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Newbie. Is it ok just to lurk around for a while?

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    Newbie. Is it ok just to lurk around for a while?

    Is it ok if I just lurk around for a bit and get to know the site?
    Like my name says a drunk.

    I have to stop but I am having a hard time with the shakes and confusion. I want to know if anyone here has tried to taper off with beer? I have been drinking a half gallon of vodka every two days for ....God I don't know how long any more.


    Hi All and thanks for the advise and support.

    I had my last real drunk last Sunday on vodka. Since then I have been drinking mini Corona beers. They are 7 us ounces and I have been drinking them to ward off the shakes and cold sweats and just feeling miserable.
    I went to my Dr and told him how much drinking I had been doing. He told me not to stop cold turkey or it could be dangerous.
    So I have gone from a half gallon of vodka every two days to drinking these mini beers.

    I know it is not stopping but I don't think I I would survive cold turkey.

    The most I have drank since Sunday is 49 ounces of beer in a day. Is this good? For me it is a positive step in the right direction. I am committed to get through this taper and get to a place where I can have a AF day soon.

    Thanks for the support. It is hard for me to focus but I have not seen anything out of the norm crawling on the walls or my skin.

    Shaky and sweaty and so damn tired.


    Hi all, 9/16/14

    So I figured it was time for an update on my tapering off of vodka using beer.
    The taper has been a success in my mind. I have not had anything to drink other than beer since last Sunday 9/7/14. My Dr also was kind enough to get me a prescription of valium.

    Now I need to face the seemingly daunting task of tapering of of the beer and become Alcohol free
    Monday of next week. I figured it has taken me 60 years to get to this point and I am not able to stop
    Over night.

    I hope that the taper off of beer is easier than the taper of a half of gallon of vodka every two days.
    I am sure this is not the recommended way to become alcohol free but for me this is a huge success.
    Thanks everyone who has given a helping hand and words of wisdom.

    Had a hard time logging on but it finally worked. Great job on the new site.


    Newbie. Is it ok just to lurk around for a while?

    welcome and lurk away. post again when you feel comfortable.

    some have tapered, some go cold, it really depends on how much al your body has got used to. i dont know spirits but it sounds alot. there is a system for tapering somewhere but you could probably find it on google.


      Newbie. Is it ok just to lurk around for a while?

      Welcome adrunk- Been there done that. Lots of folks here have. I progressively drank vodka, rum, tequila and whiskey by the bottle (s) for years, and tried to ?cut back? using beer and wine. I wasn?t really successful as I was mostly just adding those drinks in addition to the others, so it didn?t really help me cut down in total, but my mix change might have lessened the withdrawal symptoms when I finally was able to quit (I?m not 100% sure the mix was the reason, but it did seem more manageable this time). Anyway, I?ve been 40+ days alcohol free and that is record for me. So, obviously it is better to quit all the way as soon as possible, but if you need to reduce to get to that point, you should be dedicated to that at least. If you haven?t been totally without alcohol for at least few days though, you should try that and see if you can continue for more. There is some great advice and great people on these boards for whatever you decide to do next, so definitely stick around and read, even if it?s as a lurker?best wishes..
      “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



        Newbie. Is it ok just to lurk around for a while?

        Hi adrunk - tapering definitely doesn't work for everyone and if I had the money I think I'd have been smarter to do a medical detox. But I was drinking crazy amounts of vodka daily, and I did quit over a little under a week with a taper. I started tapering by having less drinks in a day (since I was 'round the clock) and then I tried swapping to beer...the problem is I really really hate beer. I know that's supposed to be the plus but it almost killed my taper as I went out and bought a small bottle of vodka partway through. I had to be VERY strict with myself and I really could have messed the whole thing over doing that. It made sense in my head, but it was really doing it the hard way and I wouldn't recommend it now. I stayed here on the site nearly 24/7 during my taper, and read massive amounts of things in other places. I also took the advice from the old timers, including when they said "what about just quitting now that you're down to [whatever I was down to]?" It also took me nearly a week after that to actually dump out the last of the vodka - I did it and I never had any after I'd quit but keeping that temptation around was not the brightest thing I've ever done. If I'd just dumped all of it I wouldn't have had it sitting there "just in case." So...even being dedicated I was getting in my own way.

        You really have to be 100% dedicated to taper, I think. It's so easy to let the taper turn into "maybe I'll just moderate." I was tempted while I was, and I've seen other people talk about the same issue. I'm not sure if I would have dumped my last one and gone completely AF if not for people here giving so much support to just put it down and be done with it while I was right int the middle of it...I can see myself holding out a few days with "just the one" and then probably going on to two "just this once"...and so on. :/

        I'll also add that my withdrawals weren't nearly as bad as I expected. The good folks here are right to say if you think there's a medical risk, it's best to do it with a doctor's help - but for what it's worth, at least for me, I've had worse withdrawals before than I did this last time.
        I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

        Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
        AF on: 8/12/2014


          Newbie. Is it ok just to lurk around for a while?

          Hi Ad, yes, please do lurk away -- better yet, keep close and post as you quit! I was also a vodka/gin person and drank enormous quantities. I've tried tapering and never did it successfully, so have no advice about that - listen to others who've done it, like LavB. But I can also tell you that the withdrawals for me weren't nearly as bad as I'd feared. I waited for the D.T.s, hallucinations, seizures, etc. I had some crazy-ass dreams, headaches, and wanted to do nothing but sleep for 2 weeks, but it was really okay. I think I would have quit much sooner had I known how do-able it was. Don't get me wrong, it's HARD, but not harder than losing more of your life to the bottle.

          If you're worried, please get medical advice. But however you do it, make sure you stick close to others who've quit successfully, whether through MWO and the Newbies Nest (come by and introduce yourself!) or a recovery group. The best way to get through this is to talk with others who know what you're going through and stick close to them.

          I wish you luck, and welcome!!
          Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


            Newbie. Is it ok just to lurk around for a while?

            Adrunk - you mention shakes and confusion - you are in potentially dangerous territory my friend. You should be detoxed under medical supervision. Just because someone else didn't get DTs or hallucinations doesn't mean that it can't or won't happen to you. Alcohol and benzodiazepine withdrawals are the only drug withdrawals that can kill you. If you don't have insurance, or adequate insurance, have someone look for a facility that is either government subsidized, or is willing to work on a sliding scale for payment. You're taking your life in your hands if you try to ride this out yourself.
            In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


              Newbie. Is it ok just to lurk around for a while?

              Whatever you chose to do, stay close here and make some wondeeful friends who will support and help you through this difficult time.:welcome:
              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                Newbie. Is it ok just to lurk around for a while?

                Beer Taper

                Hi All and thanks for the advise and support.

                I had my last real drunk last Sunday on vodka. Since then I have been drinking mini Corona beers. They are 7 us ounces and I have been drinking them to ward off the shakes and cold sweats and just feeling miserable.
                I went to my Dr and told him how much drinking I had been doing. He told me not to stop cold turkey or it could be dangerous.
                So I have gone from a half gallon of vodka every two days to drinking these mini beers.

                I know it is not stopping but I don't think I I would survive cold turkey.

                The most I have drank since Sunday is 49 ounces of beer in a day. Is this good? For me it is a positive step in the right direction. I am committed to get through this taper and get to a place where I can have a AF day soon.

                Thanks for the support. It is hard for me to focus but I have not seen anything out of the norm crawling on the walls or my skin.

                Shaky and sweaty and so damn tired.

                adrunk. :thanks:


                  Newbie. Is it ok just to lurk around for a while?

                  Hello & welcome adrunk!

                  Glad you found MWO, it's a good place. Lots of support & advice available here for the taking!

                  You said you talked to your doctor - weren't you offered any help, advice, Rx meds?
                  Maybe you should think about talking to another doctor? It sometimes is safe to detox at home but with supervision. Make sure you are getting plenty of liquids to prevent dehydration. Get some good food into yourself as well. Do you have anyone near by to keep an eye on you?

                  Please stay in touch with us & let us know how you are doing
                  Wishing you a safe journey!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbie. Is it ok just to lurk around for a while?

                    Hi adrunk and welcome,

                    I was fortunate in that I have stopped before I became dependant on al. I have researched a lot about al to be in a position to realise I have a problem.

                    Tapering off alcohol is clearly the best way for you to start your plan for your health. I am in the UK, I know the USA has a different health care system, I am surprised that your doctor hasn't at least given you a plan for tapering off alcohol with a goal to stopping. There are lots of 'old timers' (said affectionately) who have tapered off alcohol successfully here, everyone is very helpful and I'm sure you will get some valuable advise and support. I agree with Lavande have you got anyone you can reach out to for real life support?

                    Good luck with your goal nothing worth having rarely comes easily you have made a start to the road of recovery and I wish you all the luck.


                      Newbie. Is it ok just to lurk around for a while?

                      I'm going to echo Soft Focus, I'm so glad to hear you're making progress and with your doctor's support!
                      I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

                      Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
                      AF on: 8/12/2014


                        Newbie. Is it ok just to lurk around for a while?

                        Hi all, 9/16/14

                        So I figured it was time for an update on my tapering off of vodka using beer.
                        The taper has been a success in my mind. I have not had anything to drink other than beer since last Sunday 9/7/14. My Dr also was kind enough to get me a prescription of valium.

                        Now I need to face the seemingly daunting task of tapering of of the beer and become Alcohol free
                        Monday of next week. I figured it has taken me 60 years to get to this point and I am not able to stop
                        Over night.

                        I hope that the taper off of beer is easier than the taper of a half of gallon of vodka every two days.
                        I am sure this is not the recommended way to become alcohol free but for me this is a huge success.
                        Thanks everyone who has given a helping hand and words of wisdom.

                        Had a hard time logging on but it finally worked. Great job on the new site.



                          Newbie. Is it ok just to lurk around for a while?

                          How are you doing now? It's been a few days since this check in. Are you still on for Monday?

