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6 Months AF with feeling of gratitude

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    6 Months AF with feeling of gratitude

    Hello Nesters,
    Today is like dejavu. Today I have completed 6 months in sobriety. I feel so proud of myself to accomplishing the seemingly in accomplishable few months back.

    I have gone thru desperate really desperate moments. But as they say desperation can be a gift as in those moments one sees light. I too saw light when I was in such a desperate situation in a Bombay hotel where I had come to attend a conference. Checking to Business hotels had become a routine. By bag used to be lighter than the 12 pack cans of beers which used to bring for after bar hours, in room bar session ...

    Desperate it was then moment when I realized something is wrong really wrong. I need booze to sleep, booze to travel, to shop, to spend time, to fly, to love .... It was every where ...

    I used to drink alone, being a loner thru out my life with not many friends which is true even today I had embraced booze as an extension of my self, my medicine, my solution to life, solution to all worries. And I was so wrong.

    I always thought I can play with my body and control it some how .... Cholesterol high take meds, liver issues take more ... And then drink. Workout in working like crazy drink hard at night. But now I realize I was playing with my mind .. I was making myself crazy absolute crazy. And now it is healing.

    So why De javu ? today after 6 months being sober I am going back to the same hotel where I first opened my MWO account and had my first post. It was one of those early 3 am when I woke up with dry throat, head spinning, mind super active without sleep , yet dizzy and foggy. With empty bottles around, as empty as my self esteem, shame and guilt. It made me I realize I need to so something. And I did ! I gave up myself to MWO. I asked for help. I started reading, watching sharing, and most importantly expressing.

    The journey was tough. It started of well but was not sure. Idea of living without AL was something I could not imagine. I didn't think much about it then and First 45 days were wonderful. But I fell ... And fell deeper. I was not ready I was able to accept only one thing : I can live without AL. I was controlling it.

    But then while in pits of AL dungeon I saw myself , questioned myself everyday. This is no way to live. This is not life.

    Next commitment to sobriety started 6 months back but this time I was ready. I knew there is no turning back. Abstaining 100% is the only answer. The only way.

    But there was a problem. Big problem ! Abstaining for me equal to : giving up, controlling, not enjoying, feeling deprived, always feeling missing out in life ... That's when I came across ALLAN wonderful book which gave me a new and fresh prospective. After reading it and knowing that I dont have to feel deprived. I am giving up anything ! Rather embracing so much more, treat AL as poison, not seeing myself as a desperate alcoholic but as a proud, enlightened recovering alcoholic. Enlightened as I have seen the dark places of drug addiction and have see the light after that. Proud because today I am not fighting it. I am not controlling it. I dont want it.

    Initial days were tough very very tough. Like I lost a best friend , or my soul mate. Or like someone had died. What life without it. But after 7 days it brought sense into me.

    Past 6 months I have traveled a lot.
    Germany: Dusseldorf, Hamburg
    Switzerland : Zurich and Rapperswil,
    Belarus : Minsk,
    Holland: Amsterdam,
    China: Hong Kong, shanghai, Guangzou
    Thailand : Bangkok, Phuket
    Taiwan: Tainan
    Korea, Seoul.
    Srilanka : Colombo
    India : Bombay, Calcutta, Goa

    Today I start my 10 day journey for Bombay, Switzerland and Hamburg. My point of sharing all the above info is that with so much travels one becomes so attracted to AL. It sounds to fascinating and exciting to travel to new places and drink local AL. Especially when you are being pampered by suppliers, customers etc. But I feel so proud and grateful that in all these places I was sober and in peace with myself! Second point I made the above list is to show in every of these situations when I was there sober I was making a mental note of situations when I was in front of AL and by evening I used to express these mental note on MWO. This really really helped.

    There has been so many situation at these places and at customer dinners, family functions, parties etc. where I could have had a drink but chose not to. Now with feeling of deprivation or seeing myself as a victim or with a feeling low I cannot drink and am missing out. On the contrary I used to feel extremely proud to face situation and not having a drink. And most importantly GRATITUDE !!

    I write this on a flight starting my 10 days journey, listing to coming back to life by pink flyod . I cannot express my FEELING of pride and gratitude.

    If there is GOD then he is my friend, my care taker. It made me an alcoholic and made me sober and AM so grateful to showing both sides. For when there is darkness ones see light. For when there is sickness one appreciates health. For when there is sadness and despair one truly appreciates the delight.

    My message to all the new bies. You are at the right place. Hang on, express, read, share ...

    THANKS YOU ALL for this wonderful journey towards sobriety. This is only the beginning. Thanks all for listening to me sharing with me, supporting me and most importantly guiding and me when ever I stumbled.

    So what's next : come back to shape. Eat healthy, work out and get fit !
    Rewiring my brain ... done ...
    Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
    Rebooting ... done ...
    Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...

    6 Months AF with feeling of gratitude

    Well done Rahul. So proud of you. I remember when I first joined here February this year, we were on the same day. I fell by the way side after about 35 days, but you've stayed strong. I'll always look up to you for that.


      6 Months AF with feeling of gratitude

      Congratulations Rahul!

      Thanks for a great post and sharing your thoughts.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        6 Months AF with feeling of gratitude

        Rahul, I am also so proud and so happy for you and this accomplishment of 6 months AF. You have really done the work, step by step and are creating a new life for yourself. You are an inspiration. Thank you for continuing to keep us up to date on how you are doing.. Safe travels..


          6 Months AF with feeling of gratitude

          Sweetest Rahul, I remember how much you struggled along the way, and look at you now - six months sober! You deserve to be proud of yourself - well done, and of course, keep it up!
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            6 Months AF with feeling of gratitude

            Great read and great story, thanks for sharing and congrats!
            AF 08~05~2014

            There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


              6 Months AF with feeling of gratitude

              Rahul what a lovely post and onwards you will go. Al has never done us any favours and you have proven that. I am not sure i could have been as strong as you with all your travels and dealing with people although we have to learn to cope with all sorts of situations in life and being af is the icing on the cake.

              I finally have started exercising after 8 months so no hurry Rahul, being sober everyday is what counts. if i can get my arse moving so can you!

              Hugs to you and i am so proud of your achievement.
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                6 Months AF with feeling of gratitude

                Wonderful, wonderful accomplishments Rahul and there are many more ahead of you I am certain.
                I totally understand how constant travel can set you up in your mind to over indulge in many unhealthy things. It takes a lot of character to make this commitment to yourself, good for you!!
                (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                  6 Months AF with feeling of gratitude

                  Excellent poser Rahul and Hooray on your 6 months.


                    6 Months AF with feeling of gratitude

                    Post LOL Damn autocorrect.


                      6 Months AF with feeling of gratitude

                      Congratulations Rahul - what an inspiration you are. I also travel in my job (not quite as much as you) and worry about how to cope with the functions, business dinners and networking events where wine is always overflowing. The fact that you have achieved this in so many places gives me a little strength. Keep up the amazing work! xxx
                      Finally planning for success


                        6 Months AF with feeling of gratitude

                        Congratulations Rahul - I love your posts and stories! So happy for you!


                          6 Months AF with feeling of gratitude

                          Great job on 6 months Rahul
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            6 Months AF with feeling of gratitude

                            Congratulations! Inspirational & wonderful post.Thank you.


                              6 Months AF with feeling of gratitude

                              Rahul- very inspirational ! Congrats on 6 months AF despite the battles you faced. Thanks for sharing.
                              “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu


