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New Dallas Tx. Member

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    New Dallas Tx. Member

    Hello Everyone:
    I?ve been a lurking for a while and finally decided to post. I?m here for the same reason everyone else is ? AL. Although what I might have say is not as profound as what I?ve read on here, hopefully something will resonate w/ someone in a dark place. By way of introduction, I?m a 41 year old, male professional who?s battled w/ the sauce for many years; in retrospect, many more than I care to think about. My call to personal action was my wife of 18 years telling me she could not stand by and watch anymore. Luckily, I guess, I was already tired. Tired of planning around it, buying it, embarrassing myself and family, lying about it, thinking about it, making bad decisions because of it, etc?. I?m watching my hard fought life crumble around me and it is no longer acceptable. That?s why I?m here? I?ve been 2 days AL free and must say not too worse for wear and I realize I have a long road ahead. There?s much more to my journey, I?d be happy to share later. For now, I just wanted to say hello and let everyone know there are others fighting the same battle. Not sure if this posted in the right place or not???

    New Dallas Tx. Member

    Hi, Jet

    Welcome to MWO!

    A good place to hang out is the busy Newbies Nest. The link is given below. Also, the toolbox is full of great ideas.

    I was tired of it, too. Finally it became harder to continue than to stop. Thank goodness.

    All the best, NS


      New Dallas Tx. Member

      Jet, I was in your shoes too and for much the same reasons I came to the conclusion that I had to quit. I was fortunate enough to have not hit rock bottom but that didn't mean damage wasn't done! I've been sober for over a year now and this is a guy who was swilling close to a bottle a day of Vodka. If I can do it you certainly can! Stick close to the nest you wont regret it. Congratulations on your new found sobriety.
      Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

      William Butler Yeats


        New Dallas Tx. Member

        :shocked:Jet~ Glad you have arrived. Stay locked in to this site and follow the advice from the Tool box, read, read, post your thoughts! Success is sure to follow.

        I am right there with you in age, the feeling of defeat from the beast AL, the ultimatum from the wife and I'm just North of you(Denton area).
        There are some real MWO badasses on this site, that have helped me more than they know.
        I started a journal under "12 days alcohol free/advice" feel free to read that and share your thoughts. It has really helped me to put this in writing!
        Good luck bro, glad you're here. We need more rednecks around here! :shocked:
        AF 08~05~2014

        There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me

