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Gona drink to cure my headaches

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    Gona drink to cure my headaches

    I?ve decided to drink beer again to alleviate my headaches but only once a week.
    I?m scared, but I just can?t take it any more. 23 days with really bad headaches is just too much. My hubby will be happy that I?m drinking with him once a week. Wish me luck.

    Gona drink to cure my headaches

    I can understand this,,,, because I feel the same........... but let's think about it for about a minute or two............................


      Gona drink to cure my headaches old are you? what is the root cause of your headaches? I sufferred from severe migraines for years..there were several root causes...


        Gona drink to cure my headaches

        Don't throw in the towel! Please!

        You've been doing so well. IT's hard enough to go AF without splitting headaches for 20 days straight. You must have a lot of strength.

        Would be a shame to give that up.

        Can you post something on long term abstainer section?

        you are posting in the newbie section and maybe people here don't have experience with it.

        Take care and hang in there...


          Gona drink to cure my headaches

          I'm so sorry this is persisting adaptable. I hope 1 or 2 a week will do it. You made a dr. appt, right? Hope he/she has better idea what is going on. Could be something totally unrelated - mine turned out to be partly a sinus infection.


            Gona drink to cure my headaches

            Adaptable, I live in WA state on the Olympic Peninsula and have had a headache for about a month - it's allergies my darling. Try claritin during the day and benadryl at night - maybe 1/2 one.
            Enlightened by MWO


              Gona drink to cure my headaches


              I can't imagine having daily headaches. Have you see a doc? And what did they say? I have to admit the allergies in WA are horrible.....I have been taking allergy meds much more than usual.....but I don't get a headache, so much as pressure.....but that's me.

              Alcohol isn't curing the headaches, hon. They are masking them.....what if the headaches are a sign of something serious....and you ignore it. And if you are headache free on the weekend, do you really think you won't start to say heck with it and want to be headache from DURING THE WEEK? And start drinking then.

              Hon, I don't care about your husband.....he's someone who misses his drinking partner.....and is not thinking about his wife's best interest. I understand, that was my first husband with other issues.

              Please, seek professional help. But whatever you do, please keep coming here. You are one of us, and we like you.urgirl:


                Gona drink to cure my headaches

                Thanks everyone for responding to my post. SKendall, I never even considered that it might be allergies. I’m going to try the meds for it, what a relief it will be if it works! I’ll be forever grateful to you. I’ll keep you posted.

                The beer last night didn't help. It only made it worse. I'm feeling incredibly sad that now I not only have a really bad headache but a hangover on top of it. I also feel sad that my hubby and I seem to only be able to have a good time together if we are drinking. It sure made him happy last night that I was joining him for a drink. It’s the first time we’ve connected in a long time. I felt like I was standing out side of myself watching the whole time and calling bullshit, noticing how I was not following the conversation sometimes because I was wanting to fill the glass again. I can feel I’m sinking into depression.


                  Gona drink to cure my headaches

                  Are you taking multi vitamins? In the past when I have taken them for a length of time I would get constant headaches which would go when I stopped the vits.
                  Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                    Gona drink to cure my headaches

                    Hi Adaptable....are you on any antidepressants....they can give you a major headache!....If everything checks out at the dr's....try a may be storing up poisons in your body from the alchohol. Natures Secret makes a good one. Multi-Fiber, and take them both. Our bodies can store toxins for a long time....take a multi-enzyme pill too...You can find lots of info online, or go to your local health food store and ask questions...preferably one that isn't a chain...the small ones owned by health nuts are the best, one near me the guy knows everything..they knew nothing at GNC. Hope that helps...I am doing it right now and I feel wonderful!


                      Gona drink to cure my headaches

                      Another thought Adaptable,.....If you are not on an antidepressant already, you may want to ask your dr. about it...I looked over your posts and it sounds like you may have a serotonin defficiency. Ask Doc about Lexapro....


                        Gona drink to cure my headaches

                        I'm so sorry you are feeling worse but it sounds like it was a really good learning experience which is what this is all about. I also got a much worse headache from only 3 glasses of wine when I caved in (3 glasses would not normally do much damage). Please see the doctor and hang in there. Hopefully your husband will come to see how important this is to your health - if not you will just have to stay in the lifeboat without him. I'm lucky to have support, but please reach out to those here who have done it with obstructive spouses.


                          Gona drink to cure my headaches


                          Are you drinking enough water? Whenever I get a headache it is because I am dehydrated. Alcohol won't help long term because it is a direutic and will make you feel worse. You need to pin point why you are getting them. It could be that you are no longer getting your sugar fix from the alcohol. If they persist go to your doctor who will be able to help.


                            Gona drink to cure my headaches

                            Hi fellow migraine sufferer!
                            I have been off line and in bed for 2 days with a blinder. i have stopped ALL the supps and am now clear. However, it may yet be a coincidence so will let you know in a couple of days. I am now day 18 AF, so I know for sure the grog isn't involved unless it's still withdrawals??? I have a Dr's appt next Wed to discuss it, but historically i haven't had much help form Drs when I talk to them about migraines. i'm interested in the allergy arguement....we might have to explore that.
                            Adaptable, the beer ain't gonna help sweetie. It's not the answer.
                            Jane :heart:


                              Gona drink to cure my headaches

                              Drinking beer will alleviate the headaches for a short time, but make them worse in the long run (i.e. the next day). Withdrawl may be one reason - the allergy thing sounds quite possible - even a sinus infection resulting from allergy. The fact is, there are a thousand possible reasons for headaches. And unless you tell your doctor all about your drinking history, etc. (I don't know if you have or not) he/she won't have enough information. And even then, he/she may only be good at ruling out a systemic problem - you should definitely go and get that diagnosis. I don't want to sound pessimistic. Lots of good pure clean water, rest, and good quality exercise. Stress can be a major factor. It sounds like you are moving in a very good direction with counseling with your husband. If your counselor is good, trust in him or her and keep working. Masking the pain with the sauce is never as good as doing the (sometimes) hard work of finding its source.

                              I'm sorry - I meant to make this sound hopeful, but it sounds like a downer. Find your true health. It is there inside you - we all are blessed with it. Maybe I'll add some smiley faces to this. I'm sure you will find a good path.
                              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

