Just got back from my run/swim with my daughter. Its been wonderful.
Last night I felt very vulnerable and this second Friday night was just as hard as the first. But I woke up this morning, so proud of myself that I resisted the cravings.
I literally fought them off.
Writing my journal, and coming here is reminding me every day, that my sobriety, like my children and my wife are the most precious thing in life.
Sorry if i'm repeating myself guys, but your support and knowing I have people here to get me through this is helping me so much.
One day, I will feel ready to not be the one who needs the daily help, and will be able to channel my energy into helping the others on this site, who are going through such terrible heartache, sorrow, pain and personal turmoil.
I am not ready for that yet, as its such early days but every day that goes by I feel stronger and more determined to leave The Alcoholic behind.
The Loving Father and Husband is coming up to the surface and swimming more strongly every day.
There is no way he is going to pulled under by the Alcoholic, only to drown again. No Way.
x Thanks everybody for your incredible support. One day I will repay you. x