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Trying my best to quit and stay quit.

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    Trying my best to quit and stay quit.

    Hi all.
    Well some of you might remember me. I have been in and out of this place to many times to count.
    Alcohol is no longer working for me. I have to drink more and more to feel the effect of the alcohol.
    I am not doing well with alcohol anymore. I have noticed it is starting to effect my memory and thinking.
    I am a great quitter of Alcohol. I am just no good at staying quit is the problem.
    So I am here to try again. I just am praying for the strength to make it thru this day without alcohol.
    I am going to stay close and read all that I can. Thank you for being here.
    I need to quit before alcohol kills me.

    Many thanks

    All things in time if I am Alcohol free

    Hi, Rednose and welcome back. I remember you.

    Do you have a new plan in place? Over the time I've been here, I've seen people return to repeat the same experiment over and over again without changing a variable. It just doesn't work that way.

    Maybe you could lay out your plan and get some feedback. People who have been through it might have an idea to help you stay AF this time.

    All the best, NS


      Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
      Hi, Rednose and welcome back. I remember you.

      Do you have a new plan in place? Over the time I've been here, I've seen people return to repeat the same experiment over and over again without changing a variable. It just doesn't work that way.

      Maybe you could lay out your plan and get some feedback. People who have been through it might have an idea to help you stay AF this time.

      All the best, NS
      No Sugar,

      No actual plan in place at the moment except to hang on to this feeling that I have to stop today.

      I need to get day one under my feet and come back for day two. I have been drinking a bunch so I know it is going to be unpleasant for a time. I am hopeful that I can make this stick.

      Thanks for your reply.

      rednose. (feeling desperate)
      All things in time if I am Alcohol free


        Hi Rednose- if this is an attempt at day 1 again, have you experienced withdrawal symptoms before? Is this cold turkey from a peak or have you been cutting down? How heavy a drinker have you been recently? Spoken to a doctor or counselor recently? If you want to this to stick this time, and have tried before, hopefully you recall some of reasons why it didn't work...If you are doing this without medical help, please make sure you have people around you at least as those 1st few days can be physically and mentally challenging...drink tons of water, sleep when you can (that may be difficult though), relax and get some B-vitamins if you are can do this if you want to really want to make a change, but you really have to make a change to do this.... let us know how we can help...hang in there
        “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



          Rednose, the other times you've tried that I know about, you primarily stayed in your own thread.

          Maybe it would help to participate in the Newbies Nest. There is power in a group and the thread is fairly busy, so someone is likely to be around if you need some support. Plus, there is so much good information already there for you to read. We've had some wonderful discussions there in the last week or so - check it out!

          Perhaps more importantly, I think there is as much or more to be gained (for you!) by helping others. Be the guy who is online when someone is hurting and needs to be reminded why it is worth getting past any craving - and how relatively short those cravings really are. As you write, encouraging others, you will be slowly but surely rewiring your brain to believe what you are saying. After you've participated for awhile, you'll want to live up to your own words! None of us wants to talk the talk but not walk the walk. The thought of having to return to the NN and post that I had chosen to drink was a powerful deterrent (and still is!).

          Hope to see you over there, NS


            Welcome Red

            One day at a time is all we can do. The first few weeks i just thought of it as 'plodding' along and getting through each day without al. I posted on NN like a lunatic, i watched documentaries on alcoholism and i read and read some more. Its one of the hardest things i have had to do but i was so determined that this quit would be the last. I didnt and still dont want to put myself through that again. The good news is it gets easier as the days and weeks and months roll on. Acceptance and leaving your ego at the door helped me with being on mwo and really listenig to what the "old timers" said and taking it in.

            Sleep when you are tired, eat what you want and be kind to yourself for a few weeks or months. The world will not end if your participation in life for a few weeks is minimal. You are the priority in this journey and it is your life that is at stake.

            If you had of asked me nearly a year ago if giving up al and staying af was doable for myself i would have said "you are joking arent you". My plan was 1/4/2013 to my 50th on 20/4/14 and see how i felt. I felt great and of course i wanted to have "one or two" for my birthday being a big occasion and all but i knew deep down that i could not have one or two so i just kept plodding along.

            You can do this Red, have a small plan and add to it along the way.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Originally posted by See the Light View Post
              Hi Rednose- if this is an attempt at day 1 again, have you experienced withdrawal symptoms before? Is this cold turkey from a peak or have you been cutting down? How heavy a drinker have you been recently? Spoken to a doctor or counselor recently? If you want to this to stick this time, and have tried before, hopefully you recall some of reasons why it didn't work...If you are doing this without medical help, please make sure you have people around you at least as those 1st few days can be physically and mentally challenging...drink tons of water, sleep when you can (that may be difficult though), relax and get some B-vitamins if you are can do this if you want to really want to make a change, but you really have to make a change to do this.... let us know how we can help...hang in there
              See The L,ight,

              No I have been slowing down quite a bit over the last 2 weeks. I knew this day had to come so I started tapering off.
              I am not to uncomfortable at the moment but I am sure it is going to be a rough night.
              Thanks for the support.

              All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
                Rednose, the other times you've tried that I know about, you primarily stayed in your own thread.

                Maybe it would help to participate in the Newbies Nest. There is power in a group and the thread is fairly busy, so someone is likely to be around if you need some support. Plus, there is so much good information already there for you to read. We've had some wonderful discussions there in the last week or so - check it out!

                Perhaps more importantly, I think there is as much or more to be gained (for you!) by helping others. Be the guy who is online when someone is hurting and needs to be reminded why it is worth getting past any craving - and how relatively short those cravings really are. As you write, encouraging others, you will be slowly but surely rewiring your brain to believe what you are saying. After you've participated for awhile, you'll want to live up to your own words! None of us wants to talk the talk but not walk the walk. The thought of having to return to the NN and post that I had chosen to drink was a powerful deterrent (and still is!).

                Hope to see you over there, NS

                Thanks for the tip. I will hang out there and check it out.

                All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                  Originally posted by available View Post
                  Welcome Red

                  One day at a time is all we can do. The first few weeks i just thought of it as 'plodding' along and getting through each day without al. I posted on NN like a lunatic, i watched documentaries on alcoholism and i read and read some more. Its one of the hardest things i have had to do but i was so determined that this quit would be the last. I didnt and still dont want to put myself through that again. The good news is it gets easier as the days and weeks and months roll on. Acceptance and leaving your ego at the door helped me with being on mwo and really listenig to what the "old timers" said and taking it in.

                  Sleep when you are tired, eat what you want and be kind to yourself for a few weeks or months. The world will not end if your participation in life for a few weeks is minimal. You are the priority in this journey and it is your life that is at stake.

                  If you had of asked me nearly a year ago if giving up al and staying af was doable for myself i would have said "you are joking arent you". My plan was 1/4/2013 to my 50th on 20/4/14 and see how i felt. I felt great and of course i wanted to have "one or two" for my birthday being a big occasion and all but i knew deep down that i could not have one or two so i just kept plodding along.

                  You can do this Red, have a small plan and add to it along the way.
                  Thanks for the words of encouragement. I don't have a huge plan right now but just to get through today and then deal with tomorrow when it arrives.
                  I appreciate the support and wisdom.

                  All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                    Hi rednose. I remember you. Welcome back to the good fight. I'm very glad you are here. You've gotten excellent advice, and I can't think of anything to add, so I'll just second what has already been said. Give the nest a try. I used to lurk there, but didn't post much until a very wise person convinced me that I upped the odds of staying sober when I stay connected with a group. Now, I post daily, and read constantly. As NS says, supporting others in this struggle feels good. And after years of feeling bad about ourselves, it's nice to be part of something so important and positive. We are all in this together.

                    You already know that every relapse is tougher to beat, so I won't belabor the point. So try to make a true commitment this time, and make this the last quit. We'll be here with you every step of the way. In the meantime, take very good care of yourself. It sounds like you are in a bad way, so if you need medical care, get it. Withdrawal is nothing to mess around with. I made a new plan this last (and FINAL) quit (since my original plan obviously wasn't working) that included seeking out medical help. It wasn't as scary as I had imagined.

                    Wishing you all the best. Stick close.
                    Everything is going to be amazing


                      Welcome Rednose. Stick close and get your plan and stay with it. Read and post. It really helps!


                        That's great..I think if there is a preferred way to do it, IMHO, it is to set a date, and prepare like hell for it. I waited for my a-hole boss to be on vacation..I had been "moderating" to some degree versus my peak times, had started kudzu and other supplements to get me in a better state, and had been lurking here for maybe 2-3 weeks prior (my last drink was 1st day I posted here). I had weird withdrawal symptoms previous times, but when you are ready, it goes a tad wishes in this..may this time be your last time
                        “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu


