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Other addictions kicking in...

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    Other addictions kicking in...

    I think that I am feeling better now and that other addictions are kicking in. 1 is, I can't stand to not check in here hourly. I feel like I am going to miss something.
    2. I had lost 5 pounds last week after my bender and I was not able to eat. Now I am eating everything that crosses my line of sight. I am not really overweight right now but also don't need any extra.

    Anyone else dealt or dealing with this?

    I don't want to go back to bad habits. I feel maybe this is part of my whole cycle.
    Here we go again.

    AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009

    Other addictions kicking in...

    Hi para,
    I was the same the first few weeks I discovered this site, had to check it out hourly or more. Was very disruptive whn I was at work! But I think it is helpful. It reminds me that I'm not alone.
    Where are you in Washington? I'm near Seattle.


      Other addictions kicking in...

      I am in the Wenatchee area. Small town just outside. It has been so hot here the last few days. How about there?
      Here we go again.

      AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009


        Other addictions kicking in...

        It's normal paranoid! I was the same on both counts... the checking in will slow down over time. I think the over eating is a result of the drop in blood sugars from the alchohol. Try sucking on some suger free lollies.
        It always seems impossible until it's done....


          Other addictions kicking in...

          Hi para..yes i get on here twice a day particularly on my planned AF days...not prepared to go it alone so i use this site,the power of prayer, buddy up with a friend by text daily (who has an alcohol problem too)

          i figure its a healthier habit than opening a bottle for me!!



            Other addictions kicking in...

            Hi Para, yes I feel a need to be on site at least once every couple of days, wondering what I am missing if not! I don't start many threads but find it is when I really need support that I do, and always get what I need. What a place.

            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


              Other addictions kicking in...

              Paranoid, my fellow Washingtonian. You know I log on here lots. Mainly because the people are so fun and I"M BORED. But as I don't think you all will lead me away from my husband to do porn or anything :H I think it's fairly safe...LOL.

              As for the substituting....YUP. I have to be watching my food intake. And many here say it is common to have an increased craving for alcohol has so much.

              I'm sure it levels out in time....and most any other habit is still healthier than overindulgence, regularly, in alcohol......don't go murdering, stealing, taking illegal drugs, or catting around and you'll be okay.


                Other addictions kicking in...

                I understand the substituting addictions. Mine has been checking into MWO several times a a day last month AND working way too much, signing up to work extra hours, covering for co-workers, accepting private clients even when tired. I told myself that I'd check in less often in June. I love it here, but it does take a chunk out of my day ... however soon it'll be 105+ degrees EVERY DAY so internet visits will be MUCH more frequent!
                "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                  Other addictions kicking in...

                  Hi P,

                  I check in often too. But I think it really helps me. I find it disrupting at work and will have to try to refrain from that. I am trying to work out and really concentrate on eating and living a healthy lifestyle, the fact that you are eating more is for sure most likley to the drop in blod sugar/ not being able to eat and all. Been there though.:H


                    Other addictions kicking in...

                    Thanks for all of the replies. My maind concern about checking in so often is that it is taking me away from my kids. They are out of school now and I really should be spending more attention on them. I did go to a craft store yesterday with them and we picked out a lot of fun stuff for them to do over the summer. My oldest son struggles in school so I have to keep him doing some daily work over the summer. I guess I was just living up to my screen name. I am going to need to change that soon.

                    Here's to a less caloric day!!!Cheers
                    Here we go again.

                    AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009


                      Other addictions kicking in...

                      Oh - your kids are out of school already?! We had so many snow days over here near Seattle that they had to add like 5 days onto the school year... last day is the 22nd.

                      Yes, it was very hot here over the weekend. Cooler today


                        Other addictions kicking in...

                        I check in a couple of times a day AND I'm eating way too much. But i can only cope with one "addiction" at a time and I choose alcholol ! the other stuff is definately the lesser of the evils!!
                        Jane :heart:


                          Other addictions kicking in...

                          Para, I normally don't like to eat all that much, would rather drink my calories. But doing ABs has made me very hungry. Great idea to keep the kids busy with arts and crafts over the summer. Library reading programs are good too.


                            Other addictions kicking in...

                            Hi all,

                            I log on here everyday after work. I consider it a much healthier addiction. Sometimes it takes two or three hours to catch up on all the threads. Of course, I'm often in and out running the kids around, but when I am not busy, I'm here. I regretfully log out at about 11pm (my time) because it gets really quiet. It has definitely helped with the loneliness factor (which is one of my triggers for drinking). Like Popeye said in an earlier post, I'm so glad that I googled and found this place. The only other "addiction" I've latched onto these days is shopping. I think a lot of that has to do with having a little more energy. I also have given up an addiction in the past month--smoking. Tomorrow it will be three weeks. I wish there was a way to erase the unhealthy addictions from our brains so there was no fear of them returning. One day at a time...



                              Other addictions kicking in...


                              That's fantastic, Alcohol and smoking! Luckily I never have smoked, but my best friend/cousin smokes and worries about her drinking. She says she wishes she could give up either, I tell her how much I love her and try one but not the other. I know she would give up the first wrong day....she has before. You are inspiring:goodjob:

