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    Hi - I'm on day 4 of Topa, taking 50 mgs. Already I notice a difference. Mostly in my appetite for food. As in I have barely any. In the afternoon I usually crave all kinds of carbs and snack at my desk like crazy. Today at 4 I realized I hadnt thought about food since lunch. Awesome! (I need to lose a lot of weight.)

    Over the weekend I didn't crave beer as much as usual. When I did drink later in the afternoon the beer tasted awful and I drank slower. I drank more out of habit - don't know what else to do with myself - than to get drunk. I'm about to leave work now - it's almost 6. Staying late at the office to get some work done - usually by 5 I'm aching to get home to start drinking, especially on Mondays when my daughter is with her dad.

    I know it's early for positive topa effects - maybe it's mental ... but whatever, I'm glad for it! (also taking kudzu, l-glut, 5-htp, and stopped taking my antidepressant cold turkey).



    Topa totally made me lose my taste for beer - I now hate it. If I could now get it to work on scotch. . .



      Good for you!! Who cares if it's mental - it's working so just go with the flow!!
      "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense." Ralph Waldo Emerson :rays:



        Thats great I'm really pleased for you.
        Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.



          Good for you tree....glad that the Topa is helping really helped me....noticed it within 24 hours of starting it myself.....I'm up to 150mg now...going to try and remain there.
          :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:



            I'm so glad, tree! I found the Topa started to reduce my quantities pretty quickly, and the kudzu worked on the cravings. After the first week, I found I could go completely AF. Keep up the good work, you'll feel so much better!



              I found it worked pretty quickly as well - especially when combined with the l-glut and the kudzu etc. Good job!
              Over 4 months AF :h



                The Topa kicked in for me at 75 mg (week 3) I'm on day 4 AF after 10 years of drinking every single day.

                You can do this toooooooooooooooooooo!
                If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger



                  Good for you and I also found that Topa worked pretty quickly. Isn't it amazing how it just cuts out the craving factor...
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                    Yes, I found it helped almost right away. My daily poison was vodka/soda and topa made the carbonated soda taste like poop. Well, that took care of that craving !!!!
                    So glad you are feeling the benefits!!!
                    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:



                      I'm so glad that the topa is working (whether it's the placabo affect at this point or not)! Hearing some of you describe how it makes the cravings go away makes me think that it must be like the prescription Chantrix (to help you quit smoking). I was a 20+ year smoker and started taking Chantrix about a month ago. When I stopped smoking about a week after starting the prescription, I didn't fight cravings at all. I still wanted to smoke occasionally out of habit, but the craving for it just wasn't there. Three weeks after stopping, I'm beginning to feel like a non-smoker, and it feels great! If topa works at all like that in regards to drinking, then how wonderful is that! I'm still working on trying to successfully moderate, but if I am not able to be successful, I am certainly going to give topa a try. Good luck to everyone. I'm so pleased to hear of your successes!


