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Dr said 'No to Topa!!

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    Dr said 'No to Topa!!

    Yeah, it has occured to me now that every time I go to any doctor for anything and they ask me what meds I'm on, then I have to fess up to the Naltrexone (outing my problem to more and more people is not so much fun). I didn't even go to my regular pharmacy to pick it up because I know my regular pharmacists too well and they are so chatty. I took that Rx to a different pharmacy w/a drive-thru so I can be in and out quick w/it where nobody knows me. LOL As far as embarassment goes, I guess Naltrexone is the worst because it is also prescribed to hard-core drug users (like heroin and I think vicadin, percocet, oxycontin, etc.). I can't do anything fun anymore!!! LOL (totally joking!) Anyway, so I guess I understand that.

    And, I didn't really think about needing to hide it from insurance, but I'm a SAHM right now and have never been in an occupation where this would be an issue. I suppose if I ever have to get private insurance, it will cause my rates to skyrocket, but I kinda look at it this way... if I had cancer, I wouldn't try to hide it from my insurance company and treat myself without the care of a doctor so my rates wouldn't go up. Its life-threatening and that's what my insurance is there for I figure. Well, maybe not in every case here, but my drinking was very life threatening because I was not only finding myself incapable of controlling my drinking, but also driving while drunk (so drunk I don't remember driving home). I know, that is really bad. I never got a DUI or had an accident, but I was a ticking timebomb.

    And, yeah, after reading RJs book, I was second-guessing my decision and thinking maybe Topa would be better. She certainly does make it sound great. Logically, I just couldn't get past all the side-effects, though. Like I said, I would take it as a last resort. And, who knows, maybe the Naltrexone and others won't work for me either, and I'll end up w/Topa anyway. But, I just figured I'd try the easier drugs first.

    Man, I am chatty today... So, anyway, I guess it makes sense why people jump to Topa if they need the privacy and don't want to talk to their doctor about it. Of course, you can get the other meds (Campral or Naltrexone) online if you are doing everything online anyway.

    Oh, and on the issue of mod vs. af on any of the meds, I can't speak for the rest, but you can drink on Naltrexone. You won't feel buzzed so you might wonder what is the point, but you can drink. In fact, some studies say it works better if you do drink a little because then your brain has a chance to disassociate the buzzed/high/good feeling from alcohol. In my case, I like this about Naltrexone because it means I can go to a party and sip a drink (don't have to be self conscious about being the only one not drinking), enjoy the taste, but stop at just one or two because there's no buzz that I'm chasing. It does mean I am completely sober all the time, though, even if I am 'moderating' and that's something I'm still trying to get used to and probably need therapy to totally embrace. I think on Topa, you still enjoy the alcohol/buzz. I'm not sure, though. Its kind of a catch 22, though. I mean if you enjoy the alcohol, won't you want to drink more and therefore not moderate very well. I can moderate very well on Naltrexone, but don't really get to fully enjoy an alcoholic drink since I don't feel the effects of the alcohol.

    Anyway, I'm not saying one med is better than another. Just saying I think its worth it to look into all your options, especially if you are having trouble getting the med you want (whether it be Topa, Antabuse, etc.). Rather than just give up on meds alltogether, I think its worth looking into the other meds that are available. I think they probably all help.


      Dr said 'No to Topa!!

      Hi Jane

      I've been taking topa (ordered from aclepsca on line) for four months now without ANY problems whatsoever and with great success. Can only recommend you give it a try. It obviously isn't for everyone - but for those of us for whom it does work it really does make a difference.

      Like many of the others I just followed the full MWO program of Topa, supps, CDs etc for the first couple of months and have since adapted it to suit my own requirements. I am, for example, in the process of 'weaning' myself off topa - it's done the job, it's helped me beat a bad drinking pattern that I'd developed over a couple of years and its nearly time to stand on my own two big flat feet!!!

      Good luck with what ever you decide.


