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End of week 65

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    End of week 65

    455 days can be converted to one of these units:
    39,312,000 seconds
    655,200 minutes
    10,920 hours
    455 days
    65 weeks

    Blimey !

    It is the done thing these days to say you are "on a journey" but I guess we all are in our own way

    On Sunday I will dress as Santa and run 5km with 10,000 others in a major charity event

    If I could go back 18 months and try to visualise the future it would not have been this

    It would have been misery caused by drinking

    Don't get me wrong I am not happy all of the time now - life just isn't like that

    I have learned though that troubles are doubled if you have a drink worry on top

    Will I drink at Christmas - probably not - I don't want to and now don't need to

    The fact that I am free to make that choice without being pushed and pulled by addiction is true liberation

    Liberation From Libation :happy2:

    Keep On Keeping On everyone and good luck with your battles too :heartbeat:

    Way to go, Softy!


      Very inspiring. I kick myself every time i look at the "AF" marks on my calendar from earlier this year when i got up to 6 months before i slipped. I could be looking at 12 months. I truly want to be where you are in a year 3 and 4 months from now.
      Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1

