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Where is Janie????
Where is Janie????
I finished the book!
now onto Louse Hays " how to heal your life", but it's a bit sappy for me.
Spent a couple of days abed with this bloody headache that's been plaguing me since giving up the wine...oh, the irony of it all!
Was meant to be working the bar ( of all things) on Wed arvo at a funeral, but was so unwell I couldn't go. Perhaps some Freudian thing happening there...?
anyway, I have commited to the June thread for 30 days mods or AF. I'm a glutten for punishment. Have to go out and buy more Twininngs tea and cranberry juice...somebody mentioned pomegranate juice, but I haven't seen that in the shops?
Going to Cirque de Soleil this arvo, I'm so excited! and then onto diner in the City to celebrate our anniversary...can I resist the icy cold stuff ???? Hmmmm , that IS the question...
JaneJane :heart: