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Grateful To Have Found This Site

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    Grateful To Have Found This Site

    I am new to this site - and to "online communities" in general- so please excuse my awkwardness at this. I am thrilled to find this website, this great group of people, and this very promising-looking program.

    I am a 52 year old business owner and mother of four. I have read many of your posts and our stories are all so similar. I, too, am a wine lover who doesn't know when to stop. I plan my day around my drinking - even to the point that I don't take evening appointments and avoid professional meetings that lapse over into my "personal drinking time".
    I have been drinking regularly for about twenty years, but this is the worst it's ever been. A bottle of wine a night is not uncommon. The last few weekends, I have shocked myself by drinking two bottles in one night. I don't black out, but usually don't remember what I said or did the night before. I am fairly high-functioning even when I've had way to much to drink, so my husband and kids really don't know how bad it's gotten.

    I am ashamed of myself and want this to stop. I'm tired of being worried about my behavior, and I'm tired of waking up feeling disappointed in myself once again. I CAN be very strong when I need to be, and I am determined to make this program work. I hope I can go the "moderation" route because I want to be able to enjoy the occasional social drink - and I really LOVE red wine.

    I "fessed up" to my physician on Friday and got my prescription. I ordered my CD's today and purchased the supplements. I am ready to start the program and am confident that it will work. I know it won't be easy, though, and I will be coming to you all for support and encouragement. I also look forward to being a supportive friend to all of you. I appreciated any tips you might share for someone just starting the six-week program.:thanks:

    Grateful To Have Found This Site

    Welcome MountainLady,
    You have come to the right place.
    We are all here for you.
    Your story is so much like many of ours here at MWO.
    You were lucky that your doctor was so supportive.
    Now which meds will you be taking?
    Myself, I can not do moderation. I have no self control. It's ABs or nothing for me. But many on this site have been able to do moderation successfully.


      Grateful To Have Found This Site

      Welcome Mountain Lady. I find the Kudzu and l-glut combo in the afternoon to be particularly helpful, along with the hypno CDs. Glad you found this site. We are a nice group and are here to support you....
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Grateful To Have Found This Site

        Welcome Mountain Lady,
        You are indeed fortunate that your doc was supportive.
        You will enjoy this site very much, it is informative, comforting and sometimes fun as well.

        If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


          Grateful To Have Found This Site

          My doctor had to be convinced, but I did get a prescription for Topomax.


            Grateful To Have Found This Site

            Welcome Mountain Lady, you will get lots of support from this site.
            just keep coming back.


              Grateful To Have Found This Site

              Just a quick but warm :welcome: Mountain Lady,

              Really glad you've joined us! Advice for people starting out?? - there is a lot of practical advice people will have to share, such as making plans to keep busy over the 'drinking hour', make plans for those occasions when you know you're going to be around drink, do the 30 day abs and then decide what to do from then - you may find you enjoy it so much that Abs/Mods isn't really an issue - read, read, read, - keep a journal to help keep track - reminders, feelings, note patterns, triggers etc. - think of new hobbies (if you have time!) for all the extra productive time you'll have now sober each evening, etc. - but the one thing I would say to any new comer is that you have to want to make this change heart, body and soul - there are no half measures - you are taking on a worthy opponent who shows no mercy, so 100% commitment to this new life you want will make your victory possible. So get armed and come out fighting! We're here to support...!

              And I didn't think my 2 teenage girls really knew I had a problem either - I was wrong - they just didn't know what to say... Our relationship is now completely different. I'm not prepared to jeopardise that...

              Good luck and welcome - I look forward to hearing more from you.
              :rays: Arial

              Last first day - 15th April 2012
              Days 1-7 DONE
              Days 8-14 DONE
              Days 15-21 DONE
              30 days DONE
              60 days
              100 days


                Grateful To Have Found This Site

                Hi Mountain Lady,:welcome:

                We have many people from different countries all sharing a similar problem. Some tried to get help from AA and some did get help. For many it was a difficult experience and we found the MWO program. We are a community and a family here. I'm glad you're doctor was supportive.

                Keep posting, looking forward to hearing from you.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Grateful To Have Found This Site

                  Welcome, welcome, welcome!

                  You are in a great place. Glad you have decided to give the program a try. A lot of us are "high functioning" but know we can do better, and feel better. I personally got tired of functioning with a hangover...

                  Keep reading and posting!:welcome: :l :l


                    Grateful To Have Found This Site

                    Welcome from someone with a similar story. Jump on board with a number of other fairly new people to the June 30 day threads for a daily checkin. Do your best to do alcohol free for the first month to detox and break habits. Read the long timer posts for inspiration. You can even read all the posts by someone to see the ups and downs and progress. Commit to using the drinktracker everynight just before bed or first thing in the morning and being honest with it even if you have to put in 12 from those 2 bottles. Take a big sigh of relief and know better days are ahead.


                      Grateful To Have Found This Site

                      Hey, you and I are starting at about the same place. I just fessed up to my doctor on Friday, too. She was very supportive. I asked to be put on Naltrexone, though. Picked up my Rx and supps on the way home. I also ordered the hypno tapes, but don't have them yet. Maybe the only difference between you and I is I love white wine better than red. LOL I don't have any tips because I'm right where you'r at with this, but just wanted to say we can do this!!!


                        Grateful To Have Found This Site


                        MWO is a wonderfully supportive community. It has certainly changed my life. We all have similar stories. I'm a Chardonnay girl. I was drinking a bottle a night pretty much, and like you I planned my evening around uncorking that bottle. I've been actively participating in the MWO program since March, and I feel so much more optimistic about my future. I've cut back significantly, although at this point I don't plan to abstain. I am working towards healthy moderation and a happier life. Log on every day. You will not regret it! Good luck.



                          Grateful To Have Found This Site

                          We can DEFINITELY DO THIS!

                          :thanks: Adagirl,

                          I KNOW we can do this! How fun to find someone in the same situation! I look forward to reading your posts and comparing notes!



                            Grateful To Have Found This Site

                            Thanks to ALL

                            Thanks to all of you for your encouragement and wonderful, positive attitudes. Just what I need right now! I am trying to downplay this program in front of my family, so I can't discuss too many details with them. Thank you ALL for being there.

                            :thanks: ML


                              Grateful To Have Found This Site

                              :wavin: Howdy MountainLady,:wavin:
                              We are glad to have you with us. It is really hard to start without having all the "stuff", so don't be upset if you slip :teeter: a time or two until you get set. We all will be here if you need anything; including how to run the site, sometimes that looks tough, but someone here will know how to do what ever you need. :thumbsup

                              What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                              ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?

