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The ABCD method

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    The ABCD method

    This is a tool I've found really helpful for examining, challenging and changing AV thoughts for the last few weeks. I find that it gives me space and distance to really be aware of what's happening in my thought process. When the AV is strong, it's easy to go through A,B and C in a second and get stuck there. But D gives me a fighting chance to move beyond that.

    It's important to rate your level of whatever before and after. I've used anxiety, but you can call it craving, AV, whatever you like.

    I've posted an example in the hope that it'll be of use to others.


    Originally posted by mollyka
    HOW VERY TRUE!!! love that Shams ---- and very important tool in the early days --- ALSO --- one of my VERY best tools ------- the word NO ---when I was uncomfortable being asked somewhere or to do something --- MY sobriety came first ---- if other's didn't understand - tough --- I was taught in rehab to be completely selfish with my sobriety -- hubby took a while to grasp it --- but god yeah --- the people that matter around me - they LOVE the sober me --- so they now bow to my judgement if I consider something is out of the comfort zone --- thankfully these days nothing really is ---- boredom --- god yes --- but that's okay (occasionally ;-) )
    No...the word that's so hard to use, but so bloody important!

