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just starting out- again and again

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    just starting out- again and again

    I can only seem to get 7 days of sobriety and the only reason I can go that long is because I am so sad and depressed because I did drink. But as soon as I start forgiving myself, I drink again. I wonder if this is ever going to end

    just starting out- again and again

    Last FRiday I started trying to reason with myself on having just a beer on the boat. Fortunately I talked me out of it. "Don't let me get me". I too have been wondering how I am going to abstain forever.
    I know that if I don't drink at all my husband will think I am just over reacting to my black out. It just shows how afraid he is to quit. He knows he would fail much sooner. I just wish we could both learn moderation.

    Anyway, I don't know how to answer except for "day by day".
    Here we go again.

    AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009


      just starting out- again and again

      i agree depressionis a vile thing i was doing really well got to 43 days and got cocky how stupid am i my thoughts are with you


        just starting out- again and again

        I wish you well Sue.
        Don't give up....please.


          just starting out- again and again

          I know the feeling. I have done that more times than I can count. Sometimes it's a few days, sometimes it's a few weeks, but at some point, I start to think "Well, maybe I can drink just a little now." But it always backfires and I never seem to learn. I hope this time I finally have learned that total abstinence is the only way for me-- I have so much to lose if I mess up again. Are you following the program? I find that I need the medication. I tried without medication several times (and managed max 4 weeks), but I am too weak to do it for longer. I hope I won't need the medication someday, but for now, it's the only way. Good nutrition and supplements help tremendously, too. And support from the people closest to you. Don't give up and remember that there are millions of people with the same problem. You are not the only one and you are not alone. And man it sucks. You didn't ask for it. All you can do is deal with it as well as you can. It's not your fault but you can do something about it. So don't stop trying. And yes, I do think it will get better. Maybe it will always be there-- something you have to struggle with, but it will get way way better... and so much other aspects of your life will improve too. Plus, not to scare you, but you are slowly killing yourself. So remember there are LOTS of reasons to stop. Don't give in to the "permissive thoughts". If you can go 7 days, you can go 7 weeks, 7 months, 7 years.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            just starting out- again and again

            What an inspiration ... if you can make it to day 7 ... then maybe I can too. So far have only managed 2 days ... but this time am determined to make another day ... just dont give up on giving up.


              just starting out- again and again

              You SHOULD forgive yourself, you are human. The one you shouldn't forgive, the one you should be REALLY angry with is alcohol. Be so mad at alcohol, as a matter of fact, that you tell it to get out of your life. That you don't want a relationship with it anymore. It is not your friend. Seven days is fabulous and I am very proud of you for making it that long. Keep reading some of the posts on these boards. Go back through some of the older ones. Try to look up some older stuff from Irishlady. She has a great outlook on taking her life back from alcohol. It's not about giving something up that you love, it's all about taking something back, your life. And you deserve it. Hang in there, you can do this!!!!
              Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:

