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    How is everyone going to handle the upcoming Holidays? One at a time......I am hosting Thanksgiving dinner and am not going to touch AL!
    Everyone else at the party will, I am sure!!

    I have decided to tell anyone that asks that I have developed an allergy to alcohol so can't have any....that way I won't hear the "O come on, one won't hurt you"......whine......

    Good luck to everyone!!

    I would love suggestions for easy NA drinks! I have been enjoying lemon club soda with a shot of mojito mix!


    Sue- I like that..most people I know already know I don't drink, but the one's that don't I've been telling them I am taking medication for my back that can't be combined with AL (which was true for a while anyway)..hang in will do fne...much to enjoy about the holidays without drinking...
    “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



      Originally posted by See the Light View Post
      Sue- I like that..most people I know already know I don't drink, but the one's that don't I've been telling them I am taking medication for my back that can't be combined with AL (which was true for a while anyway)..hang in will do fne...much to enjoy about the holidays without drinking...
      Thanks, See The Light, I like the medication story too!:happy2:
      This is too fresh for me to have to explain and be questioned ....
      I am sure the Holidays will go well and I will stay strong, just getting my story prepared......



        That's so important at first. Soon it will just become second nature. I tell the few people who HAVE questioned my not drinking that I just don't. I say it in such a strong, posative way that the subject is immediately dropped and I have a wonderful time without alcohol, wake up happy and refreshed the next day with no regrets.:yay:
        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


          Originally posted by little beagle View Post
          That's so important at first. Soon it will just become second nature. I tell the few people who HAVE questioned my not drinking that I just don't. I say it in such a strong, posative way that the subject is immediately dropped and I have a wonderful time without alcohol, wake up happy and refreshed the next day with no regrets.:yay:
          My life has changed so much since the last time that I went AF (years ago), and found out I wasn't moderation material.....
          Now I find that MOST people that I associate with DON'T drink or drink very little.....
          The people that I will see over the Holidays know that I DO drink,( CORRECTION - USED to drink), and will wonder why I am not drinking on a Holiday. But they are the type that one little excuse, and they will be fine with it.....SO no worries! NO pressure......


            Good idea developing a plan, Suek. Scottish Lass pointed out that in some way those BIG events are easier because we prepare and think of them a lot. It is the smaller ones that take us by surprise. Be careful washing dishes after everyone has gone, leaving half drunk (who DOES that?) wine glasses alone. Be careful of that Tuesday night after a hard day at work...

            I like the idea of a good, quick and definitive answer. It helps.



              Hi Suek. I may be in the minority, but for some reason, when I was hosting I barely drank - even when I was at my worst. I managed to catch up after everyone went home, but that's another story.

              When you are hosting Thanksgiving, there's so much to do - cook the meal, make sure everyone is comfortable and enjoying themselves, watch young children (my house hasn't been child-proofed for years - don't know about yours), and cater to my elderly relatives. I always loved when it was my turn to host. It was only when I was the guest that things took a turn for the ugly.

              So maybe just concentrate on the meal. Perhaps you could try something different. Be a foodie for the day. haha. Anything to keep your mind off of drinking. I have to agree with Pav. The hardest part of those nights was always when everyone had left and I needed to clean up. Then it was wine-o-clock. ugh. Leave the mess until morning, get a good night's sleep, and deal with it over coffee. Best wishes to you, friend. xx
              Everything is going to be amazing


                Originally posted by MossRose View Post
                Hi Suek. I may be in the minority, but for some reason, when I was hosting I barely drank - even when I was at my worst. I managed to catch up after everyone went home, but that's another story.

                When you are hosting Thanksgiving, there's so much to do - cook the meal, make sure everyone is comfortable and enjoying themselves, watch young children (my house hasn't been child-proofed for years - don't know about yours), and cater to my elderly relatives. I always loved when it was my turn to host. It was only when I was the guest that things took a turn for the ugly.

                So maybe just concentrate on the meal. Perhaps you could try something different. Be a foodie for the day. haha. Anything to keep your mind off of drinking. I have to agree with Pav. The hardest part of those nights was always when everyone had left and I needed to clean up. Then it was wine-o-clock. ugh. Leave the mess until morning, get a good night's sleep, and deal with it over coffee. Best wishes to you, friend. xx
                Ah you are so right MossRose and Pavati! It is the AFTER party that is dangerous!!! I will be careful, and watch out for the temptations. Right now I feel really SOLID in my resolve and think it will be OK.
                Funny, other years I would be sure there was plenty of beer and wine so we couldn't possibly run out, no matter how much everyone drank, so there would be plenty for the post party celebration!!!
                This year I will have a small supply on hand, and when we run out....O WELL, too bad, so sad!!! Have to switch to NA drinks....
                And there will be club soda available and in massive quantities..... THAT we won't run out of .... :happy2:

