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ok - now I'm counting. And thank you.

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    ok - now I'm counting. And thank you.

    I have never been one to participate in the Roll Call, although I know it is important. I made myself believe that numbers aren't important. Yet, I can tell you exactly which day I quit smoking - October 5, 2013 - my son's birthday. So today, I realized that I was afraid to count the sober days, because I didn't want to be a disappointment, to myself or others. So I decided to do a count. Actually, I've been doing one all along, but I have just never shared it with anyone. Today, I will be accountable with an actual number of sober days.

    I joined MWO in May of 2013. I was so sincere about quitting, but it took longer than I would have liked. On July 27, 2014, I was already into a month-long spiral towards hell. That relapse was the one that almost killed me. I'm not being dramatic. It was the worst. I only confided in one member here by email. I walked away from MWO, and that was a huge mistake. But my mind was made up. I was going to drink and I didn't want to be talked out of it. Well, it went very badly, very quickly. I drank so much that I started missing work. I no longer cared if my sons called, because I was ignoring the phone. It was bad. But this one person, this one very caring person, picked up the phone and called me. I was drunk. She was sober. And she talked to me with such love and compassion and a bit of ass-kicking when necessary. That night she sent me an email. It was so profound and loving and I can't share all of it, but I will share this much: She said: "if you won't come back, I think you need to consider AA or perhaps a different online forum. You may be nearer a crisis than you realize because as you know, we can't think clearly when we're drinking. Please put your ego aside, Sherry, and take care of yourself. You're the only one who can do it. I would love to see a post from you on the Loamers thread or in the NN saying you are back and ready to commit more fully to becoming the woman you are meant to be. Please don't squander your life - it is a precious gift."

    I haven't had a drink since. So I guess today is five months for me. And a huge hug, and thank you to NoSugar for never giving up on me even when I had given up on myself. Count those days. Be proud. Stay sober.

    xx, Sherry
    Everything is going to be amazing

    MR congrats on 5 months. I remember your earlier posts and it made me so sad to see you in such pain and now it makes me so happy to see you become the person al took. NS too started me on my way to being af with her "well what are you waiting for to start a day 1". I was waiting for someone else to do it for me but we all know we and only ourselves can begin the journey. Having a mentor is the bomb and i have had a few to help me along. For them i stay accountable.

    I am so fucking proud of you MR, i love your posts, i love your honesty and you do us all proud on MWO.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Ava - I so badly wanted someone else to do it for me too. LOL. Thanks for the laugh. Hope you are enjoying the time with your mom. xoxox.
      Everything is going to be amazing


        Moss, NS sure is an amazing person....I have learned so much from HER! She has put the science behind all my I understand WHY I did the stuff I did! She gives all of us strength! Her contributions to this forum are beyond measure!!! Hell, in large part, it is what it is because of her!
        Congratulations on your 5 months!!! That is a huge accomplishment! I am SO PROUD of you!!! :sendflowers: Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Byrdie - I couldn't have done it without you either. I consider you one of the angels of MWO. You reached out to me in the beginning when I thought sobriety was impossible, and you have stayed by my side ever since. Thank you. I just thought it was time to be completely honest. Wow - does that feel good
          Last edited by MossRose; December 28, 2014, 08:13 PM.
          Everything is going to be amazing


            Wow MR - thank you for posting this.

            I am so proud of you!
            As a newbie myself, you are one of the people I have been looking up to and chatting with. Thank you for turning around and giving back here to the community.

            I hope to one day do the same.



              Moss, as most on MWO know, I don't count days, just 24 hours at a time for me! I can get my hands and my head wrapped around that attitude! I know my quit date, I'm determined not to change it again, and I will succeed! I actually don't even think of my monthly milestones, they come and go, but I love recognizing and celebrating other milestones and birthdays, if they can do it, so can I! And when I reach 1 year, everyone will know it lol

              Even though we are on different paths, we are all on this road together, and that's what really matters! Have a great day my friend!
              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                Congratulations on 5 months AF (and quite a bit of AF time before that!), Miss Mossy :hug:. I didn't realize it had been that long.

                You've had (and are currently experiencing) some huge life stresses during that time and yet... you haven't chosen to drink :smile:! I know there have been times that you've really wanted to take that tried and true road to oblivion and not have to deal with it all but you've found other ways to cope. Last night I was exhausted from a tough week during which I was pretty much constantly stressed and while I didn't crave alcohol at all (in fact, it sounded gross), I really wanted to "check out" and I was fully aware of how easily I could do that with a bottle of wine.

                I thought about you and it helped me think of different ways to achieve much of the desired effect - I went with a hot bath and then a hypnosis app which you had told me about. This resulted in 10 hours of much-needed sleep (and waking up refreshed instead of miserable)! So, I appreciate your kind words about me but I hope you know, you're helping me, too. We're all helping one another simply by showing up here and telling our stories. For me, it has made a huge difference not to feel like I was the "only one".

                Let's keep sticking together. xx, NS


                  Congratulations on the 5 months. You are going through some really hard times. I'm so glad you are here and kicking al's butt to the curb. You are a wonderful example of how this is done.
                  No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                    Great posts, Moss. Congratulations on your AF time! I'm a counter too. I have truly appreciated your posts recently. Long AF life to you!
                    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                    AF 11/12/11


                      MR - huge congratulations on five months AF. This thread has had me smiling from ear to ear and tearing up from the heartfelt support, love and teamwork! We are making it work, learning and, for me, being energized by the power here. Thank you for sharing your story. Way to go.
                      Mary Lou

                      A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                        Mossy - my sentiments exactly as Marylou said.... I just read this post and it made my day.
                        Congratulations on saving your life and inspiring others to do the same. There are some true angels here!!
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem



                          Congratulations on your 5 + months AF!! I am so happy for you and so proud that you have remained AF through some of the worst times in your life!! Thank you for being such a motivating member to people here who are struggling. Hope we can chat through PMs in the new year, and Happy AF New Year to you!!:thumbsup:




                            It is so nice to see so many lovely responses from friends, old and new. Thank you. It's a new year, and I just have a feeling it is going to be a good one. I can only hope that those here continue on their path of sobriety into 2015 and far beyond, and those who haven't yet taken the first step, I pray you find the strength to make the commitment. Your life is waiting.
                            Everything is going to be amazing

