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AF hour 60 and now I'm really angry!

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    AF hour 60 and now I'm really angry!

    Hey everyone, as I mentioned in my previous post regarding my 'breakthrough' and all the mess that came with to finally go AF...I was really really proud of myself...and still am. I mentioned about how great my boss was, but hey, when your in Asia, that deadly wicked smile and comfort can only mean one thing, they're not with you!!!!!! (please don't get me wrong, I don't mean this about all Asians, only nasty English academy owners!!!)
    So, after two regular days off, much needed for my first 48hours, I was prepared to go in and conquer another 24...and still will, just waiting to be finished to take some valium and calm myself......
    well going into work today, payday, I have ZERO medical coverage because the tight wad will not pay out (even though legally entitled to it...but hey, why not give someone a chance...that is my real problem, giving too many chances and getting screwed royally!!!)
    In any case, after having missed two morning classes, only to return to work later to complete my day on Saturday, after having gone through the biggest mental break down of my life....I return today, proud of my accomplishment, not needing any unnecessary stress.........well here it is, a foreigner, at the mercy of greedy, ignorant employers.....she thought it would be a 'great' idea to keep $400 of my money, just in case, as a deposit to make sure I will not get sick again. Upon telling her we are entitled to sick days by law, she ignorantly claimed she did not know, and she wasn't going to keep it, just hold onto it until I finish my contract, in two months from now (which would then mean, any excuse to keep it is what will happen!).
    Sorry to rant, I just really needed to get this off my chest!!! Also, I need someone to please say 'hey its okay....just be more careful who you trust next time' know, I am angriest because that was the weekest point I have ever been in (in front of anyone), I wept and wept and wept some more. I was so broken I was actually like a baby who could not catch their breath! I don't feel sadness, embarrassment or shame, I am glad I did what I did because now I'm at 60 hours!! But I do feel a lot of anger towards this woman......can't wait to take a diazepam and go to bed...or better yet, take a diazepam and hang on the beach...will be nice to have the nerves calm again!!! Ugh, that felt better!!! Thanks for the eyes and hopefully a trusting shoulder

    AF hour 60 and now I'm really angry!

    Hang in there. As my mother would always say, "Rise above it!" You cannont control situations but you can control how you react!!! Righteous indignation is called for. Hold on to your AF hours becoming days!!! From around the world, I am incredibly in awe of you!!


      AF hour 60 and now I'm really angry!

      Just keep going 4ever...don't let the little people in the world get the best of are better than this.....rise above it all....
      :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


        AF hour 60 and now I'm really angry!


        Are you artistic at all? Maybe you can make a voodoo doll lookalike and...... Okay, kidding. I would be pissed too! I would either go to bed early or beat the pillow or both. This too shall pass, I hate liars and especially when one is in a compromised situation such as in a foreign country. Karma will win over and she will get hers. :bat Hang in there Hon


          AF hour 60 and now I'm really angry!

          You've accomplished more than you give yourself credit for. There will always be someone out there that is going to try and take advantage as others have already said don't let it get to you, Rise above it. Especially if you have just a little longer to have to deal with it. Your AF days are more important.
          Here we go again.

          AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009


            AF hour 60 and now I'm really angry!

            Well, just got home after a never ending 3rd day....but I am VERY happy to say, still AF!! ..and plan to keep it that way, no beer in the house !
            I just read the post and Evergreen, Demimalti, Hart and Paraniod, thanks for the kind words and good advice You know, any other day, and that 24 hour corner store that sells beer would'a been all mine....but gotta tell ya, I've got a whoppin headache, shaky nerves, and a smile cause I didn't give in.....instead, went & got some good ol' fashion western style greasy take out, brought it home, with water, and have for the first time, just enjoyed the thoughts of ending the day and going to bed Thanks guys, I know I went on a rant, guess I'm feeling a bit like a basket case with nothin but vit. b,c, & e, will power, and a little half tab diaz. before bed.....but man, glad I let it out here rather than at the corner store! Day 3....done Woohoo! Thanks again, I really needed something positive today....and oh yeah, Hart, I do like the voodoo doll where did I put her lock of hair again??? hahaaa You all are right, righteous indignation and rising above, I like it!!!


              AF hour 60 and now I'm really angry!

              paraniod;145034 wrote: You've accomplished more than you give yourself credit for.
              look at this again 4ever, whenever you feel crappy, youre doing brilliantly.


                AF hour 60 and now I'm really angry!

                Very well done 4ever,
                Inspirational stuff.
                It takes a lot to be able not to crack uder such intense and unfair pressure.


                  AF hour 60 and now I'm really angry!

                  Good going 4ever! Rant over, I see you walking tall and serene and proud on the beach. Hart you are a riot!


                    AF hour 60 and now I'm really angry!

                    You are being tested, and you are passing this test with flying colors! So many triggers are being thrown your way and you are taking a better path. Hang in there. You are doing great!!!
                    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                      AF hour 60 and now I'm really angry!

                      Day 4.........wooooohoooo Did not even take that full valium last night, just the second half of the pill and the other half of the CNS depressent before bed. I feel great for it!!!! Today is a national holiday, so I'm happy I get one more day of relaxing before facing my boss again...the funny thing is, this is the first day off EVER I will not be drinking!!! Just excited to get to day 5 without any major withdrawal symptoms, then will know my body has been doing its job to rid itself of the beer Thanks for the support, wow, I really needed that! It is funny how when you try and do something really good for yourself, life has just gotta throw you that curve ball of temptation!!! But, I guess its just one of many more to upwards and onwards, ready to face day 4 and see what this day has in store!! ... I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!


                        AF hour 60 and now I'm really angry!

                        I'm so happy to hear you are going so well under these circumstances and that they haven't got the best of you. Keep on doing what you're doing and hold your head high. Honesty was still the best could not control what she did with that honesty.
                        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                          AF hour 60 and now I'm really angry!

                          Hi 4ever, I've only just spotted this thread and wanted to add my well dones to the list ...

                          BB xx


                            AF hour 60 and now I'm really angry!

                            hey 4everkid-- check back on jane rees (Doctor said no to topa). i posted a message to you within my answer to her. cheers, beatle
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

