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30 Day June Club,goal, Drink Less/Drunk less be

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    30 Day June Club,goal, Drink Less/Drunk less be

    I was going to start this as a 30 day af in June club, but just saying that to myself seemed an impossible goal, thats not to say I wont achieve it, but I do not want to set myself a goal I personally cannot achieve . So I thought the goal we all have is to drink less and be drunk less wether we are trying for total af days or mod days. One thing we can achieve is less drinking and the saying goes 'less is more' so less drink will give us all more confidence and self esteem. I start June with 3 days af under my belt, I want to go into July being proud of what I achieved in June and so on.Good luck everyone who gets on board, remember small steps.


    30 Day June Club,goal, Drink Less/Drunk less be

    count me in!


      30 Day June Club,goal, Drink Less/Drunk less be

      you're right garden girl, i dont believe that i can do 30 af ATM (slap me for being defeatist)
      so i will add to this thread as it doesnt exclude me if that alright?

      i'm also 3 days af, 3rd day was hardest so far, body panicking maybe ('ok, one day, two days, that ok i have alcohol reserves. day three, aarggh, run out, give me more!') well, maybe not but thats how i imagine it.

      trouble is, it friday today, ooh dear, wish me luck lol



        30 Day June Club,goal, Drink Less/Drunk less be

        Count me in- yesterday started the supps, have been listening to the CD's- I do believe that it is working- still drinking but I am more aware of how much and stopping. (still too many but not getting drunk) Have a Dr appt Tues. if things get out of control this weekend will consider talking to her about the Topa


          30 Day June Club,goal, Drink Less/Drunk less be

          Good for you Clarity....For me the Topa put me over the edge...I used the Supps and the CDs but they just weren't quite enough...when i started the TOPA it was like a switch that went off in my brain....I just didn't really have the desire to drink anymore....I "thought" about it but just didn't care to anymore...that isn't to say it has been a cake walk and that I haven't had ANY cravings because I have...I've gone 39 days AF and I have had days where I've just really wanted a drink or two...just wanted to spend time with my "old friend" but I've made it through and to be honest I don't think I could have made it without the TOPA.
          :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


            30 Day June Club,goal, Drink Less/Drunk less be

            Hi Everyone: I too try not to make promises to myself & you all about 30 days AF. I'm trying one day at a time for now. When I have more confidence, I'll think about longer term AF. Thank you all, Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              30 Day June Club,goal, Drink Less/Drunk less be

              Count me in! I've slipped over and over again. I want to take one day at a time not having to drink. I'll try to post everyday to let you all know how I am doing. Maybe it is time for me to try the TOPA.


                30 Day June Club,goal, Drink Less/Drunk less be

                Well I'm on the fence about moderating. Just completed 32 days AF. When I was drinking, most nights I would have two glasses of wine, but two is all it takes to ruin my sleep, and I hated that that had become a daily ritual. A couple nights a week it would be 3-5, enough to make me hungover and VERY drained. My goal is to be happy and satisfied with one glass of wine with dinner a few times a week and the rest of the time to be happy sipping water, herbal iced tea, or club soda and lime.
                "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                  30 Day June Club,goal, Drink Less/Drunk less be

                  I drank beer last night to try to cure my headaches, but it didn’t work and now I have a whopper headache and a hangover and I feel depressed. All my alcoholic tendencies came right back. I started repeating myself, slurring my words, I wasn’t following the conversation. Yet it was a mixture of having a great time with my hubby, we talked, danced, laughed, dreamed, and then I felt so sad because we can only be this way together when intoxicated. I want so much to be happy with him without chemicals. I’m feeling incredibly sad this morning even though I had a good time last night. It doesn’t make any sense does it?


                    30 Day June Club,goal, Drink Less/Drunk less be

                    No it often doesn't make sense, we try an understand what is happening to our lives and we just go round in circles. I think this drunk less thread is a great idea, 30 days AF is a long time and if someone slips on one day they feel bad about it when in fact they are doing really well so I think this thread will be really helpfull.
                    Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                      30 Day June Club,goal, Drink Less/Drunk less be

                      I agree - I've tried the 30day AF thread and though I had some progress with moderating, I felt like I failed and no longer had any business on the thread.
                      Adaptable - I totally relate. I too wish my partner and I could have fun without drink. Someday....
                      Demi - thanks for sharing about your success with Topa. I am starting it today, and am very hopeful it will help.

                      Thanks for starting this Garden Girl.

                      I'm very down today... despite very earnest attempts, creating a complete recovery plan, promises to myself, etc, I am just not doing very well. I am really so sick and tired of living like this. I hate it. I want to feel good about life and myself. I don't want to be so depressed anymore. I don't want to feel like a failure anymore. I don't want to wish I could just be done with life because it's too hard and painful for me.
                      I so desperately want to heal.


                        30 Day June Club,goal, Drink Less/Drunk less be

                        Adaptable..have you seen a doctor about your headaches? It just doesn't seem like they are alcohol related? Or alcohol-withdrawal related to me. Also, are you taking the supplement Milk Thistle from the book? It gave me horrible headaches..just a suggestion to stop if you are.

                        I am glad that you are all on this path, whether it is AF or just a decrease in consuption that you are looking for, it is the right thing to do. I know for myself that I wasn't a good candidate for AF, that I would just be seetting myself up for failure, even though I am on Topa. I chose to be DF, or drunk free. I have been successful in that. I have not been drunk, or even "tipsy" since February and I feel great. No hangovers, no anxiety in the middle of the night, no blackouts, no regrets. Whatever path you choose I wish you all the best.
                        Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                          30 Day June Club,goal, Drink Less/Drunk less be

                          Sign me up! Goal no days with more than 1 or 2 max, at least 80% of days AF, no drinking alone, no drinking when mad. Oh, and coming back here even if I mess up and trying to learn from it.


                            30 Day June Club,goal, Drink Less/Drunk less be

                            Hi count me the diary ready to recors and doing weekdays AF is the goal....heres hoping.

                            hi adaptable ..just a personal thought but the wine does affect relationships greatly in many ways..when i did AF for 45 days recently it was a re learning curve to slip into bed with hubby sober..get my drift!!!???

                            So yes there is a lot of re learning to do as the mind is not in an altered state without the addition of booze......
                            just you and the hubby sober can be good fun..i love cooking together, wakking together, gardening, cinema, theatre , weekends away......but i do like to have a drink the compromise id weekends ..2 nights only for June...well i intend to try it!!


                              30 Day June Club,goal, Drink Less/Drunk less be

                              Hi count me the diary ready to record and doing weekdays AF is the goal....heres hoping.

                              hi adaptable ..just a personal thought but the wine does affect relationships greatly in many ways..when i did AF for 45 days recently it was a re learning curve to slip into bed with hubby sober..get my drift!!!???

                              So yes there is a lot of re learning to do as the mind is not in an altered state without the addition of booze......
                              just you and the hubby sober can be good fun..i love cooking together, wakking together, gardening, cinema, theatre , weekends away......but i do like to have a drink the compromise id weekends ..2 nights only for June...well i intend to try it!!

