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I've had it

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    I've had it

    :new: I have been a steady drinker all my adult life, starting when I was young with a beer after work each night, and now progressing to up to 3 margaritas a night (stiff ones)- i am now 64 and sold my firm. They say this is a progressive disease and I believe it. I am a functional alcoholic. But its finally gotten to me and I am ready to stop. I am tired of my nose being red and my eyes bloodshot in the mornings. I have technically been a member of MWO for a couple of years- but not active. I have read the book, tried the various medications including Kudzu, with only limited success so I am going try going cold turkey (although I may go back to the medications if the group has found good success with them). I have tried AA on a couple of occasions but didn't really like it. So, this wonderful group on MWO is going to be my lifeline to becoming AF. I started the "Drink Tracker" this morning and already indicated that today is an AF day- sounds a little presumptuous, I pray to God that He'll give me the graces to keep that pledge, at least for today. I am both very nervous, anxious and excited all at the same time. Thanks to all of you in advance for your support. I am surely going to need it!

    I've had it

    Welcome back, Okoren.... if you've really had it, you have time today to plan your success.

    1. If there is alcohol in your house, do you have the courage to dump it out?
    2. Many of us have gone cold turkey... do you have alternative drinks or sweets nearby?

    One of the members here, Alky, highly suggested ice cream for the evening and this suggestion really helped me... even if you aren't much of a sweet eater, you may find yourself tonight craving- craving alcohol, which is really a craving for sugar. You have time to dump the booze and get yourself some treats.

    Post here tonight... this is a worldwide support group and someone will be close by to support you.

    :groupluv: Patty
    "God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
    so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down."


      I've had it

      welcome back okeron. it sounds like you dabbled with quitting but your heart wasnt in it. now? if it is, it is a hard road and takes dedication, but oh so worth it. you do sound ready.

      have a read around, post where you feel comfortable and the toolbox is a mine of useful information.


        I've had it

        Links to the Tool Box and Newbies Nest are in my signature line below. Welcome back, stick with this and you will break free! It takes work, but it sounds as if you are ready. Enough IS enough! Hope to see you in the nest! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          I've had it

          Welcome Okoren, i think we were all serial lurkers before biting the bullet and really being ready to quit. This is my AA, this is where i log in when i wake up and before i go to sleep, this is where i have met some of the most wonderful people around the world who truly understand what i am and are here to help me 24/7. You will feel so alive when you stop drinking, after awhile that is, but its taking dolly steps each day to not drink. No one on here will tell you that it is easy to stop drinking but everyone will tell you how great it feels to not drink.
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            I've had it

            Welcome okoren1,

            Yep, most of us lurked for a short or long while before biting the bullet so to speak. You're in good company. Although you aren't a newbie to MWO, you're making new stronger efforts to go AF, so coming on over to the newbies nest is a great idea - lots of support and activity.

            Also check out the roll call thread and post your days if that type of tracking is helpful for you. Some people really benefit from it, others don't like it - it's your choice. I personally have found it to be very motivating, and I just hit 100 days today.

            Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


              I've had it

              Good to see you Okeron.

              Go for it friend. You can do it.

              G bloke.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                I've had it

                Wow!! The graciousness and hospitality from you all have been overwhelming! I certainly feel welcome after just one day! Thanks so much to Patty, Roxane, Byrdie, Available, Wagmore and Guitarista for the terrific comments and suggestions. Patty set the stage when she asked if I'd considered getting rid of all the alcohol in my home; and I promptly did it today. Probably $250 worth of wines, liqueurs and other things- both opened and mostly unopened. This was a very solid concrete move I could make to let my "old self" know I am serious about going AF. In place of this stuff, if anyone owns stock in the company that makes Snapple, the stock price is going to seriously go up. I bought a lot, need a good non AL substitute. Also, I appreciate the suggestions regarding the Toolbox and Roll Call. Thanks again to all.


                  I've had it

                  :welcome: Glad to have you here! Just wanted to say hello - stick around - go to the newbies nest, read and read and post, post - you will get so much help as you've already seen. Having a substitute drink is important - good thinking! I drank from pre-legal age until 49 years old - since I've been in my 20s I think I've drank daily - over drinking frequently. The first couple/few weeks are the toughest and then you're body and brain get more used to not drinking. Thoughts still creep up but if you are ready with a plan to knock them down you get past them. I am much happier now, healthier, look better, and am more 'here' for my family and friends. This is a decision you won't regret!


                    I've had it

                    Hello & welcome back okoren

                    With a good plan & a solid commitment you will reach your goals! Lots of us have here & you can as well. I also joined in 2009 & I was ready to quit - no looking back

                    Wishing you the best & please drop in the Newbies Nest for more support!

                    Wishing you the best!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      I've had it

                      Hi Okoren, I just wanted to welcome you and send some support your way. You have gotten great advice already. I also wanted off "the ride" for years before I actually took concrete steps. Freedom from alcohol is just that: freedom. I imagine it is what getting out of prison feels like. AF life is not about deprivation, it is a huge relief. I'm glad you found us. :welcome:
                      "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                      AF 11/12/11


                        I've had it

                        Great first step, Okoren... I think awareness of how the brain plays games with your attitude towards alcohol- for me, I thought I needed a drink:
                        to relax
                        to celebrate
                        to calm my nerves
                        to drown my sorrows
                        to party
                        to laugh
                        to get enough nerve to share deep dark secrets....

                        Well, I've done all of the above, and not only have I done them:
                        I woke up without headaches and smelly breath
                        I woke up remembering what I did the night before
                        I've saved $$, especially when dining out!
                        I became more productive at home
                        I got a promotion and a raise at work
                        My body shape has changed, with less of a "muffin top".

                        Other, intangible benefits of being alcohol free is really to do with my 18 year old son's relationship with both of his parents. If you read my story, you'll see where I threw the AF gauntlet at my husband of 20 years and said, "choose. It's us or alcohol." He chose us... I now understand what sullen means, because that is what he was around the house. He pouted for 5 months. Our sons bring their friends around the home now- even at night, which was unheard of before. Yesterday they spent the day crafting wooden boxes for our 16 year old's truck... it was a wonderful AF day. My husband is "BACK", and for that, I'm eternally grateful. There's laughter around the dinner table again. He actually held my hand the other day and opened the car door for me!

                        Stay close. We are here for you. :groupluv:
                        "God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
                        so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down."

