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i need help

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    i need help

    hi im not quite starting out, i been tryin to find the way to make the dessisionto stop, or at least cut down... any suggestions. its my b day to day an i am already havin a can!! i need to stop its got ridiculous i need some help xx
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

    i need help

    how much is 2 much

    i know that i drink 2 much, my bf likes beer after work, he has no idea the amount i drink, he buys 16 beers most nites, i hide at least 4 away 4 the morning b4 work, i have been doin this 1 yr, brandy is my weakness i drink 35cl no prob in my cofeee no prob then drink the beers 2 , what can i do to break this shitty cycle, if i dont have a drink b4 work i dont want 2 go, i sweat an shake as a waitress not a good idea,
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


      i need help

      Rachel Hi & Welcome ....

      Happy Birthday ......

      Last year I started drinking before work too .... My hubby drinks after work and can control it but I cant ....(or should I say couldn't)

      I started off by being honest with my family and asking them to help. Reduce it gradually .....But stay positive, and please keep us posted .....
      Have one less can everyday .... You CAN do this ....

      Love & Hugs, BB xx


        i need help

        Hi Rachel,

        Happy Birthday!!!

        Haven't had much success AF - but this site is very helpful, so keep coming back, and good luck.



          i need help

          Hello and welcome and Happy B'day.

          I'm quite new here too but not new to trying to stop this awful cycle. I have been AF many times, only to fall back into it. It's horrible. Especially when you have to drink to stop the shaking. Ughh. If you want to stop cold turkey be sure to do it with a doctor's help (i.e. medication) or else it could be dangerous (and much harder than it needs to be). You didn't say how long you have been drinking but if you are drinking in the morning and to calm your shakes, you are physically dependent now, not just psychologically-- that's why stopping cold turkey is dangerous, because you can get hallucinations and siezures. (believe me, I've been through it several times). You need a medication like valium, ativan (an anti-anxiety and anti-convulsive medicine) or others to ease your withdrawal symptoms (like shaking, anxiety, profuse sweating, sleeplessness) and to protect you from siezures. Some doctors use tegretol (an epileptic medicine that is also calming). Get some and stop drinking. Then try the MWO program which really works for so many people (I don't know yet because I just ordered the books, but you can tell it works from the people on this website).

          I am now AF for 2 weeks after my last relapse and hope this will last forever. Although it is sometimes difficult, life is better sober, no doubt about it. And if you take the supps, get medication like topomax or campral, it is so much easier to stay sober and to enjoy it. You can do it. I promise. You have to do it, also, because otherwise you are killing yourself as alcohol can kill and injure you in many ways. If you really want to stop you can do it with the help of others that have done it and are doing it on this website. Please ask me anything-- I am an old veteran of the stop-and-start-again cycle and have picked up lots of info along the way.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            i need help


            Happy birthday.
            The best present you can give yourself is to stop the cycle. You know this already.

            I would suggest first that you cut out the hard stuff, the brandy. Right away. Don't increase the beer to compensate but like Betty said cut out 1 can every day. That will wean your body off slowly.

            Get the book, it may help you make the decision.

            Once you make the decision you need to be honest with your boyfriend. Why have that added stress in your life, of a dishonest relationship? It will only make the process more difficult. He may be very supportive.

            You will find tons of support here.

            If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


              i need help

              Happy birthday! Could you go to the store on this site and buy the starter pack (vitamins) and book and cd combo for yourself for a birthday present? You deserve it! Hopefully, they could all help you cut down while you seek medical help to stop. Welcome to the site, keep us posted.
              Hey Beattle, good job on the 2 weeks!


                i need help

                Welcome Rachael. I hope that you find the answers that you are looking for. I have been on here for over a week now and have found a lot of wonderful people here. We are all trying to work on the same issues, but everyone's differs a bit. But by being honest with yourself (as you are) you are already on your way.

                Good Luck:bday7: :bday3: :bday2: :bday1:
                Here we go again.

                AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009


                  i need help

                  Hi rach, good to see you on the boards.
                  HAPPY BIRTHDAY

                  DITO Get the book, and get with the program. It will help and there are some really great people here to talk with.

                  God Bless
                  What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                  ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                    i need help

                    happy birthday....a can of what? ....I drink cans too and everyone else seems to be a wine drinker.....! Nice to know im not the only can drinker ...anyway ,hope you have a faboulous day!


                      i need help

                      Rachel, first only you can make that decision as to whether you're going to stop, cut down or continue as you are doing. I think we can all relate to a moment or something happening when we said to ourselves - "enough is enough, I can't go on like this, I need to do something". Mine - well, just before I stopped I woke up with severe stomach cramps one morning which lasted all day, really scary! This was not long after I had been treated for a urine infection. I would also wake up in the middle of the night with terrible panic attacks about my health. I just knew I couldn't go on like that. Once you've made that decision, then like rottrod and biker said, get the book and read as much as you can about the programme. Visit your GP and decide whether you are going to take the meds. Even if you don't, you will still need the vitamins and supplements. They are so important for helping our bodies recover. The best motivation I got was coming on here daily, sometimes a few times a day. Make that decision Rachel, take action and you will feel amazing just doing something positive to get you out of that dark place we have all been. Take care Rachel and I hope we see you on "Starting out" regularly. Best wishes Janice
                      AF since 9 May 2012
                      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                        i need help

                        Happy Birthday Rachel:

                        Looks like you've given yourself thebest gift of all just by coming here and opening up. Do try to read the book, it's got a lot of great info. Keep looking around these boards too. There are so many people here from all over the world who know what you are going through and will be able to help and support you through this journey to get you your life back. Again, hope you find much happiness on this special day and welcome to MWO!!!!
                        Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                          i need help

                          Rachel, Happy birthday and welcome. Big congrads for having the presence of mind to come here. I'd echo what Beatle careful and please seek a doctors help with the withdrawals if you can. If you think you can safely go it alone probably do so on Friday so by Monday you'll have the worst behind you. Take care and keep us posted.

                          ps..and read RJ's book when you can!!
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            i need help

                            thanks to u all 4 your responses, it is so different to b able 2 talk openly about the demon drink, i got thru a birthday without crying, shouting, bein shouted at or passing out wahooo!! i did sneak a bottle a brandy after workk 2 pm!! i did decide that will b the last 1 i know its liver rot guff, i dont even get drunk on it no more it just eats me insides, thats the 1st b day i enjoyed, i went in the sun an dug mountains of mud an sorted me veggie patch out. i started weeks ago but my bf an i had huge bust up an i went on piss 4 weks an hD NO DESIRE 2 DO ANYTHING, i think hes realised more the depth of our problemsDRINK,
                            :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                              i need help

                              i hope i am not droning on to much, i have been a drinker since 13 b day!! sherry cider an cherryade 2 make it taste nice , movin on to vodka ltr at time, ive also always had anphetamine in my life, that i think i can control untill now, it gives me the kick i need to motivate myself 4 going scrubbin other peoples houses, an generally to make me feel better after a binge, untill i cum down,it really is a nasty vicious cycle, i know tho that i can do it, ii met my lads dad at 16 an he was a raging piss head an a nasty 1, i gave up drink an drugs when i got pregnant at 17 an stayed of 4 2 yrs in hope partner wud try 2, the beatings just hurt more cos i was sober!!! in ways bein sober gave me sum clarity of mind if it was nt for the fog of the anti depressants, i left an started social drinkin!!!!! i met another partner another real alchie, who also used to hit me i escaped that 1 an started to c my next door neighbour a junkie in recovery, he did really well on the drugs ut we started to drink A LOT to make up for his drug cravings, it wasent long b4 the temptation while we were drunk to buy sum coccaine! a yr lateri had another vice, we split 2 try sort r lives out, but living nxt door to a man who was my soul mate but knowing we were a bad mix on the drugs side broke my heart, it hurt so bad living nxt door an seeing him destroy himself an sleep wiv different girls broke me , my bro moved in an it gave me free reign to drink an pass out an drink an pass out, i didn want to c what was goin on, i bought myself bk from tht, got a new older wiser partner 3 yrs on an we r still togetherJUST its been rocky, he likes a beer 2 many probly but he has got control, hes a builder an its always been part of his life he prob is addicted but he can stop he just likes 2 c his mates in pub, he is just understanding my prob, an is on my case since he heard me open 5 beers b4 work at 10.30, i think he was discusted. IM DISCUSTED AS IM WRITING THIS i always seem to forget about those morning beers they dont count? x am i a right fuck up ? i think so.
                              :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

