My beautiful three year old son. The times i have been led in bed so hungover i can hardly move.. i can hear him crying for me, its half seven in the morning, i dont know how long hes been crying as ive just woke up with the fog in my head, dry mouth, feel sick, shaking. All i want is to go back to sleep. I try and put my head under the covers racked with guilt but the physical pain is overwhelming. Eventually i manage to stagger out of bed and open his door, he is so happy to see me and beaming smiles but i just want him to go back to sleep, i cant be bothered. Then i get back in bed and he runs into my room, hes happy for a few minutes running around my bedroom whilst i lie there shaking and feeling sick with my head screaming. Soon hes had enough and he wants to go downstairs... he starts pulling clothes out of my wardrobe and throwing them at me in the bed shouting for me to get dressed, i lie with my head under the pillow screaming at myself even becoming angry at him because he wont leave me alone............ how on earth is this his fault??? why am i angry at him??? im angry at myself but at the moment im shaking so bad i just want him to go away. This carries on and then the guilt lands... massive, so bad i can hardly breathe. I pick him up and hes happy, smiling up at me, sitting on my knee babbling away. the guilt is so bad it hurts and i hug him hard telling him im sorry over and over again. Telling him it will change over and over.... he doesn't understand he's only three. He doesn't know that the stink coming from mummy is two bottles of red wine the night before. He doesnt understand why mummy has puffy eyes, a puffy face, dark red lips and is shaking as she hugs him. He loves mummy anyway and yet this is how mummy treats him.
Im going to have to stop there for now....... I cant stop crying. I need to do this. Thankyou to anyone taking the time to read. I will add when i feel better.