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End of Week 61

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    End of Week 61

    Feeling wobbly

    That time of year - dark nights - poor weather - bad traffic - spectre of Christmas looming

    Depression trying to get me (SAD)

    Answer for many years was drink to oblivion

    61 weeks in I try - music - meditation - running - tea - ice cream - tv - play with the dog - surf the web.....

    Don't really want a drink and won't have one but the boredom fuels low mood

    Hope everyone else s doing well - drink is a bastard - wouldn't solve any of the above - just would make it worse

    Keep On Keeping On

    Ha, bet you didn't think I'd appear this quick, did you,'ll always be Softy to me.

    I lost a dear friend just a month ago to alcoholism............remember we're the lucky ones that have found our way out.

    And sometimes that's all we can do some days, love................Keep on Keeping on

    Now don't be a stranger......................61 WEEKS IS HUGE.

    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Thanks JC - you are always there to watch over - you cant begin to appreciate how much it helps



        Good on you for posting, Softy!

        I agree with JC - we're the lucky ones. Seems like you're doing all of the right things. Something that helps me is reading back on my journal from the end of my drinking career, and the beginning of my sober one. Who wants to go back there?

        I get SAD, and I get sad - I'm not a big fan of the "holidays" and the forced fun and constant family obligations. Keep posting, and I will, too. We got this.


