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June Newbies in Need -- Day 1

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    June Newbies in Need -- Day 1

    Good day everyone.

    I have been here since May but still feel like a newbie so I thought I would start the thread today. This is a great place for those new to the site (and those still struggling with getting started) to ask questions/share info/etc.

    Mods last night so I feel good.

    How is everyone?

    June Newbies in Need -- Day 1

    Hi Ducky and everyone visiting the site today. The first of the month is always a good time to start afresh isn't it so good luck everyone whatever your goal is!! My goal is to keep going as far as I can AF (32 days) - yesterday proved to be tricky, I so nearly caved in but ended up going to bed at 5pm instead. I just didn't know what to do with myself. Things are really bad with my mam at the moment and I just keep crying, being so far away is awful when she's so bad. She's still in hospital (5 weeks now) but this week I have been trying to make arrangements for when she's discharged. (Its a long story and won't go into!) We went up to see her last weekend but this week she's had the stent changed on her kidney and she's not very good physically but also very very depressed and still disorientated and confused. I'm hoping to go up on my own in the next couple of days so won't be around for a few days. Hoping everyone is okay - hoping to hear from Bluesky and Aduggan - we miss you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Janice
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      June Newbies in Need -- Day 1

      Janice, I think going to bed at 5 was much better than caving! Great job. Hope your mum improves. I am still amazed how well you have done with all you are facing. Fantastic.:goodjob:


        June Newbies in Need -- Day 1

        Hi Ducky & Janice: I'm joining for the month of June. Janice, I really give you so much credit for coping w/your mom's crisis sober. This experience will give you the tools you need if something else ever comes up. I'm going to see my folks next week, & while they are not as critical as your mom, they are very old (90's) & infirm. I think it will be a maturing experience for me to get through the visit sober.

        I will be w/my folks from June 5th - June 12th, so I won't be posting during that time (no access to internet), but I'll be thinking about you all & MWO throughout the visit. In the meantime, I'm trying AF one day at a time. I'm coming into June w/4 AF days & feel so great.

        Last night before I fell asleep, I started thinking about buying booze. No particular reason that I can think of: free time, a dinner party coming up, etc. Anyhow, this morning I told myself that all I need to do is get through today without. If I make promises to myself about AF month of June, I feel doubly disappointed if I slip.

        Good luck everyone. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          June Newbies in Need -- Day 1

          (((Ducky, Janice, Mary))))

          AF Day 24 for me. I thought Joe was going to have trouble.....bad start to morning....but he did great!

          (((Janice))) I commend and admire you for stay AF with all that you are dealing with.:goodjob: :l I know you didn't want to get in to it, but are there any after care agencies that you can contact for assistance with your mother's care when discharged? I know they were a godsend with my uncle. I don't know where you are, but just wondered. Either way, my positive thoughts are with you.:h

          (((Mary)) Have a great vacation. Hope you don't get withdrawal symptoms from no puter. LOL


            June Newbies in Need -- Day 1

            Ducky, Janice, Hart, Mary - Good going everyone! Glad to hear Joe is doing well too. Janice, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I feel I'm just barely getting to know people. Mary, we'll be thinking of you - maybe you can sneak off to Kinko's for a quick check in. If not, stay strong. Day one for me again, but I only had 1 last night after a fight with my husband so I really feel quite grand. Heavens! I just realized it is Friday - my big drinking day. (I've started summer vacation so lost track of what day it was with the Mon. holiday) Friday is a special challenge as it is Shabbat and millions of Jews around the world will be raising hteir glasses and saying the blessing over the wine. It has been a long time since my glass did not have the fermented fruit of the vine in it (hey, it was a mandated religious ritual right) but tonight it is grape juice, or maybe pomegranete, I got some the other day but haven't tasted it but it is so pretty! Have a good day everyone.


              June Newbies in Need -- Day 1

              Louise - pomegranete juice is the new in thing - it is supposed to be very good for you. You will be hip and happening raising your glass with it. I think that you should commend yourself with stopping at one - whatever the reason for starting was!!
              Mary - have a wonderful visit. Congratulations on 4 AF days. I am with you, my goal is an AF month of June. But I have been so frustrated with my false starts in May that I want to look at 1 day at a time.
              Hart- 24 days!! This is me raising my hat (if I had one) to you!!
              Janice- Bedtime at 5 sounds like a great idea!! I am thinking that may be what I do tonight if I don't distract myself thru my current craving!!!
              Ducky - thanks for starting the thread. I too started midway thru May be feel perpetually new!


                June Newbies in Need -- Day 1

                Louise, I am married to a Jewish man so kindof relate. However, he is not a big drinker and is always telling me that Jews are not?

                Evergreen, i think I will be new for a bit here!


                  June Newbies in Need -- Day 1

                  G'day everybody. i had a challenge yesterday when my best friend came over for OUR usual Friday night bottle ( or 2 ) of Sav. Blanc. When she rang I told her to come on over but I wouldn't be drinking because I was on meds ( only a little white lie) . Anyway, she promptly retorted " whats the point of coming over then!". Hmmmm... when I mildly suggested she might like to come over to see me and for the company, she said " OK, then". But she wasn't impressed and our usual 'happy hour' was uncomfortable and awkward. Interesting.
                  Jane :heart:


                    June Newbies in Need -- Day 1

                    Well Jane that is normal. If i were not trying to cut down I might have the same response, lol. Sorry it was awk but I think our drinking often defines our relationships. So darn hard...Glad you had a get together anyhow.


                      June Newbies in Need -- Day 1

                      Genetically there is less of a predisposition, but there are exceptions to every rule and I am a convert of Irish background. Alas, the being less susceptible to addiction to the stuff did not get conveyed in the conversion.


                        June Newbies in Need -- Day 1

                        If a friend judges the value of your time spent together on whether or not you will be drinking together, it may be time to question the friendship. My bestfriend and I were drinking partners for many years. We had a blast... Then we started to grow up. She drank less as we got older, but unfortunately, I drank more (mostly alone). She knows that I've joined MYO and that I am struggling with alcohol addiction. She has never judged me, supports me in my effort to drink less, and we hang out as often as we can (with our busy lives) and 99% of the time that we hang out together we never even consider alcohol. We just hang out. She is my rock. I'm blessed with two friends that I know I will be my "Ya Ya Sisterhood" friends when wer'e old. Just now, life is at it's busy, husband, children (whom I love immensely), but someday, it will be all about our rocking chairs, familar jokes, and wonderful comradrie. Sorry...I'm rambling, but I just get so appreciative of the few friendships that I been able to maintain over the years. Even if days or weeks go by between conversation, I know that my bestfriends are people that bring me up in life. Don't ever feel bad about your "white lie" and sorry that your friend had a selfish moment. What would happen if you just layed it on the line with her and said that you are trying not to drink as often because it feels like it has become a problem for you? Would she respect that? Be proud of yourself! You did good for choosing not to drink!



                          June Newbies in Need -- Day 1

                          Hi Jane,
                          I can relate. I have a friend that without the vino, we will probably not be nearly as close. I am not sure that is a bad thing but it is a sad thing.

