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Glad I found this forum!

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    Glad I found this forum!

    I've been doggedly researching Baclofen treatment for my alcoholism for the last two months. As many of you are aware, information is thin on the ground for this criminally overlooked drug. There is of course the hugely inspiring book by Dr Olivier Amiesen 'End of My Addiction', those articles from the Guardian and Time and... that's about it. What I needed was testimony and advice from fellow sufferers as I begin my Baclofen journey - which I started with careful triation about three weeks ago.

    This forum is the jewel I've been seeking and I'm very much enjoying reading all the helpful friendly advice I've discovered so far.

    Hi Hudstar and welcome. I'm glad you found us. I have no personal experience with Baclofen, but I do follow the current research. There is an entire section on MWO dedicated to using meds to battle addiction. If you scroll down a bit, you will see an area titled Medication Research and Support. I read there often, and have learned a lot. Please check it out. Many of your questions can be answered by the people there who have experience with taking Baclofen.

    Joining MWO was a great decision. If you tell us a bit more about yourself and your story, perhaps we can be more helpful and thoughtful with our advice. We are good listeners. Best wishes to you.
    Everything is going to be amazing


      Welcome Hudstar and I wish you lots of support in this new phase of your life

