-----Day 31

                              It's not long till June here in Europe so see you in our new thread tomorrow.

                              I've been away from the newbies since I went away last weekend but I'll be back in full steam tomorrow. It's been great following your stories. And a special hello to Amanda who used to start us off. I hope you are ok and come back soon.


                              Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

