I just thought I would post this for anyone interested, anyone who may feel they have anxiety and depression. I personally never thought I did, until I checked off every answer as 'yes' on the initial quiz. Then, I really began to think about it. I got a program. It is called 'Attacking Anxiety and Depression' from the Midwest Centre. It is a 15 week course developed to tackle those thoughts and cycles that go on in our brains. It is an audio program, with accompanying workbook. It also has a relaxation cd that lasts about 10 minutes. I have only done that part sporadically. I write this, because before my final breaking point, I had been listening to this program and following the workbook. It was sort of opening my eyes to things about myself that I had never before been able to put a finger on......so many of the things they are talking about just hit home. Of course this program is not for everyone, nor is it geared towards alcohol (although they do have one week re. alcohol). However, I think a lot of us have these feelings and some of the feelings are why we turn to the bottle.
I thought I would put this up here. It is not a 'you must do this' kind of deal, it is just a mix of information as well as conversations with those who also use to have anx/dep. talking about there moments and feelings. It is sort of like this place, but just geared towards mentally overcoming some blockages that may keep us going back.
I can't post a link, as it is a file on my computer, but if you are interested and would like me to send it to you, please let me know, and I would be more than happy to. I would definately say, it is worth a try. Even before anything, just filling out the initial questionaires in the workbook....quite enlightening....as long as you are being honest with your feelings.
I can definately say, only having made it through 2 sessions, it has helped me get through this initial 5 days, and has helped calm my nerves a lot!! Furthermore, since 'getting' this program, I have slowly been trying to get myself out there, calling old friends, going shopping, leaving my house :P
This is no gimmick, I just seemed to have read a lot about people feeling anxious and what not. This is just my way of saying thanks, and anyone interested just let me know, I will send you the files. As this would be my first time sending them, we may suffer some glitches, but will definately try to work through them

I know this is wayyyyy off topic, but I just thought, since we are all starting out, this is one of the things that I have also been using...and not feeling open to anything in a very long time, this has really helped me get through some initial steps. I am only in the beginning of both programs, Anx/Dep as well as AF, but I am feeling pretty good. So I will continue with everything simultaneously and try to work through my own issues without the use of antidepressents. If it doesn't work, then I guess it is more serious than I thought, and then will go the doctor route.
I wish everyone the best of luck on their journeys...if you are interested you can either reply here or send me a message. Again, please don't take this as a selling thing, no gimmick, I just want all of us to have all the advantages and any sort of method of bettering ourselves
