I wonder is it worth going thru the giving up, if I am dying anyway?
I have a couple of AF days every so often, then just have one to take the edge off (yeah right)
Yet, I have two wonderful little girls and want to see them growing up, but I just dont think I will.
Have supps and hypno cd's but that man's voice, and suggestions annoy me so much, ( there is no such thing as a very nice escalator ) that I am more tense thru using them. Why am I putting up such resistance? How do I get past it?
For the record, when expecting my gorgeous babies, 2 and 4, I stopped drink the moment I knew they were on their way, and only started after stopping breastfeeding. If I could do that before I met them, why can I not do it now when they are such a glorious reality?
Any input appreciated.