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    Good Morning again from another sunny day in France, Hope everybody is well,

    Hi Island Girl, I haven't met you before, but I did read about your black eye escapade. Please don't beat yourself up about it, even though we are anonymous here I still don't have the courage to write about the horrific experiences that I've encountered when the alcohol has taken over, I still feel sick to the stomach when I think of them, we have to try to "let them go". Congratulations on AF day 8 you are doing fantastic and I'm so happy you found MWO. Jane, I wish I looked like my blue lady also?.. Although I am trying very hard, what with the new me, no alcohol, diet, exercise, maybe one day, who knows! I love your "AVATAR" I find it very calming. Anyway, Jane, you are doing a treat, well done. My drink tracker went haywire also as I hadn't checked in since end-May and it's too late to go and put my 0s in their slot now, :upset: :upset:. Adaptable, if I remember correctly you were having problems with severe headaches, how is that coming along now, are they any better? Did you get some advice from the Dr? Roxane. You did 6 days AF great, yes today is another day, so when you feel ready just start again.

    Thought for today: Alcohol is a perfect solvent: It dissolves marriages, families and careers

    Good Luck to everyone at MWO today, whether it be ABS/MODS or whatever.

    Bluesky XX :hug:
    (Start of AF Day 30)
    It is easier to stay out than get out.

    Mark Twain


    good morning from me and sunny england

    ended up having just over a bottle of white merlot. bum. i knew all day that i was going to drink even though i took all my supps. went food shopping and OH asked me to get a bottle of wine for him so i got myself one aswell. we have al sorts of alcohol in the house, cider beer spirits, no problem, but white wine is my choice of alcohol. i'm not going to get him any if he asks again, he can make do with southern comfort ugghhh

    well done on day 30, brilliant. are your cravings less frequent? (assuming you had any)



      Roxane, Hi and glad to see you have the sun in the UK today. Bummer about the Merlot but today is another day. Like you I can have beer, whiskey, SC etc. etc. in the house and I would never dream about touching it - but when it comes to wine and not just white with me - it's white, red, rose, tartan you name it, I'll drink it. Oh well, next time OH asks you to pick up some wine just produce the SC then you wont have the temptation of pondering over the wine aisle. You can do this, believe you me, if I can do a few days AF so can you, you just have to put your mind to it. I have also avoided any social events during the past 29 days and have thrown myself into exercise instead. Try it, get OH to join you, plug in the music and off you go! Good luck today!

      BS X
      It is easier to stay out than get out.

      Mark Twain



        tartan wine lolol and i dont call 30 days a 'few' thats alot in my book.

        excercise will have to do alone, as OH is going through chemo. i am his carer and have to be around if he needs anything, so there is no real structure to my day which doesnt help.

        i'm having my bosses doggy next week while shes on holiday so i can go walkies with her!

        well, its a start:H



          Yes 30 days AF, it's pretty brilliant, never done that since my youth but I don't want to sound "B-H". I thought I was the only one that drank wine with chemo, so I'm not the only one out there?.. Yup, get walking the dog, did that at the w/e and the dog walked me, great fun! Do you feel strong enough today to do AF? Chin up
          It is easier to stay out than get out.

          Mark Twain


            JUNE NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 5

            Hi Roxanne and Bluesky,
            This is me genuflecting to 30 days AF - exceptional!!! Roxanne, I can so relate. I "plan" on being AF but I pretty much know the days I am going to slip. That little voice is calling that seed of an idea of buying that bottle of wine grows. I outloud argue with it and try to weed out the root but I find myself with a bottle in my cart. On the way home, I reason "Well, I don't have to drink it." HA!!! Shake it off and try again!!! Beginning May 31 I have had 4 days AF and one drinking - moving right along! Failing is temporary!


              JUNE NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 5

              Morning All

              I ended my AF streak yesterday which was a bit disaapointing but I have complete confidence that I will start another one today! I am happy to say that I cannot drink as much as I once did in one sitting. Even though I drank a bit more than I should have I did not get hammered. Red wine is my drink of choice and often after a binge the color of my tongue would be the color of the wine, not the case today. I have been smoking too much lately so I'm going back to my nicotine lozenges to wean myself back down. I'm not attempting to quit at the moment, but I will begin here soon.

              Suddenly I see
              This is what I want to be
              suddenly I see
              Why the hell it means so much to me.

              -KT Tunstall


                JUNE NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 5

                Bluesky - love your saying for the day. Roxanne, you are in a tough situation. Lesson learned and only 1 bottle. I highly recommend dogs for walks. Ours is always so happy to go out it cheers me! Good going evergreen lorelei and island g.! I had 1 glass wine last nite. It did not mix will with topa. I was so tired I could barely stay awake for our guest lovely dvd show of trip to Pantagonia (or maybe it was my way of dealing with jealousy) Have a good day all!


                  JUNE NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 5

                  Hi everyone. Welcome to all new newbies and a special hello to all the "regulars" from the May thread. I've been away a few days so have missed all the news but will catch up with the posts later. Day 37 for me today and the weekend has been quite a test as mam still pretty bad - her memory was deteriorating fast but since she's been ill this time, the dementia is really bad and its so upsetting to see her like that. Anyway, I took Caroline Knapp's "Drinking - a Love Story" with me to keep me company and to keep me on track!
                  Bluesky - well done on your 30 days!!!! Don't know about you but I felt a bit odd after that milestone - what do I do now??? Keep going - we just keep going!!! Have a great day everyone! Janice
                  AF since 9 May 2012
                  Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                    JUNE NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 5

                    I'm breathing down your neck, Bluesky (Hey, but no alcohol fumes)! LOL. AF 28 for me! Great on day 30!:yay: And Janice, you are inspiring, keeping AF thru all that stress, well done!!!

                    Everyone else, great job on keeping coming here. It sounds like you know some of your triggers and weaknesses and knowledge is power. You will triumph!

                    I must admit I do have it easier than a lot of you because my hubby is doing this with me....consequently no beer in the house, and Joe never drank anything else. Of course, I had to rid the house of all the other liquor before starting this. Liquor I don't even LIKE!...I mean really Midori! YUK>:egad: Might be good in a song but tastes like shit!

                    Anyway, I do need to exercise, I have been eating too much, not gained...because of all the calories I'm NOT consuming w/beer, but haven't lost like I had hoped. And I have a excuse!


                      JUNE NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 5

                      Well... I think everyone is doing great!:goodjob: Just being on this site and admitting we have a problem is HUGE! I have always wanted to moderate but I think for now, maybe always AF is better. I was worried about my husband coming home and it triggering a craving but he said on the phone last night that he wants to go on a major healthy diet!! Great! That gives me added support in social situations etc... Now we both can just be leading a "healthier lifestyle".:H

