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    Thank you all so much!

    Yesterday, I "met" or was "introduced" to some remarkable people. I spent the day contemplating my al use- and started digging through threads, chatting with one of the members here- it was amazing. I "came out" to my husband last night. I told him flat out that I was either at work, asleep, or using bourbon. Yes. I still drank yesterday. I am going to drink today. I am not ready to pick a "quit day" yet- but, I am not afraid to talk about it now, either.

    I AM putting together my own "toolbox" to use.

    One of my "triggers" is dealing with my sister in law, who is frankly a judgemental bitch. I can't say it any other way right now. She whines to her mother that my husband doesn't "call her," and so I emailed her and said "Our number is the same, give us a call."

    She wrote back and said "no. He has to call me."

    For the first time, I realized that I am dealing with someone who has mental issues that are as severe as mine- so instead of reacting with "FU," I just deleted the email. I'll figure that one out later, right now, I need to concentrate on my wellness. I can't fix her.

    The Serenity Prayer makes sense to me for the very first time ever.

    So, I am dealing now. And that's the first step. One of the "tools" I will use is professional counseling. I want to be happy and sober. Do I want to moderate or quit? Right now, I want to say "moderate," but I am not sure that's going to work. If I "waste" any time on it, it won't be more than a week or so.

    Thank you all so much for your kind words and support.

    Its always good to have a plan Trying. Mine was small as otherwise i overwhelmed myself with expectations that i could not do so i would then get the "fark its" as i felt i failed and therefore i drank. I also had to stop drinking AT people. It never hurt them, it always hurt me. I also found that alcoholics cant moderate but we all have tried and failed. We are triers if nothing else lol.

    Good luck and merry christmas.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      I am pretty sure moderation isn't going to help me. I am just not ready to take that step- yet. It was huge that I logged on and admitted I had a problem. So, I am going to create my "toolbox," and take another step. I suspect I'll be at full on quit mode soon. "Moderation" scares me, because I think it might just be baloney


        I was going to prove everyone wrong that moderating would work and i would be the first to succeed. This is why i have been sober a year. Epic fail lol! You are doing what is right for you Trying and that is the main thing.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          LOL But, no. One of the first things I have realized is that I can't help anyone anymore without helping myself I am only thinking "moderation" because I am still in denial. I finally admitted I have a problem (and a big one), so the "Complete quit" is next. I have to do this- I have to. I love it here. Thank you so much for responding to me- it's folks like you that I think, "I would love to meet them- that person is amazing" and it keeps me working. I am a long time lurker.


            I think many of us arrived to moderate - that is probably what we searched for. It took me a long time to be able to even consider "never" and thinking that way gave me the heebie jeebies - I am where I am today just taking it one day at a time.
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              Another "going to be the moderation success story" here. One day at a time is useful and necessary, but real success only came for me when I accepted that I could never drink again. It was so freeing to realize the struggle was over!

              We all take our own paths. Good for you for coming here and coming clean to your husband. The serenity prayer is good for your sister in law situation, too. Accept that you can't change her behavior, only your reaction to it.




                "Me too!" on the moderation. I found the book several years ago, read it. Got the CD's and the supplements and quit for 14 months. I did it with the full intent to get the habit "under control" and moderate.
                So one day, I decided IT was under control and I can successfully moderate ....WELL that didn't work at all. Give the beast a crack and he jumps right back in full strength! In no time, I was back to where I was before that 14 month quit....a distant memory! WOW, that floored me!

                I consider myself a "good quitter" with a strong mind and resolve.

                Quit a 2 pack a day cigarette habit cold turkey and never looked back.
                Quit AL for 14 months cold turkey and looked back. That was the mistake....

                THIS TIME I am doing a LOT of reading, here, other forums, books, whatever I can find. AND I am smarter, been there, done that....
                NO ONE seems to advocate moderation. It doesn't work. The success rate is like zero percent.....

                I like the Rational Recovery "beast theory". It makes sense to me. That pleasure seeking beast is within us all, and we have the power to "kill it" facing it and abstaining. First step is being AWARE of it and its tricks!

                Another author, Kevin O'hara talks about a friend that is hospitalized with late stage cirrhosis, and realizes he can stop now and put up with a little pain and discomfort, OR stop later in that hospital bed and have his family look on him with disgust at what he has become.....and done to himself.

                THERE, that is my true motivation, ugly painful sickness and death.
                AND it happens. I have lost 2 people very close to me in the last 2 years to throat cancer due to a combo of smoking and drink. They were ugly painful deaths and neither person wanted to die. One was 52 and just got a new granddaughter.

                SO I will not drink again, and I will never change my mind!

                Sorry about the depressing story on Christmas morning!!!!
                Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!


                  Thank you new page - sorry you are where you are, but thank you so much for sharing - as I approach a year there are the thoughts of having beaten this - I know better, but doesn't stop the thoughts - I appreciate your sharing - it is a gift to me this Christmas
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Hi trying, hey if you look at the mods threads there's only like 3 people who are on there,I think the odds aren't great,hope you had a nice Christmas
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!



                      I unsuccessfully moderated AL for 10 years ... And it consumed me ... It made me miserable. In my book there is no such thing a moderation. The beast inside always wants more just one more and it always tell I can quit tomorrow ... Today I can drink. And it went on and on ...
                      Then one of the lowest mode I decided to quit. I thought of it as an experiment ... And quit for 44 days ... It was wonderful... Feeling of freedom .... But I gave in....

                      Then I stood up again and realised its impossible to moderate. 100% abstaining is the only way !!
                      Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                      Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                      Rebooting ... done ...
                      Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...

