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Ready to get started

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    Ready to get started

    I was here back in 2005 and had great success with MWO. Then my DH had a brain bleed and almost died several times and life got hard again(miraculously, he's still with me). Unfortunately, I slowly returned to my old ways.
    Now it's 2014 and I need and want to get started again. I'm guessing I just need to buy the starter kit and jump in feet first. Any recs, advice, support will be greatly appreciated!
    I did it before, I know I can do it again!

    Welcome back, L2. I'm glad to hear that your husband it still here.

    What are your "old ways"?
    Why is today your day?
    I'm not sure what the starter kit includes, but do you plan on not drinking anymore, as of today? Or do you plan to wait until the starter kit arrives?
    Can you "jump in feet first" today?

    I know that you can become Alcohol FREE again- maybe we should call it "Alcohol FREEDOM", for by becoming alcohol free, we certainly gain a newly found freedom.

    :hug: Hugs! Patty
    "God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
    so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down."


      May I invite you over to the Newbie's Nest! We have folks in all stages of quitting there. Link is in my signature line. Also visit the Tool Box for 8 years worth of tips and coping skills to help you! So glad you are back and ready to grab your life back! The nest is a busy place so you will always find someone home! Welcome aboard! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Yes those are great questions Patty.. "jumping in" sounds exciting, but are you prepared? Have you been drinking at a level recently that withdrawal may be an issue? I would surely you encourage you to quit, but so it is not just a bunch of starts and stops, you should be mentally and physically ready...because it is a tough but worthwhile battle ..I think the started kit is a good commitment, although I think you can also duplicate the majority of that on your own..either way, if you need other ideas on how to get started and stay on track, stick around here and much help will be yours...oh and welcome back..I think you came to the right place (again)
        “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu




          Welcome back. I like you have been here before with some success. I also went back out to do more drinking and it took me a good year to get back here. I was drinking hard alcohol very heavy and I started tapering off a good month before I had the courage to quit.
          I also under the advise of my Dr started to taper and not go cold turkey.
          I don't know your drinking history but be careful if you have been drinking heavy. For me heavy was a fifth of vodka every day for a number of months.
          I am now on day 5 alcohol free.
          Lots of help and wisdom and encouragement on this site.

          Welcome back. :welcome:

          All things in time if I am Alcohol free

