Thank you SoberSoul, and that's exactly how I've been approaching it. I've had a few people say or imply that I must not "really have a problem" and I decided...I don't really care what they think when it's a huge problem for me. I know I'm sick of my drinking and I know I've had trouble stopping in the past. I know it's getting in the way of things I'd rather be doing and it's doing a number on my body in the process. That thinking also saves me from thinking "Well....maybe I'm not actually 'that bad'." Doesn't matter, what matters is that I quit and that I know I haven't been able to do it on my own without a plan.
And you're right that this last week has lasted forever! Not only in a bad way though, just I have so much more time all of a sudden even with sleeping way late. Funny how that works, eh?
And also congrats on getting to a better place yourself!