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another dissapointment?

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    another dissapointment?

    So, I did 10 days AF - then on Friday it all went a bit wrong!
    It started to go a bit wrong when an alcohol rep from a well known vodka company came in to have a chat to my husband re: our business (we have our own fashion business). They want to give us free vodka cocktail branded in our business name so that we can give out to our clients (we have a lot of well known clients). Sounds great - but involved us tasting different vodka cocktails - even though tried to abstain - this was not possible!
    Later that evening I resisted having a drink in the bar after work - had orange juice instead. We made our way home and were having a very relaxing evening - at 9pm a good freind that we have not seen for some time decides to come round laden with 5 bottles of wine. He was in a paticulary good mood as he had cycled 60miles for a charity and wanted to celebrate this with us. What could I do - I felt that I could hardly refuse a drink to celebrate his achievement -of course one drink led to another and then another....(+ some other stuff) I did not feel as bad as I should have the next day (maybe 10 days of AF cleared my system out a bit)
    I was prity dissapointed with my self. Maybe I should not set my self unrealistic target of total abstinence - because so many aspects of my life involve alcohol - however, I know that drinking is affecting my chances of having a baby (currently on fertility treatments)
    Any suggestions of how I can improve my willpower?

    another dissapointment?

    Moo, all I can offer is the simplest of anwsers take each day as it comes; even if you break it down into hour increments. You did 10 days A/F and that is fantastic!! Keep that as your focus and remember how well you felt. Good luck with your fertility treatments
    Smiles Always


      another dissapointment?

      Moo, I think sometimes just our own experiences can help with our own will power. So don't beat yourself up too much about your last slip, just put it into your little book of experiences and call on it later when you need to.

      Good luck with your fertility treatment.

      Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


        another dissapointment?

        Think of your successful 10 days af, also alcohol can cause fertility problems in both sexes.
        Think about the baby you so want, that should be helpful,supplements may be harmful
        when trying to conceive. Check with your doctor.
        Best of luck. Paula.


          another dissapointment?

          I agree with above Moo. One day at a time. 10 days AF - excellent. You also made some effort to abstain as much as you could - take the positives and move on. Do not use it as a reason not to try to abstain.


            another dissapointment?

            Moo, you have the perfect excuse to tell people why you are not drinking. Just tell people that you are trying to have a baby, or better yet....tell them you may be pregers and don't want to drink until you find out for sure. I have started to tell people that my husband is diabetic...he is....but that I am helping him out by not drinking. Use any excuse that makes you feel comfortable. It must be hard when the booze comes to you and you feel that it is part of your job to taste it....but maybe next time you could tell them that you have put the tasting into your husbands hands.


              another dissapointment?

              Buffy is right, you can come up with a perfectly good reason for not drinking. It is hard I am sure when it is a part of your business, but get back on track and have another go. 10 days is nothing to scoff at. You are on your way.
              What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
              ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                another dissapointment?

                The longer I'm sober, the more I am surprised at how many people DON'T drink! I thought EVERYONE drank like I did.

                surpsisingly, once you say, "I don't drink" most people just accept it and move on. If they don't, THEY are the one with the problem.

                The most effective line I've found is "I'm an alcoholic" - you'de be surprised how people back off !! lol
                It always seems impossible until it's done....


                  another dissapointment?

                  :huh: I too, would say congrats on the 10 days af. That sounds amazing to me. I really can't say what I would do if a friend came round with wine and wanted to celebrate. Honestly I am thinking I would have done the same as you.
                  Keep working on it, it is not a failure, but a lesson. Next time be prepared with what another member suggested to me pom juice or something and sneak into the kitchen to swap it out. :huh: :huh: :huh:
                  good luck!!!
                  Here we go again.

                  AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009


                    another dissapointment?

                    Hi moo,
                    10 days AF is great.
                    You've learned something about the process. Use it to your advantage.
                    Best wishes


                      another dissapointment?


                      Thanks again guys for your comments - much appreciated - one day at at time is how I'm heading - the benefits of feeling good in body and soul so much outweigh - so this will push me forward (I hope) - this site does help so much though - as I in a strange way feel that I wil let you lot down too if I mess up! So, I am going to set myself a target of 14 days this time AF then back to moderation!


                        another dissapointment?

                        Hi all..arent people funny about drinking.
                        most of my friends and family drink at social functions.

                        some drink daily others only drink every few months when a social occasion arises..others drink to excess at weekends etc.

                        The strange this is that if a person doesnt drink booze often the boozers try and put pressure on them to do so!!

                        The only completely non drinkers i know are my mother(she has never even tasted it!)
                        and people who have had alcohol problems...i have a brother whi is now 20 years sober in AA and a ssiter il law another AA member 10 years sober.

                        I have to say i greatly admire them both for their achievement and they enjoy life to the full without the fear of ever getting boozed up and embarrasing marvellous!!!

                        so moo hope you get to feel positive about cutting the booze to get pregnant. how great if you get the booze issue sorted before becoming a mom rather than later.

                        good Luck moo and well done you in your achievement so far.

                        Regards Cassy


                          another dissapointment?

                          Moo: 10 days is so great. I had a pretty awful weekend of drinking. I'm one of those alcoholic drinkers that can't stop once I start. Today is Monday & a new start for me (& you?). I'm going away & won't have access to computer but will be w/you all in spirit. Mary
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012

