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Have you given in when stressed?

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    Have you given in when stressed?

    Dear All,

    I`m having a real old fight with myself tonight and it doesn`t help that its Friday either, I am normally a pretty sensible person who can reason during the day but at night I become two people, me who`s writing this now who knows that she`d be a fool to give in and then there`s me who is telling me to go and get a drink, who the piggin hell am I and I just don`t know who`s going to win this one yet as its still only 9pm and I`m pretty desperate. My dear old Mum who`s 73 came home this pm having tripped up on a raised kerb, I nearly passed out when I saw her covered in blood her face bashed in her glasses smashed and her legs in tatters, thankgod people helped her and bought her home in a car. I am so stressed out it`s going to take every last bit of willpower I can muster x

    Have you given in when stressed?

    you're speaking to a pro who's given in to every reason in the book. I have given in because I was stressed, happy, hungry, sad, depressed, angry, lonely, in love, tired, agitated, blue, lazy, bored....the is no excuse i havn't used to drink. But there it's an excuse. Do what you can to de-stress using another method if possible. If it's impossible, just don't drink as much. You'll feel better for it tomorrow. Good luck and I hope your mom is OK.
    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


      Have you given in when stressed?


      I'm so sorry your mom had that accident. I'm so glad there were kind people around to help her out. You know hon, there is always going to be things that happen that trigger us, and the first thought will be "I deserve a drinK". But it's really not a case of deserving, it's a case of being a crutch when we don't really have a broken leg.

      We can and will get thru these things w/o drinking. I hope you can this time, but if not, think how you feel afterward and decide if that's how you want to handle things.

      Either way, :goodjob: on posting here! Is your ma suppose to make a complete recovery?


        Have you given in when stressed?

        There is nothing that can't be made worse by drinking. I am glad that your mum is OK. She is lucky to have you to care about her.


          Have you given in when stressed?

          I also find fridays difficult, but just think how good you will feel tomorrow if you do'nt
          give in. Hope your mum is ok, she must have been really shocked,try not to drink for
          her she may need some extra TLC.
          Love Paula.


            Have you given in when stressed?

            i have an elderly mom who i love dearly..another reason not to drink a lot..what if she rang me at night and i need to get to her quickly...The burning shame if i had to say i was drunk and couldnt come to her aid!!!
            Regards Cassy


              Have you given in when stressed?

              I won the battle.

              Dear All,

              Reading all your messages really helped me and I managed to stay strong and not have a drink so I feel good about that now. Before she went to bed she asked for a Whiskey in warm milk which I did for her teeth gritted mind as a swig would have done just fine he he! Unfortunately today she looks like she has done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson and her hands and knees have all swollen up but I`m sure within a day or so she will be on the mend, so that you all for caring Take Care x

