I first read about the Harvard study in Prevention Magazine- and it said the way kudzu had been so effective was that it seemed to trick the brain into thinking more alcohol had actually been consumed that in reality - i.e., a person drank one bottle of beer but FELT like he'd had two or three, so this was the trigger to cut back. But that's not exactly what I'm understanding from the postings I see. Rather, the kudzu seems to be about cravings. I don't think I even get cravings. I don't think about wine all day.....I don't think about it much at all, until about dinner time, and then the rationalizations start, the drive home, etc...you know the drill.
I never ever drank wine before the divorce - but a couple months afterward, someone introduced me to the relaxing qualities of red wine and over time, about ten years, I have built up to needing an entire bottle of wine to be able to go to sleep at night - now the only thing that works is either ambien, or (when I run out) various cocktails of red wine and exedrin PM, or something from the health food store?.Rozerem is a joke, Lunestra does nothing. The only thing that seems to let me get and stay asleep is a bottle of wine and half an ambien. I've created this vicious cycle of don't drink versus don't sleep and have gained thirty pounds (someone recently told me wine is "liquid fat"). Like so many others on this site, if I?m an alcoholic, I?m very high functioning....I limit myself to a single bottle at night (know better than to buy the big bottle), don't have hangovers, nor has this interfered with my work or family. But it HAS interfered with my health - for the first time ever this year I tested higher cholesterol and mildly elevated liver function. And I cannot STAND looking at myself in the mirror. I just spent about $800 on hypnotherapy to lose weight and stop drinking - and it did pretty much nothing at all.
I would like to try to start with just the L-glutamine and kudzu,.....but don't know how to combat the insomnia?.I am way beyond ?take a warm bath and drink this cup of tea'....am searching for a shrink on my insurance who might be willing to help me with all this...
anyway, that's my opening rant. If anybody has guidance, suggestions, ideas, by all means send along....
just starting out...
thanks for listening
texas girl