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    Who else here is an introvert?

    I'm starting to realise that my personality type draws me to alcohol in crowded social situations.

    It acts as a numbing, comfort blanket to cover up my feelings.

    Anyone else agree with this?


    Well...I've always been introverted in the sense that it takes a lot of energy for me to interact with people. Not always in a bad way, or that I always hate it - just that I recharge energy alone, and then use up energy when I'm out. I also go through periods of being pretty asocial, which is related but kind of its own thing.

    I suspect that for me, drinking socially tends to make me stay out past my real "battery charge." Like, if I'd been sober I would have left parties hours earlier and been fine, but drinking I was more likely to stay to the end even though it's not actually good for me to do that. And the drinking at home made me use being introverted as an excuse to hide more than was good for me, either.

    So I think my answer, at least, is going to be learning to be more in touch with myself. If I'm uncomfortable and overwhelmed I need to learn how to take a break or know when to go home. And if I'm sitting around the house too much, I need to get back in the habit of maybe going out with just one or two people to get more balance on that side?

    It's been interesting that a lot of things I've blamed on being introverted are getting better the longer I'm sober, even just at this amount of time. I'm less skittish about opening my mouth, but also more willing to step back if it's not something I think I can handle right then.
    I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

    Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
    AF on: 8/12/2014



      I'm an introvert also,i enjoy my own company,crowds and social situations make me anxious and yes i would use al and be loud,social,could talk to anybody,i dunno it's weird cuz i cut hair and i'm able to socialize all day,but then maybe because it's one on one in a stable environment,who knows
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!



        Bingo, all of the above!
        The easy way to quit drinking?:



          paulywogg;1701709 wrote: I'm an introvert also,i enjoy my own company,crowds and social situations make me anxious and yes i would use al and be loud,social,could talk to anybody,i dunno it's weird cuz i cut hair and i'm able to socialize all day,but then maybe because it's one on one in a stable environment,who knows
          In the Power of the Introvert they talk about this. It's situational.

          In an environment where you are passionate about the topic you can in fact give off extrovert vibes.

          Out of that zone, you return to your introvert ways.

          All down to the amygdala apparently.



            Yes that's me too. Ihave always been like that In high school and even in college. Infant in college I decided to let go of my hesitation to interact buy jointing some self improvement program which I did for an year to open up. That was 15 years ago.

            I am in marketing and from outside folks see me as confident out spoken person with lots of confidence. I dont fake it because I am dead honest about it what ever I speak about. But when it comes to real me, my feelings and even talks about how my day went, worries, tensions, stress I am hard core introvert. That's why I have lot of trouble getting connected to people on personal basis (and very sucesful to connect on professional basis). Humans are complex creatures I must say.

            Al has been my friend of that introvert me. The friend whom I now despise. When it comes to talk about non work, non any subject (politics, movies,) I have nothing to say. I speak to point and stay out and calm most of time. I guess I am very good listener, soft spoken.

            How is it connected to being addictive personality I dont know.
            Rewiring my brain ... done ...
            Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
            Rebooting ... done ...
            Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...



              Totally - on the last assessment that i did, I scored the highest score on the introvert vs extrovert scale.
              I was able to work as a nurse as I put a uniform on and that gave me ability to come out a bit. Alcohol definitely helps me in social situations, and I have often felt that I "needed" a drink to function.
              I am choosing to be happy with myself and if that means avoiding social situations that make me on edge, then I will. At work I am open about being introverted and make a bit of a joke about it.
              Being an introvert can have its advantages, and I am choosing to use those advantages rather than hide behind my lack of extrovert...
              and....that is why MWO has worked for me - I did not have to be social
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"



                Another introvert

                I am new here and get a sense already of how many people struggle with being introverted or shy.

                It's tough in this world unless you are an artist or some kind of writer or such - but then that becomes a problem too as often as these careers are fuelled by the need to drink!

                It is just one day at a time for me.




                  Hey London. Definitely an introvert here. Crowds take it out of me. I originally started drinking mostly because of social anxiety! It became for other things, but it was the beginning. Artistic career here too. Yes, AL is a crutch for shyness!

                  Done. Moving on to life.



                    Have a look at this people:

                    Quiet: The Power of Introverts - By Susan Cain

                    Reading this book was a life-changing experience for me. For all my life, being "shy" "academic" "a book lover" was all about being defective in some way. I'm proud about what I have achieved in my life, but somehow I felt that it wasn't valued as much as what other people had achieved. Nowadays, and as part of my sobriety, I'm trying to recognise that I am who I am, and that I need to be true to myself as part of living a good life.
                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe



                      I think I better jump on this bandwagon too , Thanks for the link MissB .
                      Tomorrow ! is a brand new day , open it with carealm:
                      Final Quit 7/7/14 , The last of so many .

