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Six months tomorrow....

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    Six months tomorrow....

    It seems a bit surreal to me that tomorrow I will have reached six months in my's still not a long time, but it is. I have grown and gone through a considerable amount the past six months...more then I feel I had in the past 5 years drinking...(just want to point out that I may have drank more but the last five is what I remember particularly...moreso the last three then anything, that's when it became very problematic).
    It feels like yesterday, my day 1...well, my 'before-day-1'...where I sat on the couch...upset, anxious, frustrated, scared, angry, more booze in the house because I drank it all before 1pm. I don't even know WHY I drank in the mornings...I had no reason. That day I took the day off work, I got up as soon as my partner left and I poured the first glass and went back to bed. I laid on my partners side of the bed (I am not sure why)...and I drank the morning away, watching YouTube videos, sometimes depressing ones, crying, drinking, passing out, drinking, crying, drinking, passing out. What a waste of life. I really was of no use to society...I didn't do anything except drink! I was a complete shell of a person...I was out to destroy myself and everything around me and was too naive and stupid and addicted to even realize it. I thought it was everyone else! I didn't think it was ME, it could never be me. I thought everyone around me was effing nuts, when it was me that was the insane one. Drinking day in and day out...expecting a different outcome, you've all heard that one before.
    So....back to the couch, partner home from work, taking a shower, and I...journalling...pretty much crying...knowing I had no more booze, and didn' tknow what to do or feel about it. I wanted to stop drinking but feel like I couldn't. Sneaking out to the balcony, on a bitter cold February night, where we kept old casks...that went to the 'garbage' - a big old black back....FILLED with casks. Covered with snow and last weeks cigarette ashes...blindly going through that bag looking for one, two, five casks that had just a bit of wine left in them and some did....and disgustingly enough, I took those casks and tryed to squeeze every last drop into a was cloudy, smelled funny, but I drank it anyways. Gawd, that shit could have been out there for six months for all I knew! How desperate and low I was. If anyone were watching me I am sure they would have felt slightly disgusted....but would have pitied me. Look at that sad sap...that person that is doing NOTHING with their life...throwing it all away, for a bit of wine.
    But they didn't understand. I didn't even understand.
    I just did it, no questions asked, did I actually have a choice to put down that drink??
    I went to bed that night....thinking to myself I will do this until the weekend....(it was a Tuesday night)...and then maybe I could just mod on the weekend....I never got to that point, because I knew that I seriously needed to make a change. I couldn't keep going on this demented merry-go-round over and over. I was going to make myself insane.
    That's when day 1 happened the next day....and tomorrow will be day 180.

    I wasted so so much of my time on this earth...for what? For that high? Half the time I was gone by the second or third drink because I chugged on an empty stomach, I am not even sure what it was that I was trying to accomplish. I was never present. I was never there. I was just some zombie-robot that drank and drank and I wasn't putting forth any sort of effort or use in life. I WAS useless!

    Maybe I am being hard on myself...but what a difference six months makes.
    I do not kid you, newbies....I don't know how many day 1s I had, thinking it would be the end of the world if I just stopped drinking and it wasn't the case...the world doesn't end, you become more comfortable with time, the cravings eventually lessen, you don't need it to have fun.
    Like I said, I have grown more the past six months then I have the past 5 years of drinking. I am present, I am here, NOW. Sure as shit I have a lot more to work on but I don't ever want to go back to that insanity....what feels like a dream. I feel guilty that I even wasted so much time. It makes me sick...

    Sobriety is worth it.
    I literally could just delete this whole entire post and type those four words....but I felt like I needed to share.


    Six months tomorrow....

    Way to Go!

    Congratulations, Bri! I celebrate with you. :h

    Protect your quit. :l

    I found something my Dad wrote to his brother, about my Mom.... she suffered a stroke and a heart attack, and we realized how much closet drinking she had been doing. She spent several months in a nursing home recovering, and then came back home to a TRULY alcohol free environment.

    My dad said:

    Connie continues to get stronger each day. Others are mentioning how good she looks. The difference is remarkable. I worry now that she won't go to meetings and accept the help they offer. Wish she would have watched Oprah with me the other day. They made it so clear that alcoholism is a BRAIN disease and almost impossible for one to defeat by themselves. It is persistent with its patience and strikes back when a person thinks they have defeated it and are feeling so well and good about themselves.
    This makes me realize that others are impacted by our sneaky habits, and as they sit on the sidelines, they also have the underlying fear that we will resort to our old habits.

    "God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
    so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down."


      Six months tomorrow....

      I'll celebrate with you, Bri! Here's to your AF time, and for reclaiming your life. I too had become a useless zombie. Sobriety is SO much better!



        Six months tomorrow....

        That's great Bri. 6. Months AF is fantastic
        Maybe it's time to not dwell too much on the past and what you lost cos you have the future ahead of you. I know I can be a bit like that and I am much older than you.
        You must value yourself as a person and take strength from the efforts you have made. Here is to a further 6 months and more growth ahead:h


          Six months tomorrow....

          Oh Bri,i am so elated for you!! you have come such a long way from that insecure girl i used to read,i remember all your starts and stops,your hospital stay,your living situation that was driving you nuts,it's all in the past now,you have grown into a wonderful,confident,SOBER,woman! YOU did it,YOU took control,i'm just so happy for you i could burst,congatulations honey
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Six months tomorrow....

            Patty ~ thank you for sharing that with me, I have slowly begun to realize that alcoholism is terribly sneaky...that it does strike at you when you think things are going well...much like OCD I feel....which I am dealing with now too. Very annoying to say the least...
            But I must remember that. Protect my quit.

            Pie ~ thank you. thanks for celebrating my day with me. )

            Thank you Treetops ~ you're right. The past doesn't make me who I am's only a small part of me and I should not allow it to hold any sort of significance in my life TODAY. Nor worrying about the future either. I have come a long way, I need to keep puttering through and keep growing.

            Thank you so much Pauly!!


              Six months tomorrow....

              Bri I am new here, and I for one am really glad you didn't delete the majority of your story and simply go to the lines "sobriety is worth it"...without the details, I would have never been able to appreciate your marvelous accomplishment. Sounds like your determination and efforts have paid off with Blessings.


                Six months tomorrow....

                Thanks Okoren ~ hope you are doing well yourself.

