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Hi I'm new to the site today

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    Hi I'm new to the site today


    I just registered on this site today and wanted to say hello and tell you a little about myself. I am in my forties and have recently quit my job to be a stay-at-home mom - although my kids are no longer tiny babies. I thought quitting my stressful and unhappy job would curtail my drinking habit but it is creeping back up on me again. I am a liter and a half wine drinker who can no longer get a buzz from beer. I am sure that people I worked with knew that I drank but so many of them did too that I convinced myself it was normal. My parents always had lots of friends over when I was growing up and they all drank and seemed to be having the best time. I'm so painfully shy and full of self-doubt and drinking alcohol makes me feel like I can function in a social setting but really it just isolates me more because I'm always trying to sneak another drink - always topping off my drink so no one can count them. I feel isolated from all of my husband's and my old friends because I think they know about my problem and I'm embarrassed. My husband and I drank a lot while dating and then during our marriage but he has cut back tremendously. I keep thinking I'll mysteriously quit. I've suffered from depression my whole life and the alcohol makes me feel "happy" and "brave", but then the next day I feel more depressed. What I've never understood is that I drink when I've had a particularly successful day and not when I'm feeling down. More than anything I feel like I live in a cycle of self-sabotage and alcohol is one of my favorite weapons. I'm suffering from a bottle of wine and two strong bourbon and cokes (what I drink when I run out of wine) today. I want to abstain from alcohol altogether, but I never make it more than three days. I'm sorry this is so long but I needed to get it off my chest. I would appreciate any advice from anyone! Tell me what has worked for you. I feel so alone with this terrible "secret". Thanks.

    Hi I'm new to the site today

    First of all-- you are so not alone. I see myself in most of your story and I'm sure many many others do to. If you want to take charge and kick this problem's ass, this is a great place to start and keep coming to for advice and unconditional support. So many other people are struggling and have struggled with this for years and years. You've taken the first step. Let us be your partner to help you through. Let's get through it together.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Hi I'm new to the site today

      Kay M, a big welcome and thanks for sharing. Don't apologize for posting...that's why we're all here
      sounds like my story you've told. depression, socialy withdrawn and anxiety issues. Alcoholl works for a while then backfires on all counts as you relate. I found that I had to really hurt myself a few times with bad/destructive bouts of drinking/depression cycles to wake up and realize I needed to get some resources. I got help with Campral for cravings and Citalopram for depression, but the biggest change came from myself just being really ready to endure the pain and discomfort of big changes in my lifestyle. Gritting my teeth at dinner parties while others had wine and I declined...but it does get better. and better as you develop good coping skills. Strongly recommend you download and read RJ's MWO book as it's very insightful. and keep posting and asking questions! congrads on being here.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Hi I'm new to the site today

        Kay, your story is so familiar. You've taken the first step by coming on here, its a great place to be. Read as many posts as you can, read about the programme, read the book, get the vits and supps, the cds, and get yourself motivated to make a change. We are all here for you. Janicexxx
        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          Hi I'm new to the site today

          Oh my gosh....I can't believe you all replied so quickly. I was so surprised that tears welled up in my eyes and I just started crying. Someone heard me. Thank you thank you thank you!


            Hi I'm new to the site today

            Welcome Kay!
            Buy the book, take the supps, read the posts, you have found a wonderful site for help!
            AF since 7/5/2009


              Hi I'm new to the site today

              :welcome: Kay,

              All of us have so many of the same struggles. You will find lots of support from people here....



                Hi I'm new to the site today

                :welcome: Kay,

                You will lots of people who identify with you here. Have you ever sought medical help regarding your depression? I've suffered terribly wiith it also all my life and I've offen wondered which came first, the drinking or the depression.

                It's a liitte bit like the chicken and the egg riddle I think, and even though I don't know which came first I do know they feed each other.

                I've found antidepressants really useful because they do lift the black cloud a bit.

                Anyway glad you found us, I'll see you around.

                Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                  Hi I'm new to the site today

                  Welcome, Welcome, Welcome
                  What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                  ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                    Hi I'm new to the site today

                    Kay Welcome and I can also relate to your story. I don't drink because I am depressed but drink because I am celebrating something..anything. Like I made it through the day.
                    Since coming here I have gotten a grip on that and feel much better about myself and you will too.
                    Keep posting and coming back. RJ's book is excellent.
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      Hi I'm new to the site today

                      Hi Kay and Welcome.
                      Hope you read a lot here everyday. It has helped give me strength and remind me why I'm not pouring another glass of wine.
                      This is tough at times so remember to be nice to yourself. And when you get discouraged...come here and ask for help...someone will be here for you.

                      Good luck-


                        Hi I'm new to the site today

                        Hi Kay, welcome


                          Hi I'm new to the site today

                          Well, i'd just like to say, i probably can't give you any advice, but there is a woman i know that i work with and i have smelled alcohol on her breath and i didn't judge her. People won't judge you like you think they are. Mostly, they will probably empathise with your situation.

                          I haven't quite gotten to the stage where i need to drink before work, but i am sure somebody smelled alcohol on my breath on Monday from the night before and i was really embarrassed.


                            Hi I'm new to the site today

                            Hi Kay,
                            Welcome to a wonderful place.


                              Hi I'm new to the site today

                              :welcome: this is the place to be. i am on AF day 7 as of midnight (that counts, right??) anyway, you have come to the right place. the people here provide uncoditional support and love :l everytime you need a little encouragement not to pic up the bottle or the next drink, just log on. we are here to help. get the books and the supps. i am on the topa, and the l-glut and a good multi vitamin to give my poor poor liver back what i have taken from it. best of luck!

