No - I could only see the consequences of being "outed." Would I lose my job? My friends? How could I maintain my reputation (which was crumbling but I was still too far into my addiction to see it at the time)? The thought of going public in my real life was beyond my comprehension. OMG...I work in education. It was unthinkable. And truthfully, I have seen people at work shoved out due to addiction problems. However, now that I'm sober, I realize that it wasn't their addiction that caused them to lose their career, it was their inability to admit that they needed help, and then take the steps to get it. They had the power all along, they just weren't ready
The moral of this story is that over the past 1-1/2 years, I have become more open in my real life. It took a long time, and I don't expect or advise anyone to do this at the beginning. However, it was my worst, unfounded fear. It paralyzed me. It kept me from seeking help. I still don't walk up to someone and say, "Hey, guess what - I'm an alcoholic." That would be silly and unproductive. However, I have been honest with a few close coworkers.
So yesterday, a woman I work with came up to me, and she was obviously nervous. I know her fairly well, but we don't discuss too many personal issues. Anyway, imagine my surprise when she confided about a serious problem with AL and her need to stop drinking. She is like many of us here...mother, daughter, friend...alcoholic. She had heard through the grapevine that I no longer drink and why, and she wanted to know more. We had a long talk. I recommended all the books. I told her about the supps. I told her she wasn't alone. But the best thing I did was tell her about MWO. For all I know she may be lurking right now, read this post, and recognize who I am. Yes, that could happen, but knowing that I may have helped one person find their way out of the prison of addiction is worth it. Fighting my fear, posting my story, taking that chance...yes, it was all worth it. I just couldn't see that in the beginning.
So join in. Tell us your story. Be honest. The future may hold some delightful surprises for you. It did for me.