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My Start Date : June 3, 2007

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    My Start Date : June 3, 2007

    Technically June 4, 2007 will be my first start date of the MWO program (sans prescription). However, it is part of my plan to go AF starting tomorrow, so I will consider that day 1 and plan to achieve it soberly with nothing but will power; although tomorrow night I plan to go to sleep listening to the hypnotherapy cds. In the last week I received the shipment of the starter supp pack, cds, and book for MWO. I have made my plan as the book indicated I should.

    I *think* it is worthwhile to note that I am now on day 6 of being a non-smoker! This has been an addiction I have had since I was in my early teenage years. This is at least double the amount of time that I have ever been able to go without tobacco since I started the horrible habit. If anyone is considering quitting, I would highly recommend the Allen Carr "Easy way to quit smoking" book. I picked it up last weekend because I was eager to get started on changing my lifestyle/habits for the better. I had ordered the MWO information and even went to the bookstore looking for it (I was going to buy the book and take it back once the one I ordered from here arrived). Anyhow, the book store did not have the MWO book so while looking around I found the Allen Carr book. I bought it and read it and it was like a switch for me. Sad in some ways, but I went to the bar 3x last week after quitting smoking and managed to drink without smoking each time!! To me that was the way to know for sure that I was finally over the tobacco addiction (similarly I plan to go to the bar soon without ordering any alcohol!).

    I am hoping to continue the positive momentum this week with abstaining from alcohol for 7 days. If I do achieve that then it will be the longest I have abstained in at least 10 years. My long term goal is currently to achieve some sort of moderation. I have not yet decided exactly what that should be other than no drinking more nights of the week than drinking, and not getting obliterated when I do drink. If I was forced to have a goal today then my goal would be to eventually end up drinking 1-2 days a week and no more than 6 beers at any given point. Another goal is to go 30 days AF. Short term is just 7 though. And again as stated earlier in this post, I am going to try to do this without prescription medication. I have a very analytical job and am not sure I could risk the topa dopa cognitive effects, but I will do it if I can not do this without it.

    Below is a link to a past post of mine with a short history, albeit not complete by any means.. Maybe as time goes by I will be more comfortable sharing more info. As of right now I am simply another person with an alcohol "problem" and need to get it under control. Not really that much different than RJ and many others here. I lead quite a successful life with no real damages other than the 4-6 hours a night I typically spend drinking.

    Thanks for reading (virtually listening!).

    Good luck to all of us who will be starting and continuing the MWO program in June!


    My Start Date : June 3, 2007

    Good luck and welcome Iced!

    Did you know that Alan Carr also has a book on How to control drinking?

    My only advice this early on is to stay out of the bar for a while - if you sit in the barber's chair, you're going to end up with a hair cut.

    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      My Start Date : June 3, 2007

      Flip;143909 wrote: Good luck and welcome Iced!

      Did you know that Alan Carr also has a book on How to control drinking?

      My only advice this early on is to stay out of the bar for a while - if you sit in the barber's chair, you're going to end up with a hair cut.

      Yeah. A buddy of mine read the book and Alans approach is similar to that of smoking. He tries to convince you that there is no benefit to drinking. I believe there is no benefit from smoking cigs so that approach worked for me with that addiction. I was only losing health and money from smoking. However, I have a hard time agreeing that there is no benefit from drinking. I think someone could talk to me til they were dead and I would not believe them on that Maybe someday I will agree, but I doubt it.


        My Start Date : June 3, 2007

        oh well, I won't waste my breath then ! lol

        I used to think that way too, but as each day goes past there are less and less reasons to think that drinking brings any benifits! (oh shit, I did waste my breath!)

        F :-)
        It always seems impossible until it's done....


          My Start Date : June 3, 2007

          Wow! You have laid out an excellent plan for yourself! You can do this! If you can quit smoking, you certainly can do this. I've also recently quit smoking too (with the help of the prescription Chantix). I still have an urge to smoke now and then, but mostly I already feel free of it. Good luck with your first week. Keep us updated.



            My Start Date : June 3, 2007

            Iced, it's good to see you posting.


              My Start Date : June 3, 2007

              Good look iced...i packed up fags 12 years agon on New years eve for a bet and never smokes since.. The first few months i learnt to change environmental factors...avoid places i used to smoke(the pub/ restuarants)
              got into walking and healthy eating also helped...after several months no longer even thought about fags though i did go through a phase of watching peoples smoking habits!!!!

              With the fags i reallly really wanted to stop altogether...not at same stage YET with booze...still on the mindset of maybe i can moderate/

              My goal for june is 5 days a week AF(i started pre june 1st so have just done AF 5days..I hope to have a meal and enjoy a couple of wines with friends tonight and then back to % days AF.

              i am trying to cope by goal setting. checking the environment (remove alll booze from home)..looking to the future at how i want to conduct myself/imagine myself never sloshed again.

              lots of preparation is good and helps achieve our goal. check out others hints on here
              So glad you joined this site...its an amazing support hence i am on here as soon as I get up daily!!!!

              Regards Cassy


                My Start Date : June 3, 2007

                That last post was supposed to say ..plan is weekdays AF(5) and moderating (2) weekly.

                Off to church soon...another source of hope and strength.

                Have a positive day...cassy


                  My Start Date : June 3, 2007

                  Thanks for the encouragement. So today I will be AF free!

                  All the others that will be abstaining or moderating... We can do it!

